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Why Do We Crave Sweets More in Winter, and How Can We Enjoy Them Without Overindulging or Harming Our Health?

Why Do We Crave Sweets More in Winter, and How Can We Enjoy Them Without Overindulging or Harming Our Health?

The pleasure of eating sweets and the reactions occurring in the brain during this process are akin to the feelings we get from hugs, playing with pets, or listening to favorite music.

Why Sugar Can Be Harmful

Here’s how excessive sugar consumption can negatively impact us:

How to Curb Sugar Cravings

Doctors suggest first analyzing whether you’re truly hungry or experiencing emotional hunger. If you’re genuinely hungry, eat a balanced meal. If it’s emotional hunger, consider what emotions might be driving your desire for sweets.

And now the good news. Here are some effective tips to reduce sugar cravings:

Here are some options to satisfy your sweet tooth without harming your health:

How Much Sugar Can You Safely Consume Daily?

Doctors recommend that adults limit added sugar intake to less than 10% of their daily calorie consumption—this equals about 52 grams of added sugar (based on a 2,080-calorie diet).  Ideally, aim for 5%, equivalent to seven sugar cubes.

Added sugars are found in sweets, sauces, breakfast cereals, sweetened yogurts, sugary milk drinks, and certain sodas or juice-based beverages.  Reducing these should be your first step.