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The mother takes care of her sick husband and son.

calendar June 3, 2019

For several years now Natelashvili Family has been livin in a terrible state!

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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For several years now Natelashvili Family has been livin in a terrible state!
The 57-year-old mother, Ketevan Todadze, takes care of two sick people – her
husband and son, who suffer from a mental disorder. She alone has to bear a
heavy burden and, to her credit, it must be said that Ketevan spares no effort
so that her people are not deprived of care and attention. However, the extreme
material need does not allow her to provide proper care for the mentally ill
family members and pushes the poor woman into the abyss of
Ketevan Todadze wrote us a letter and asked us to convey her voice to the
general public. She deeply believes that in our country there is a huge army of
good people who will pity her and give her family a helping hand! 
We talked to Ketevan and asked her to tell us about her life, the problems and
the urgent needs of her family: 

 – Tell
me please, when did your husband fall ill with a mental disorder, and what was
the reason? 
Ketevan: It happened three years ago. His nerves failed him. We had a mentally
ill child and we sold our own house in the village of Bazaleti, Dusheti
district, in order to pay for the treatment of the boy. We moved in here. Of
course, many years of treatment helped. Now my son is 17 years old and his
condition is not critical, but we were left without a home and survived at the
expense of pensions and a meager social allowance. Zviad, this is the name of
my husband, was very concerned and, in all probability, there was a failure in
his nervous system.
– Are you renting this house? 
Ketevan: Yes, I pay about 50 lari per month. The conditions here are relatively
satisfactory. But at any time we can be left without housing, if the owner
decides to sell the house…

– What is the income of your family and what do you spend money on?
   Ketevan: We have pensions of my husband and son, as well as a
meager social allowance – this is our income. We spend money on utilities,
rent, firewood, medicines and food. 
– Have you tried to get a job?
Ketevan: I am an engineer by profession. I worked at the Polytechnic Institute
for a long time. But after the birth of the ill son everything changed for the
worse. And now I am so weak that even if there will be some kind of work, still
I will not be able to work for health reasons. 
– Are you sick as well? 
Ketevan.: Yes, indeed… Three times I was operated to remove cysts; and once I
had the surgery on the eyes. In addition, I suffer from very high blood pressure,
as well as heart pain. 
–Tell me, did the state pay for your operations? 
Ketevan: Yes, it did. In addition, my husband and son are registered with the
state program. We are given medicines. Certainly, we have to buy additional
medicines. But, nevertheless, I am grateful to the Lord that such help is
available. So I do not have any claims…
– And does the local authorities or the Deputy of your constituency help?
Ketevan: They help as they can. I understand that there are a lot of poor
people in our area, so help is limited. But I cannot say that nothing is being
done for us. 
– What exactly is being done? 
Ketevan: Every second month Gamgeoba gives 50 lari for my son, several times a
year he allocates money for medicines (100 lari), provides a free canteen, the
son is included in the municipal free cultural and health program.
– What is the main need of your family now? 
Ketevan: You know, we have almost no basic household items. For example, a few
days ago, our gas stove” exploded”. It was old, since Soviet times.
Now I have to cook on a spiral electric stove. There is no washing machine, so
I wash in cold water by hand. The refrigerator does not work, it is used as a
cupboard for food, but often it is empty… It is very difficult to take care of
two sick people without basic household appliances.
– Do you want our readers to help you in this matter? 
Ketevan: I’ve heard a lot about your Fund. I know that your readers are a huge
army of good people. I believe in them, I believe in you, and that’s why I
asked for help. Good people, help me! Make it easier to care for sick people,
give us hope for the future! May the Lord always be with you and help in your
charity work!
– You married for a great love? 
Ketevan: Zviad and I met at the Polytechnic Institute. We fell in love. After
graduation, fate scattered us, but after a while we met again and got married,
went to the village and dreamed of creating a happy family (sighs – note)…
– Ketevan, what do you dream about? 
Ketevan: Certainly, I dream that my son and husband recover. I also dream to
have my own small, at least tiny house, to be not concerned about my family and
not be in constant fear that we will be expelled for non-payment of rent…

Friends, let’s support the Natelashvili Family, show them mercy and compassion.
Any, even the smallest amount that you can donate, will ease the suffering of
these people. 
You can personally visit the Natelashvili Family and provide all possible
assistance, attention and hope. This is their address: Sagarejo Municipality,
Giorgitsminda Village, tel.: 59131 31 87. And if you have no time to visit them
you can transfer money to our Fund account: GE15TB7194336080100003 or
GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Natelashvili Family).
You can as well transfer money through our website and terminals
NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in “Charity”
section. (You can learn about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund
by following the link
For every tetri you spend, we will report in detail in our next post! 
The Lord is happy for our every good step and brings us back to Heaven with
prayers for us!

Dec 16, 2019

Total expenses:



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15 Donors

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15 Donors


They need your help urgently