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Doctors from different countries will study the phenomenon of longevity of patients with aggressive forms of cancer

Doctors from different countries will study the phenomenon of longevity of patients with aggressive forms of cancer

Doctors from eight cancer centers National Health Service of Great Britain (NHS) have teamed up with dozens of hospitals around the world to find out why some cancer patients respond “unusually well” to treatment and live significantly longer than others.

As the Guardian notes, a large-scale study has begun, during which scientists participating in the project will collect detailed biological information about 1,000 patients and their tumors, analyze DNA, blood protein, and molecular biomarkers.

Doctors hope to use the data they obtain to understand cancer’s “weak spots” and to try to develop new treatments for aggressive tumors to improve the treatment prospects for other patients.

The study will involve experts from more than 40 countries, and will also include people in the top 3% of the population who live longest with the disease.

“We will study patients with aggressive cancers who were given two or three years to live, and they are still living. The question to be answered is: is there something in the genetics of the tumor that makes it easier to fight cancer?”, – said the publication clinical oncologist at Cambridge University Hospital, Dr Thankamma Ajithkumar.

The data on “super survivors”, the publication writes, will be stored in an international database.