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That’s all because of Tekla!!!

calendar May 30, 2022

“Oh, how hard it is when your mom is sick! It’s all because of Tekla!” – says seven-year-old Luka and strokes his mother on the head. The mother of four children has been chained to bed for more than one year. Five-year-old Gvantsa, four-year-old Eva and one-year-old Tekla are sitting in bed with their mother.

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That’s all because of Tekla!!!


“Oh, how hard it is when your mom is sick! It’s all because of Tekla!” – says seven-year-old Luka and strokes his mother on the head. The mother of four children has been chained to bed for more than one year. Five-year-old Gvantsa, four-year-old Eva and one-year-old Tekla are sitting in bed with their mother. 

Here is Tekla – the “cause” of her mother’s illness

– Salome, how did you find yourself in such situation? Why does Luka blame his younger sister for your illness?

Salome: It happened so. When I was pregnant with my fourth child, everything went fine. But something went wrong during the labor, and I became unable to move my leg. Words cannot express what terrible pains I endured, what I had to go through… For a year and a half, I went through hell! I sometimes say that I know exactly what kind of torment awaits sinners in hell.

“I went through all the circles of hell… I howled and sobbed in pain”

– Why didn’t you get treated?

Salome: I was told that something happened to my leg, that it was incurable – a nerve got pinched. I took some pills that costed me a lot of money, but they did not really help. Then I gave up everything. I just screamed in pain without painkillers, I scared the children. And just recently it turned out that the problem was not at all in the leg, but in the pinched nerve in the spine. I could not walk because of that. We prepared all the necessary documents, and the state financed my surgery. I was told to stay in bed for a month, and then it should become easier. Maybe I will need one more surgery and rehab. I do not know yet. Let’s see what the doctors say in a month.

“Just don’t cry, mom, I’ll kiss you all over”

– How are you now? Is there any relief?

Salome: The difference is just huge! Of course, there is a relief! But I still can’t move. I need to lie down, not move. But how can you stay without moving with four children? When they plop down on me! We also do not have beds at home, and the children sleep with me and with their father. 

Luka (7-year-old): I don’t plop down on you! It’s the girls who don’t understand that they hurt mom! They are completely disobedient!

– Are you the most obedient?

Luka: Yes, and the most adult! I take care of my mother. I bring her water. If I had meat, I would cook chakapuli for her! Or fried chicken! 

– Are you good at cooking?

Luka: Sure! Haven’t tried it yet, but I think I can cook!

“I can do everything. I can light the stove so that my mother is not cold.

“I’ll bring water and cook food”

– What are you good at?

Luka: I study well. My teacher Khatuna always says: “What a good boy you are, Luka.” And I want to study even better. But I don’t have a desk. It’s a problem.

– What else you don’t have?

Luka: Lots of things! For instance, there was such a heavy wind recently that the school roof got just blown off! It almost hit me! And now I can’t go to school. Today I even cried – I wanted to go to school so much.

“If only my school was repaired in time – it’s very boring staying at home”

– Isn’t it better to stay at home?”

Luka: What are you talking about! These girls drive me mad! Tekla hid my slippers, Eva hit me. You can only talk to Gvantsa somehow. I love her sometimes. And I don’t like those little ones! What should you do at home? There isn’t even a TV here.

Tree made from pasta. It would be great to have such a tree in the yard!

Gvantsa (5-year-old): I also like kindergarten. I have blocks there. And I love drawing. I made a tree out of pasta.

“We have ugly toys at home, but beautiful ones in the kindergarten”

– Do you help your mom too?

Gvantsa: I help her a lot! I also give her water to drink. 

“The glass needs to be washed, but there is no water at home”

– Let’s ask your mom, who helps her the most?

Salome: Children support me, and my husband helps me. He became my arms and legs. I don’t know what would have I done without him! He cooks and looks after the children. I thank God for sending me such a person.

– Have you known each other for a long? How did you meet?

Salome: We met at our friends’ place in Tbilisi. We immediately realized that we would be together. Roin is 20 years older than me. I was 25, he was 45. But this did not prevent us from creating a strong family. He worked until I got ill, and now, when I became bedridden, he cannot leave me and the children. Our mother, my 82 years old mother-in-law, still lives with us. She also tries to look after me, but she is already old and needs help.

– Salome, is this your house? Don’t you have to pay rent?

Salome: Yes, it’s my husband’s house, but it is already quite dilapidated. The roof is leaking, and the wind is blowing through the windows. No water, no furniture. We sleep in three beds. Tekla sleeps with me, Luka sleeps with his father, and Gvantsa and Eva sleep with their grandmother.

“We have the most uncomfortable beds. Sometimes they collapse.”

– What do you need right now?

Salome: I do not ask for treatment, the state paid for my operation. I addressed you to make the life of my children better. We really need food, beds, a table, and chairs. It’s embarrassing to say what we’re sitting on. The school was going to throw away old metal chairs and we asked director to give those chairs to us. Children also need clothes and shoes. They just don’t have it!

– What your allowance is enough for?

Salome: We have 800 GEL for seven people. It sounds like a lot of money, but now everything has become so expensive! When you buy butter, you can’t afford sugar. We save on everything, if only we had bread at home. And we can’t afford anything else. 

Gvantsa: If we had money, I would buy thousand khinkalis. I won’t give them to anyone. Well, only to mom. 

Gvantsa likes her “doggy slippers”, but her mother says that she can’t go to kindergarten with them, because they are home slippers.

And Eva really wants a bed in which no one will push and kick her. And which will not creak

And little Tekla wants a doll, but a beautiful one, not like this one. She is scary and blinks with one eye in a terrible way.

Luka: And I will buy a cake, light candles on it and make a wish so that my mother will get well! So that she does not cry!

“Don’t cry, mom, we made a wish that you feel good! Here is water, have a drink!”

“Do you feel better?”

Gvantsa: Oh, I almost forgot! I need a TV!

Luka: Not only you need it. Everyone needs it! 

Eva (4-year-old): And I need a doll with a dress and a dress for Eva with balls!

Gvantsa: What do you mean? You need dress with balloons?

Eva: No, with flowers! A beautiful one!

When there are such angels and a faithful husband by you, you can go through hell


God, how many wonderful people live in Georgia!  How many beautiful and smart children dream of just being children like others! They need just toys and normal clothes, and their parents need to always be able to keep their children! That’s all!

If any of you can visit this family and get to know these charming people personally, know that you will not regret it! You will remember your acquaintance with this family for the rest of your life! Their address is: Gardabani Municipality, Akhali Samgori village, 53 Kazbegi street.

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 

We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death. 

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Tsiklauri family)

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, 

it might save someone’s life. 0901 200 270! God bless you! 

Jul 01, 2022
Jul 26, 2022
Jul 29, 2022
fund overhead
Oct 01, 2022

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently