Every day is a fight for survival for Kristine and her little daughter, Lile! And today, they desperately need your support! The mother has cancer—her toxic goiter turned into a malignant tumor, but she has no money for medical tests or treatment. Not a single tetri!
Every story of fighting cancer is a story of strength, resilience, and the will to live—of immense faith. Faith that kind people won’t let her die!
Kristine (39 years old): “I am in excruciating pain. It’s unbearable. There are moments when I think about ending it all because I just can’t take it anymore. But then I remember—I am a mother. I have to live for the sake of my child! She has no one but me! Who will take care of Lile if I’m gone?! We lived in Germany as refugees. After we were deported, we were left with nothing—no home, no money, no documents. My daughter’s passport was lost at the airport. When we returned to Georgia, we had to live on the streets for several days. We had no money for a hotel, so we slept near 24-hour ATMs. That was the hardest ordeal of my life!”