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“Only our love keeps us from going crazy.” A heartbreaking story about love and the fight against poverty, disease and death

calendar January 12, 2023

One call saves life!

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“There is such a Georgian proverb where one dead person asks the second to bring him to the grave – this is about me and my wife,” Akaki says and looks sadly at Dali. They cut off her leg due to diabetes, she is blind and feels unwell, and Akaki had an open heart surgery – bypass surgery after a heart attack, and his leg is broken. They operated on his leg two times, but his bone has not healed yet. They did not take the risk to operate on for the third time – they said his heart could not stand it. He barely hobbles on crutches, and his wife moves on a wheelchair, but she doesn’t even know where she can roll – she doesn’t see anything. They have no one but each other, and it’s hard to say which one of them suffers more.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“Only our love keeps us from going crazy.”
A heartbreaking story about love and the fight against poverty, disease and death


“There is such a Georgian proverb where one dead person asks the second to bring him to the grave – this is about me and my wife,” Akaki says and looks sadly at Dali. They cut off her leg due to diabetes, she is blind and feels unwell, and Akaki had an open heart surgery – bypass surgery after a heart attack, and his leg is broken. They operated on his leg two times, but his bone has not healed yet. They did not take the risk to operate on for the third time – they said his heart could not stand it. He barely hobbles on crutches, and his wife moves on a wheelchair, but she doesn’t even know where she can roll – she doesn’t see anything. They have no one but each other, and it’s hard to say which one of them suffers more. 

– I am just wondering how you manage to survive. How do you manage not to give up?
Akaki: What else is left? We will not lay hands on ourselves, but there is a high probability that we will not survive this winter and will die either from hunger, or from cold, or from lack of medications. And not a single living soul will know about it, unless our neighbors, who sometimes visit us and bring food, miss us. We have not left the limits of our yard for so long that acquaintances from our past, good life probably think that we have died long ago. 

“No one will remember us if we die”

– Don’t you have any relatives?
Akaki: We don’t have children. We only have our love. We have been living together for more than 20 years, we have never argued. Everyone in the neighborhood was talking about our relationship. Probably only this feeling saves us, so as not to go crazy. I was visiting my relative in Racha and saw her there. I saw her and realized, I’ll take her with me. I didn’t think much. One week later I came to her and said – “beauty, come with me, I want to marry you” – and she agreed! You know, when you make that decision as an adult, it’s real. When it becomes hard for me to wash or cook, she starts crying and tells me: you are a handsome man, it does not matter that you had a heart attack and your leg was broken, get yourself a wife, I won’t mind. I will be happy if someone takes care of you”. She is so funny, my sweetheart. This is a real love. 

“When I saw her, I realized that I want to live with this woman all my life. Dali is still as beautiful to me as she was 20 years ago.”

– And what is your response?
Akaki: what can I say? She never deserved this from me – neither when I was young, nor now!
– How did you live before? 
Akaki: I worked as a miner, was a mechanic, a carpenter. As my friends said – I had golden hands. Later, when I lost my job, I was not ashamed of any work – cleaning someone’s yard, chopping firewood, plowing the garden. I charged a little, but there was always enough for bread and utilities. 4 years ago, Dali developed gangrene, but she did not tell me, she endured, until the leg rotted to the knee. She did not want to upset me – she knew I had a sick heart. She lost consciousness from pain, I called an ambulance, and they took her to the hospital and did not let her out from there. They said that if they didn’t amputate her leg, she would die. After that she had stroke, and she went blind. It was hard for me to take care of her. My heart could not bear seeing her suffering and I had a heart attack. I had a heart bypass. They prescribed me tons of pills. And then I broke my leg. I slipped and broke it.

“Let’s get some air since today we are still alive”

– As if all the troubles of the world have gathered all together in your house!
Akaki: Even this house is not ours. Now we don’t have anything of our own. We sold everything we had for treatment and medications. Now we only receive disability pension – 140 per person. What can it be enough for? The doctor prescribed such medicines for me and Dali, that, according to him, they are more important than air. If we miss to take them even once, we may develop irreversible processes. But our pension is not enough even for medications. And we also must pay for electricity and water. If you don’t pay for it – they will come immediately to cut it off. They are not even interested – maybe someone is on his deathbed … I have long given up everything. I know that the state does not care about ordinary citizens. We don’t have firewood, I beg them to help us with firewood – we will simply freeze without it. They treat me as if I didn’t serve my homeland and fell from space – I’m a stranger here, no one hears me, no one cares in what agony we will die.

“No one is immune from the blows of fate”

– What can we do for you?
Akaki: if you can convey our words so that they hear them, so that they give us what is due to us, we will be grateful! Dali does not have a wheelchair, our neighbor lent it to us for a while, and now he is asking for it back, but my Dali cannot move around in any other way, and I can no longer carry her in my arms – I am also disabled. Most of all we need food, medications, and firewood. And a washing machine. Can you imagine how hard it is for us to make laundry? It’s better not even imagine that. 
– Maybe there is anything else you need?
Akaki: It is up to you. I have already told you about the vital things. We really need a wheelchair, a washing machine, maybe some small fridge. We don’t have a TV either, but we did without it and can do without it. Food and medications. You know, I made calculations. My wife and I need 300 GEL per person per month to survive and buy only medications and food and pay bills. But we have only 140! If not for our neighbors, we would have died a long ago. Or maybe they have adopted some law in our country to get rid of people like us slowly and painfully? We are the living dead, we are an extra burden for the state!
* * *
There are no special days for good, it is a year-round and round-the-clock concept. When we encounter such people who cannot survive without our help, we should thank the Lord that He has sent them to us so that we can take care of our souls. Ask yourself, have you heard a scarier story? Could you imagine that people can “LIVE” like this? 
If anyone is willing to visit and help them in person, here is their address: Tskaltubo Municipality, village Banoja.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 
We are sure that all together we will manage to save Akaki and Dali from imminent death. They have no one but us.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: The Kakhidze family).
You can also transfer money from our website:
TBC Bank (GeoPay), Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and PayBox(OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on 
Even if you dial once this special number 0901200270 it might save someone’s life!
 God bless you! 

Mar 01, 2023
Mar 31, 2023
fund overhead
Jun 08, 2023

Total expenses:



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