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9-year-old beauty Barbara has one leg shorter than the other by 16 centimeters! The girl does not want to be in a wheelchair! She wants to run like other children! Give the little girl a chance for a full life – help her have an operation!  

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Push to play


We are announcing an urgent donation for the rehabilitation of 14-year-old seriously ill Lamara! The girl asks to relieve her of unbearable pain! Scoliosis puts pressure on the lungs and can suffocate the child!

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Push to play


SOS! SOS! SOS! A family with eight children found themselves homeless after their house’s roof collapsed. They have nowhere to go and urgently need money for the treatment of their seriously ill son and daughter.

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Shots that are impossible to watch without tears! Levan needs an expensive operation to get back on his feet

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Because of his illness, 5-year-old little Saba is losing his ability to walk each day and has to crawl on his knees. Saba’s father isn’t around— he abandoned the family and their suffering child!

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“Give life” – these words are written on the bracelet of a child lying in a ward, and he extends this hand to visitors, and asks for help with his eyes. Do not pass by, friends! Feel the gaze of the unfortunate in your soul!

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The dream is the last one to die! And 33-year-old Zakro believes with all his heart that we will help him get back on his feet! After all, he swore to his little daughter and elderly mother that he would take care of them!!!

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Push to play


Watching her only son suffer for thirty-two years is the hardest sentence for a loving mother!

I want to help

Push to play


Help your neighbor and get closer to God!

I want to help

If you’re hungry too, take a bite! Take it, take it! I’ve already had my crusty bite. And if you’re not hungry, pass it on to other hungry babies. It’s so bad when babies’ tummies rumble and ache….

Help your neighbor and get closer to God!


Friend, reach out to those near you, and the Lord will surely see your soul. He is faithful and will never abandon you in difficult times. These are not just words! The proof of this is everything I have received as a gift from God: money, power, and fame in the largest European country – Ukraine, where I spent 20 years working with homeless people. Now I have moved to Georgia – the only country in the world that I fell in love with back in my student days! Here, I got married, had three children, and built a beautiful home!

Leonid Chernovetskyi

The founder of the Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

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spent on charity


lives saved

I want to help

How can I make the Donation?

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Select the amount:

Payment method:


TBC Bank/TBCpay, Bank of Georgia/ExpressPay, OPPA Terminals (PayBox) 24 hours, all around Georgia (minimal transfer – 1 GEL).

Select “Other”/”Charity” section and then select
“The Chernovetskyi Fund”

You can save someone’s life and get closer to God! Send SMS to number 97100

For calls:

Phone number:


Price (Keep in mind):

1 call – ₾2 GEL

Mobile providers:

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The Lives Of These Poor People Continue, Dear Friends! They Constantly Need Help!

Want to see how your donations have made a difference? Check out the stories of those you’ve already helped! But let’s not forget for a moment, friends, that the lives of these unfortunate children and elderly continue. Today, thanks to your generosity, they are the happiest people in the world. But what about tomorrow, or in a week or a month? Unfortunately, life for poor people in post-Soviet countries is only getting worse, and they need constant help. So, when you pray, remember them! And may your noble hand never run out of generosity!”

Each story is a testament to the power of compassion and helping others. Most importantly, it paves a direct and joyful path to God for the benefactor, which is the main goal of the Fund! What matters to him is not money, but your compassionate heart!

Unfortunately, in Georgia, as in other post-Soviet countries, hundreds of thousands of people—children, the elderly, the sick, the disabled—suffer horrifying hardships. Lord, help! The suffering of these unfortunate souls is boundless! Of course, it is impossible to help everyone. This is not our goal or responsibility, but rather that of the authorities elected by the citizens of Georgia. However, in particularly difficult situations, we are always there! And we rush, rush to help! We have learned to empathize with others’ pain and strive to share this pain with God-fearing people. Our goal is to bring as many people as possible to God! Our founder, a deeply religious person, has lived a challenging life and believes that a person can gain God’s attention and receive His mercy and generosity only by helping strangers. Not just parents, children, and friends, but complete strangers, expecting nothing in return! “If you helped your neighbor, you helped Me!”

They need your help urgently!

Fund Projects

Open your heart to others – learn more about our projects.

Children’s wishes

Make the dreams of little dreamers come true

We are the little citizens of Georgia. We are the children of Georgia and we want to live like children, to eat like children, to have tasty treats sometimes, to play with toys, to ride roller skates and bicycles, and to go to school not in rags, but like all other Georgian children. We are good! It’s true! And when we grow up, we will help you too, kind people. Most importantly, we will help Georgia rise from its knees and become a European country! We will study and work hard, becoming the pride of Georgia! The richest and most successful people in the world often come from poor families. Friends, look into the eyes of our children! And always remember in your prayers for Georgia that they are our future. They need constant help. Find among them those whom you can help survive and stand on their own feet! Today they will be happy with your gifts! But tomorrow they will once again have nothing to eat and nothing to wear to school or to visit friends. They grow up just like your children! And we simply cannot leave them alone with a difficult fate! We guarantee that every single day you will feel like the happiest person in the world!

Fulfill a dream

Elderly wishes

The Lord is our witness to how we will deal with the old and the sick

Meet our mothers and grandmothers, dear friends! In our old age, we find ourselves sick, and our children either struggle with hunger themselves or have abandoned us to die. All we have left are our illnesses! The pain is unbearable—both in body and soul! But we still have hearts and souls, and we will pray for anyone who extends a helping hand to us! We’re enduring immense suffering, and it’s not our fault! We are closer to God than anyone you know, for He has promised to care for us in our old age through the kindness of others. Our prayers will be heard! Please help us, and may you be blessed!!!

Provide assistance

Wishes of sick people

Without our help, they will perish – this is no exaggeration

Our mission is to unite all of Georgia in supporting people suffering from terrible illnesses that they simply cannot overcome on their own. We carefully verify documents to ensure that help is truly needed. Fundraising is conducted honestly and transparently, with every tetri overseen by international auditors. We always report on every act of assistance, maintaining transparency and trust.

Save a life

Beneficiaries’ needs

Help those in need with items

On this page, you can find a list of items that those in need would consider a gift from God! Toys, furniture, and even linens don’t have to be new, but they should be clean and in good condition. Give from your generous and kind Georgian heart, so that the Lord may recognize your noble spirit!

Donate goods

Impact achieved

Day by day, year after year, we are creating a completely new model of honest and transparent charity in our beloved Georgia, to bring the Creator’s mercy to as many noble-hearted people as possible. Help those in need, and may all of God’s blessings be with you, friends! May you be wealthy, happy, and as kind as you are today! Our beneficiaries send you their heartfelt prayers every single day. And the Lord Himself surely knows your names and needs!

147 761

benefactors have trusted us


were spent on charity


Chernovetskyi Fund started working in Georgia

How to contact us quickly?

Get in touch

We are ready to answer all your questions and support any initiative that will benefit the Fund, your company, the community, and children. call or email us.

We are here to help!


They need your help, and very, very urgently!


Ill children

9-year-old beauty Barbara has one leg shorter than the other by 16 centimeters! The girl does not want to be in a wheelchair! She wants to run like other children! Give the little girl a chance for a full life – help her have an operation!  



17 Supporters

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Ill children

We are announcing an urgent donation for the rehabilitation of 14-year-old seriously ill Lamara! The girl asks to relieve her of unbearable pain! Scoliosis puts pressure on the lungs and can suffocate the child!



52 Supporters

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Large families

SOS! SOS! SOS! A family with eight children found themselves homeless after their house’s roof collapsed. They have nowhere to go and urgently need money for the treatment of their seriously ill son and daughter.



176 Supporters

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Fund’s good news


Friends, we congratulate you on the Day of Charity! 

With us Always be calm about any donation! Our work, down to the cent, is controlled by the most expensive and famous auditing companies in the world!

Read news

01 – 05


The little beneficiaries of the Fund found themselves in a wonderland

If up until now, the little beneficiaries of the Fund thought that the kind heroes of fairy tales existed only in books and cartoons, they now know that these heroes exist in real life.

Read news

02 – 05


A Fairy Tale for Nini: How the GrownUp Private Event Club Made a Dream Come True

Thank you to the GrownUp Private Event Club for their support and help in organizing such an important event.

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03 – 05


McDonald’s organized a holiday for the little wards of the Chernovetsky Foundation. The sadness in the eyes of the needy children was replaced by happy smiles

McDonald’s — a particularly favorite place for children. However, for children from a poor family, this is a dream, because in most cases, their parents do not even have the opportunity to buy food and medicine for their children.

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04 – 05


At our school, the main lesson is “kindness and compassion.”

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05 – 05


How to contact us quickly?

We will send you the most important news by e-mail

How to contact us quickly?

If you or your close ones need help, contact us! We genuinely help!

We are ready to answer all your questions and support any initiative that will benefit the Fund, your company, the community, and children, call or email us.

We are here to help!

    Thank you for your message.