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“I have a goal!” – A victim of domestic violence, a woman with disabilities, turned out to be the most caring and one of the most loving mothers in Georgia

calendar December 14, 2022

One call saves life!

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1 call - ₾2 GEL

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Nino calls this place “the palace”. When you have nowhere to go with your two-year-old son, a roof over your head is both a home and a fortress for you. No matter if this place is completely unsuitable for living. Nino, as if in a nightmare, recalls how she left home with a baby in her arms and lived in a shelter for victims of domestic violence for one year: “Not everyone gets the kind of family he dreams about. Dreams eventually cease to visit you, when you have only one thought in your head – how to feed your child.”

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“I have a goal!” – A victim of domestic violence, a woman with disabilities, turned out to be the most caring and one of the most loving mothers in Georgia

Nino calls this place “the palace”. When you have nowhere to go with your two-year-old son, a roof over your head is both a home and a fortress for you. No matter if this place is completely unsuitable for living. Nino, as if in a nightmare, recalls how she left home with a baby in her arms and lived in a shelter for victims of domestic violence for one year: “Not everyone gets the kind of family he dreams about. Dreams eventually cease to visit you, when you have only one thought in your head – how to feed your child.” 

Unfortunately, you can only stay in the shelter for one year.

 Unfortunately, there are a lot of women in our little Georgia who need shelter. Many of them have nowhere to run away with their children from their rapist husbands, and the shelter is the only chance for them to survive.
Nino: After a year spent in the shelter, I had to leave. Telavi district administration rented a room for me for 100 GEL. Conditions there were bad, but still it was possible to live there. But we had to move from there after a few months because the owner decided to sell the house. We found ourselves in the street. 

“Honey, I’ll move mountains for you”

– And then you found this building?
Nino: I would say that a very kind person found us and let us live here completely free of charge. He brought us all the necessary things – a bed, a stove, firewood. He supported us in this difficult moment. And I addressed you seeking for support. It is vital for me and my son now. 

“For homeless people like me, this building is a real palace”

“They gave us the necessities. We sleep on beds, not on ground, and this is a big deal.” 

“We have all the necessary utensils. They are old, cracked, but does it matter? The most important thing is that we have them”

What do you mean by “support”?
Nino: I want to get on my feet, I want to have my own little room where I will live quietly, in peace and love with my little son. Not like now. I don’t have anything of my own, not even a spoon. You probably think that it’s impossible to live like this, but for me these walls are more precious than a palace, and this food is like a delicacy. Do you know why? Because I feel safe here. I wish all women to find strength in themselves and leave from where they mock you.
– How do you manage to survive alone, with no means?
Nino: The conditions in which we survive are worse than in prison: 270 GEL per month for two.

How can a mother and son survive on 270 GEL per month?

– What help do you need first of all? 
Nino: I embarrassed to talk about all my problems, but they exist and are vital for my child. I have no appliances at home. Absolutely nothing! While it’s cold outside, the food won’t spoil. But I have no idea what to do in the summer. 
However, we can still survive without a refrigerator. The main problem right now is the beds and the TV. “What a TV?” – you’ll say. But, when everything is dull around, when there is no ray of hope, a TV would be a real salvation for both me and Duda! We will distract from all problems at least for a while. Besides that, we do not have enough food. I’m embarrassed to say, but sometimes I don’t eat it myself, if only Duda has enough food.

“Those brown eyes are the whole world for mom”

– What your income is enough for? 
Nino: We get a social allowance. It is 270 GEL in total. Tell me how to distribute this money so that there is enough for everything? It is clear, that in such conditions one can somehow survive, but not live. Child needs shoes, clothes, food. Starting next year, I would like to send him to a kindergarten – at least they will feed him well there. To be honest, I already have no nerves! I don’t know how to live! Someone will probably reproach me – they say, you are young, you could work yourself. I would be happy to have a job! But there’s nothing here. Where can I go to earn money? There is no one to leave the child with, and I have health problems. You see, I’m a cripple, I walk with a stick. I had an accident at the age of 16 and was left disabled after that. 

“I had an accident at the age of 16, since then I can hardly move. But for the sake of my son, I will take any job.”

– What does your child eat? What this money can be enough for?
Nino: Soups, pasta, buckwheat… Sometimes we don’t have enough money at all, so I take groceries on credit from the store. Or good people help us. God never leaves me alone. Even now I thought I would not manage to survive the winter, but your Fund appeared. This is such a huge hope for me! I know that you are from God!
– Maybe some of your relatives or friends help you?
Nino: My parents are no longer alive. May they rest in peace! I had a happy childhood, thanks to them for that. Now in the most difficult days I remember my carefree childhood. I want so much to leave such memories for Duda… But on no one helps us from the part of my ex-husband, no one needs us. 
– Did you address the authorities for help? 
Nino: Yes, I did. As I said before, the head of the administration (gamgebeli) of the village of Vanta sheltered us and equipped this room so that we could live here. They provide me help. But I’m not the only one in need in this country. 

The kindest Georgians will never leave Duda hungry

– In what do you see salvation? Do you believe in the kindness of people?
Nino: I believe indeed! There are a lot of kind and empathetic people living in Georgia. And I believe that your Fund and all kind people will help us.  You know, I read such heartbreaking stories on your Fund’s website! I cried! Compared to the troubles of some people, my problems seem not to be so global. Your Fund helps so many people! You can’t even imagine how grateful I am to you for not remaining indifferent to my problems. This gives me hope for a better future.

When Duda grows up, he will say: “Although my mother had no means, she made my childhood beautiful”

– Nino, tell us about your son. What does he like, what is he interested in?
Nino: Duda is an unusual boy. Sometimes he plays up, and I don’t even have toys to distract him, No TV to interest him, not even picture books.
– Tell me about your dreams.
Nino: I don’t have any dreams. Dreams are like… No one knows when they come true. I have a goal! My goal is to somehow improve my situation so that my son and I not only survive but live like people. So that I can give him some beautiful childhood memories. So that when he grows up, he said: “My mom didn’t have the means, but she made my childhood wonderful.” 
Friends, as you can see, Nino and her son Duda live in extreme poverty. We cannot remain indifferent and not help them! They need food, home appliances, beds, all household items, and clothes. Let’s help them, show our mercy, give them a chance to stand on their feet and live a normal life. 
Visit Nino, ask her about her needs, cheer her up, support her and tell her that they are not alone and we will not leave them in trouble! It’s extremely important!
If anyone is willing to visit and help her in person, here is her address: Telavi Municipality, village Vanta.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: Nino Zaalishvili)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270!  God bless you!

Jan 31, 2023
Feb 21, 2023
Feb 28, 2023
fund overhead
Mar 23, 2023
Apr 28, 2023
fund overhead
May 04, 2023
May 10, 2023
May 22, 2023
Jun 08, 2023

Total expenses:



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143 Donors


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