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Ill adults
Mrs. Manana is a nurse by profession. She dedicated her life to caring for others. But now she is alone. Alone with the illness, pain, and hardships that life has dealt her. She has no one to empathize with her, to give her water, or, as she says, to bury her. For more than a year, she has been unable to eat on her own. She can’t go to the bathroom or even approach the window to see the sun. She has no food, medicine, refrigerator, washing machine, gas, or heating. But first and foremost, she dreams of having a bed. The bed in her home is an old broken sofa with books instead of legs. It’s impossible to lie on it.
This hug with her mom could be the last for the beautiful 16-year-old Maggie. How terrifying! Her loving mother has already died once – her heart stopped! And only a miracle brought her back to life! Now her heart is kept beating by a pacemaker! But for how long? Meet Zhanna, friends: she is 44 years old. Not long ago, the heart of this still young woman suddenly stopped! It stopped completely, and death approached. The ambulance brought her, almost dead, to the hospital. Her only 16-year-old daughter wept bitterly over the loss of her mother. And then the Lord worked a miracle – a true miracle, and the doctors who witnessed it kept crossing themselves for a long time afterward! The doctors performed emergency surgery and implanted a pacemaker. Zhanna urgently needs repeat heart surgery; otherwise, her chances of survival are less than one percent. However, cursed poverty prevents the unfortunate mother from getting this urgent surgery. Medications temporarily sustain the desperate woman, but meager social allowance does not even allow her to buy the medications! According to the documents, the value of a Georgian woman’s life has been set at $8,300—money the unfortunate woman has never even seen.
Can you imagine a dying, still young 41-year-old woman, gravely ill with a constant temperature of 39–40 degrees, sometimes managing to get out of bed to collect scrap metal just to buy medicine for herself and her severely ill children, and of course, some food? At least for them – for the children – she loves more than life! A horror that cannot be described in words! God forbid any of us to experience such a thing!!! We ask the friends of the Chernovetskyi Fund to respond and take this family’s plight as their own! The most important thing God has allowed us to do in this life is not to pass by someone else’s misfortune! First and foremost, we need to take care of the mother. If something happens to her, God forbid, we will never forgive ourselves! It’s unimaginable how the sick children will cope without their mother. Mom is sacred to them, that’s all they have.
Ill children
Reziko cries without ceasing. It’s not even a cry, it’s more of a moan from the pain in his spine. He can’t lie down or sit for long periods. The boy is constantly tense and can’t even straighten his fingers. It’s hard to believe, but Reziko was born perfectly healthy. Due to a medical mistake, he became disabled in an instant. Gulo (mother, 33 years old): Reziko is my first and long-awaited son. He was our joy. He grew up to be a smart boy, but when he was eight months old, he got very sick and his ears hurt a lot… I’m sorry, I can’t tell this story without tears. There’s a lump in my throat.
Older people living alone
This is 84-year-old Tamila Gagua. Her life is so tragic that even the Holy Mother might shed bitter tears… The story I’m about to tell will make your blood run cold. A tragedy that will be remembered for centuries. It all began many years ago, on a snowy winter day, when a lonely, widowed old woman in the village of Chognari was visited by her only son from Kaliningrad (where he was serving in the army). Her son got married there. Grandmother Tamila welcomed her daughter-in-law as her own daughter. But the most important part is yet to come. When Grandma Tamila saw her son holding a one-year-old boy with big eyes, she immediately knew it was her grandson, and she almost lost her mind with happiness. But her joy turned out to be premature. The boy was underdeveloped, he could not walk.
For five months, Georgian doctors have been unable to diagnose this unfortunate boy. Giorgi’s time is running out! Five months ago, a completely healthy boy suddenly fell ill, and since then, the sound of death’s footsteps has grown louder and louder in the Ochkhorashvili family. The child is suffocating. He coughs so loudly it seems like his lungs are torn. He has stopped talking and makes sounds as if someone has cut his vocal cords. He can only get food and water through the tube, but he vomits it back out. The oxygen machine is the only thing keeping him alive. But for how long??? The boy’s life timer is on. Turn on the video and you will hear the sounds of death! Father Giorgi and Nikoloz and Gogi’s mother are begging for help to raise money for the trip to Germany for an examination! We will announce the cost of the surgery once we receive the papers! Lord, help! Since there are already very few of us left in Georgia….
In the deep, dark corner of a dilapidated house, within an empty room, lies a father of a large family. His eyes are full of sadness and fear for each member of his family. His tears are the most bitter in the world! During every choking episode, he bids a farewell to his wife and children! So terrible! His story is not just a personal story. It is a tragedy and a cry of all the sick and suffering in Georgia! The ways of the Lord are mysterious, my friends! We all understand this wisdom! We can’t count on anyone in Georgia except ourselves! Let’s lend a hand to the family because we are their last hope!
Large families
Damned poverty! How beautiful and tender they are! They ask for nothing… Such tiny ones, but sorrow has already settled in their eyes! Inga (mom): Every day I look into the hungry eyes of my three children. Is there anything worse than this? May the Lord protect you from such trials, kind people!!! But know that my little ones wake up every morning hungry and their tummies often hurt. Dry bread, water, and 500 grams of pasta once a day – that’s the daily ration for my three little ones. And my youngest son, 4-year-old Gio, has recently started losing consciousness and fainting from hunger. Oh, Lord!
When 7-year-old Tako saw me, she thought I was a fairy… She clung to her daddy and chirped: “Help, help” and then started crying bitterly. Hearing her, the other two little ones rushed towards their heavily ailing yet dearly beloved dad! Each of them desperately wanted to be in his arms, hoping perhaps a miracle had occurred, and the fairy had bestowed health upon their father.
Low-income families
“We can help summon ‘???’ But they come at a high cost and won’t come for free! Such is the harsh reality… – What caused his death? Melana: On April 16, early in the morning, he went out for a temporary job, kissed the sleeping children, me, and left. I saw him off… Suddenly, oh God, he clutched his heart and fell at my feet. He was our provider and the best father in the world! And now everything is on me alone! After all, I have to dress and feed everyone, and on top of that, there’s Nikoloz’s terrible illness! “Every new day, I wake up with the words, ‘God, grant us to live one more day,’ as if we’re walking through a minefield. I don’t know what we’ll die from,” Melana laments. Because I’m all alone in this whole wide world! And Nikoloz’s seizures, if we don’t have the expensive medicine, happen every 15-20 minutes.
Tsiala (the mother): “Before the surgery, the doctor told me: ‘Keep in mind, I’m taking him in, and I will return him twice as tall as before.’ Seeing my son standing up straight is indescribable!” For all of his 17 years, Shalva walked with bent legs due to cerebral palsy, leaning on his mother or grandmother’s hand. And for all those 17 years, he dreamed of standing up straight, walking on straight legs. A few days ago, the family experienced that thrilling, long-awaited moment. For the first time, Shalva’s mother, grandmother, and the entire family saw him as he was meant to be – tall, stately as a cypress, and with the happiest smile. The entire country helped Shalva get on his feet. Friends of the Chernovetskyi Fund funded the surgery in Yerevan. “He’s now taller than me and his mother! – says grandmother Manana. – This is the greatest day in our and his life!”
Their parents won’t even make it to the hospital – they are seriously ill themselves! The children can still be saved, but expensive examinations and doctors are needed to learn about their illnesses, and all this requires money! But most importantly, what is needed is compassion! Together, we can help them! “Doll, cake, bed, and a block… lobio, table…” – little Mari repeats over and over, bending her fingers so as not to forget something. She’s not just asking for herself but also for her little sisters – they don’t know how to ask.
They are so unfortunate and defenseless that it makes my heart bleed! There is no one to take care of them but us, friends!