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Doctors told me to prepare a grave for my baby, but he has been living for 13 years! Never give up! God has his plans!

calendar September 20, 2022

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Joseph (father): Of course, as a healthy man, I could go to Tbilisi or abroad to work and send money. But then my son will die! I know it for sure! He’s also with a soul, and he loves me very much! I feel it with all my heart… He won’t live a day without my care and love!

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Doctors told me to prepare a grave for my baby, but he has been living for 13 years! Never give up! God has his plans!

For Nikoloz’s parents his every breath is a gift!

Joseph (father): Of course, as a healthy man, I could go to Tbilisi or abroad to work and send money. But then my son will die! I know it for sure! He’s also with a soul, and he loves me very much! I feel it with all my heart… He won’t live a day without my care and love!

I wonder what Nikoloz would say to his father if he could speak? What games would he like to play – if he could move? What superhero would he want to be? What kind of fairy tales would he like? And what girl would he fall in love with … or who would he become when he grows up? Nikoloz is doomed. A disease like his is incurable. His parents no longer have any hope left. They fight with all their might so that he does not get worse.
Doctors said that he would not live even a year. But he lived! They said that he could not handle getting a cold – but he did it, he proved doctors wrong! Lord has other plans for Nikoloz. Maybe through his suffering He wants to bring us closer to Himself?
Joseph:I attended my wife during labor, it went well. I saw my baby boy first. But on the second day he became very ill. he turned yellow, the tests were bad. Bilirubin levels were abnormally high, 45 units are the norm – and Nikoloz had more than 600 units! For me it was a big blow. I remember those days, all my feelings and prayers, in which I turned to God to give me the strength to help my son. I cant even begin to explain how much my wife suffered…
– Tell me, honestly, you were not “offended” by God at that moment?
Joseph: You know, no! Everything is God-given, all the joys and experiences. It would be fair if we only accept good, and deny the bad and blame Him for it. Am I wrong? The fact that my Nikoloz is alive now – he is 13 years old – is also a gift from God. After all, when he was sent home from the hospital, we were told to prepare a grave because he wouldn’t survive!
How do you get by with a sick child?
Joseph: It is very difficult both financially and physically. I have been working at a gas station for 12 years, my salary is 500 GEL. Due to the fact that I have a salary and I am considered a “rich” person, we are not given the status of a socially unprotected family. My Nikoloz’s pension is 270 GEL.
 What can this money be used for?
Joseph: Nothing at all, keep in mind, that I pay off debts every month! For 13 years I have accumulated a lot of debts in the bank. I can’t kill my child, my own son, because I don’t have enough money. But I couldn’t tell the doctors: “You know what, I don’t have money, let’s not appoint an important operation for him, don’t prescribe expensive medicines.” My poor boy had to go through 3 surgeries. Recently, he needed to get his tonsils removed, but the doctor did not advise us to do anesthesia – he said he would not survive. He had to take medication. So a large amount has been accumulated over 13 years. And I pay 600 GEL per month for loans. and on the remaining 170 lari we are trying to survive. We need diapers, medicines and food. That’s all I dream about, if there was a cow, at least my son would be provided with dairy products…

His fragile bones can break easily

What do you need the most right now?
Joseph: You know, when a sick child is born, person doesn’t usually think what will happen next, how you will live on, the main thing you care about is to cure and try to save your child…. so I sold everything that I had and was left with nothing! And now the child needs food. I am always looking for work, but what kind of work in the countryside? And I simply have no right to leave my family and go somewhere in search of a job. Now, if I also received benefits with a salary, it would be like a breath of fresh air for me! Everything I need just for Nikoloz.

“Dad is with you, son, don’t be afraid of anything”

– What is his condition today?
Joseph: Look at him, he lies down all the time, he has the most severe form of cerebral palsy. He can’t even sit down. he only makes sounds. The only thing he can do on his own is eat. And do not think that he eats everything that you give him. The only thing he enjoys is food.
– How does he let you know when he likes something or when he is unhappy? Does he express emotions?
Joseph: Yes! You know, he can explain everything with one “oooo” sound. If he wants hugs, he shouts his “oooo” in one intonation, if he wants to lie down alone so that he is not touched, the “oooo” sounds different. we have already learned to tell them apart. when I come home from work after a night shift, he understands by the sound of the door that it’s me, and you should hear how joyfully he screams for me to come and kiss him, oh my poor baby!..

Don’t think that since Nikoloz is ill, he doesn’t feel anything. This is how he smiles when he sees his dad.

“Hey, dad where did you go? I can’t see you”

Friends, the Chernovetsky Charitable Foundation is launching an action: to help Nikoloz Martadze. As you know, the Fund does not stop at one-time assistance. After all, we must live as it should be the proudest nation on earth – the Georgians!
To survive, Nikoloz urgently needs food, hygiene products, medicine and diapers. If you manage to gift Nikoloz’s family a cow so that he can be provided with dairy products, you will simply make a miracle come true! Help them survive, imagine that they are your loved ones, that this little sick boy is your own flesh and blood.
And also – cheer up this father-hero, support him, tell him that he is not alone and that we will not leave his beloved Nikoloz in trouble! It is very important!
You can also personally get acquainted with them, provide them with all possible assistance, and God bless you! And reward you! Here is their Address: Zestafoni, Kveda Sazano Village.
Every time you can help someone, just do it and be happy that God is answering someone’s prayers through you!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!
Friends, thanks again to each of you!
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: Nikoloz Martadze)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
Now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

You gave joy to my dear son! It’s worth a lot!


Iosif: “You have given my son so much love! This is his medicine”

When Daddy and Mommy shine, Nikoloz is happy. And daddy Iosif can move mountains, he has so much energy. He’s all glowing with happiness. Even strong men need support when their only child is incurably ill and huge amounts of money are needed to save him. Daddy Iosif could only think about debt before, about lack of diapers and medications, about having no water at home. These thoughts made him fall into despair.

In six months you managed to change  their life a lot. It is impossible to cure our wonderful boy Nikoloz, but now there are conditions at home to care for him, and the family has regained a forgotten joy and hope.

The dearest person in the world – Daddy’s favorite son! Iosif now thinks and lives with hope

– Iosif, how is our boy now?

Iosif: As if he is in God’s pocket! Quiet and comfortable. When he needs diapers – I change him, when he needs a bath – no problem, he takes medications on schedule, when he wants treats – here you are. He likes this kind of life, and he looks very happy. He has everything now, and we stopped worrying. All this happened after I addressed the Fund. We are amazed at what you are capable of. I still have not come to my senses, to be honest.

– What made you happy the most?

Iosif: – We lived without water for 48 years, and you came and arranged everything in three days! You solved the crisis of the century, the problem of my life! We were using our neighbor’s well, taking water from him. And when his well went dry, it got even worse – we brought water from far away, by car. I would ask one person to drive me to get water, and then another. It was real torture. Should it be like that? I was happy when it was raining – I collected water. And I have a seriously ill son and he needs to be bathed often, his linen must always be clean.

Now this nightmare is over! Thanks to you, I have my own well, and now there is so much water that it will be enough even for 10 families. We had a well drilled to a depth of 22 meters and installed a tap in the yard and a water tower with a tank. Even if there is no electricity, the water supply will not stop.

Now there is plenty of water, enough for 10 families!

Not only that! God, you can hear me now, and remember I promise you – I will not leave this life without repaying someone with the same great kindness! Everyone who helped my Nikoloz, I consider you my friends and my son’s guardian angels. I would especially like to thank entrepreneur Giorgi Kapanadze, who provided materials for the construction of the well at his own expense.

The Martadze family now has its own water well and water tower 

No matter what happens, they will never be left without water again

– Your story had a huge response. You must have communicated a lot with the readers of the Fund…

Iosif: – Yes, they called us, they wrote me on Facebook, and they came to visit us. People, thank you! It’s a very strong support for us. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I can continue to fight for my boy.

Nikoloz is comfortable and calm because you have taken care of diapers, medications, and food. Thank you for your love and support!

Two guys came to visit us, they brought diapers, some groceries: vermicelli, sunflower oil, buckwheat, candy. A girl from the neighboring village came to visit us too. She gave my son a sports suit. Alisher, a foreigner, also visited us (he has an uncommon name, so I remembered it). And they all said warm words to my Nikoloz and shared their love. I am happy that my son has received and keeps receiving so much love. This is his medicine.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to feed Nikoloz with what he loves, what he wants from his heart. He may be skinny, but he knows how to eat and drink. (Smiles)

– Iosif, do you cook for Nikoloz? Or is this the responsibility of his mother Maya?

Iosif: Are you trying to offend me? There isn’t a dish on the menu that I can’t cook for my son. I know from beginning to end what he needs as well as my wife, and I’m willing to do it for the rest of my life.

– You are a wonderful Dad – I can’t stop admiring you. Do you already use the tractor – a gift from the readers – to plow the land?

Iosif: I am waiting for the soil to dry, and then I will get to work. I am so excited, I want to move mountains, let alone sow corn. It’s good that you give such an incentive to a person!  Your readers and your Fund are wonderful! There’s no more fear and anxiety, you know. I am free of them now. I have hope now. I have strength from people, from your tremendous support.

Papa Iosif wants to sow corn. When it gets warmer, he will till the ground

– In the six months that the project has been going on, has there been any attention to you from the local authorities?

Iosif: I don’t want even to talk about it. Everything is so static and the same old way. Our family has no socially disadvantaged status so far. You can make conclusions yourself.

– Nikoloz needs constant care and we are ready to help again. What does he need most?

Iosif: My son constantly takes two medications: clonazepam and depakine syrup. He can’t do without them, so I took out a loan. Thank you so much to the friends of the Fund for taking such care. Thanks to you we still have life-saving medications. And when you are by us, I believe that my Nikoloz won’t be left without help.


Friends, thank you for Nikoloz’s smile, his joy and peaceful sleep. You are true guardian angels who keep him safe. Dad Joseph is sure that as long as you are around, nothing bad will happen to Nikoloz. And we are sure of it too!

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy!Friends, thanks again to each of you!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: The Martadze family)

You can also transfer money from our website: «TБC Bank» (GeoPay), «Bank of Georgia» (e-commerce), «Liberty Bank» (PayGe), PayPal.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link 

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life:  0901200270! God bless you!

 Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

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Total expenses:



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