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Only a mother is capable of such a feat…!

calendar August 15, 2019

One call saves life!

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Vladimir said the word “mother” only once in his life! And got her love for his entire life, but lost the villain father! He left the poor one to die in mi

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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What do you think, friends, should such fathers be held accountable before the
Law when they leave their 3 children in abject poverty and disease?!
Vladimir was born with the heaviest form of epilepsy and cerebral palsy. Holy
 The Holy woman, Nino, is his mother.
Although he is an adult, but still a child! Her heart is filled with love! She
did not “hand over” her son to the orphanage. And she will never,
ever leave him, even though she is suffering the humiliation of poverty! Lord,
help Georgia not to have such troubles and such fathers without soul and
Mother’s love is one of the miracles of the Lord! 
The state of Vladimir would plunge any person to shock: he is completely
paralyzed and cannot pronounce a word; it is difficult for him even to open his
mouth, not to mention the difficulty of swallowing food; blood bedsores
appeared on the body; his hands and feet are deformed so that they cannot move.
And yet, recently, a stomach ulcer burst, which put a big question mark on his
“Leave the boy at the hospital, he will die anyway or you will suffer all
your life – people told me, when on the third day after birth, Vladimir had his
first attacks, – says Nino Avaliani, the mother of our beneficiary. I couldn’t
take such an inhuman step. Since he was born this way, this is my cross, and I
must bear it with all responsibility. However, my mother’s heart, in any case,
would break only from the thought that somewhere my child is dying in a
hospital room.” 
Nino Avaliani does leave her son even for a while for the last 23 years. She
takes him in her arms and takes him out into the yard to get some fresh air;
she feeds him from a bottle with a nipple; she is a mother, a father, a nurse
and a doctor for him. 
Poverty prevails in the house of Avaliani: old, dilapidated housing, no water
or gas, no basic appliances, nothing to heat in the winter, and in the summer
their room is unbearably hot. The utter squalor of existence is what the life
of a once prosperous family has become. Where does this family find food and
who do they hope for? We asked Nino Avaliani to answer these and other
– What is your monthly “income”?
    Nino Avaliani: It is a pension of my son and a tiny social
allowance. All the money goes to medicines and diapers; there is nothing left
to buy firewood, there is virtually no money left for food, we wear old and
torn clothes; there is a tiny garden where we grow potatoes which is our main
food. Thank God for this, because otherwise we would have died of hunger…
Does anyone help you?
Nino Avaliani: My mother comes from the village and brings us corn flour. She
lives in the neighboring district; she is very old and hardly moves, but as far
as possible she visits the grandson. A neighbor gave us a wheelchair, but
actually he does not use it, because except my hands Vladimir does not perceive
anything, so I carry the 23-year-old man with my hands (crying). 
–And do the authorities help?
     Nino Avaliani: A few years ago, they repaired our room as
we are a socially vulnerable family. Last year they allocated funds for
medicines – 120 lari. That’s all the help from the state. 
– Tell us about your family, what does your husband do? 
Nino Avaliani: When we got married, our life was not bad. But after the birth
of the ill son everything changed for the worse. My husband didn’t want to sit
the baby. Then the middle son, Levan, was born and 4 years ago Niya, my
daughter, was born. All this time my spouse was doing this and doing that,
sometimes he had a job and sometimes he did not but he never took part in
education of our children. The whole burden of child care fell on my shoulders,
but I tolerated. I thought that my husband would come to his senses, but, as
they say, only the grave will straighten out a hunchback. We ended up

– And how did the kids perceive such a step of their parents? 
Nino Avaliani: I have wonderful children, they are my assistants. The middle
son works as a loader and uses the earned money to buy medicines for his
brother. However, the work can be found very rarely. And the youngest daughter
is a real angel. Despite her age, she realizes the state of her brother and
tries to help: she would bring a bottle of water or would stay on duty at the
bedside of the brother.
– Your life is so hard that probably you don’t have any dreams? 
Nino Avaliani: I dream that my son would say the word “mother” once
again. In 23 years it came out of his mouth only once. He never said another
word. God willing, he will call me again, it will mean the way to recovery,
because “mother” is a magical word! 
Friends, Vladimir’s condition becomes more and more depressing every day.
Epileptic seizures, scoliosis, stomach ulcers, bedsores – all this leads to
imminent death. But if the Lord doesn’t take him to the next world after all,
then the boy has every chance of getting well?! And you can play a key role in
this by extending a helping hand to this long-suffering family.  
     The Avaliani family needs everything – first of all
medicines and hygienic accessories, as well as a washing machine, TV, refrigerator,
basic furniture and kitchenware. 
You can personally visit this family and provide all possible assistance. As
you can see, they need a lot, they are begging. Call them and find out how you
could help. And let God help you. And be sure to repost our publication. Let
all your friends know about the grief of this young man! It is very important.
     Address of the Avaliani family: Zugdidi, 10 Griboyedov St.
Tel.: 568 94 43 64
Our Fund account is GE15TB7194336080100003
or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Vladimir Avaliani). You can as well
transfer money through our website and terminals NovaTechnology, TBCpay and
 Find our Fund in “Charity”
section. (You can learn about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund
by following the link
A bone thrown to a dog is not mercy; mercy is a bone shared with a dog when you
are as hungry as it is!

Sep 09, 2019
Sep 09, 2019
Nov 08, 2019
Nov 08, 2019
fund overhead
Dec 04, 2019
Jan 01, 2020
Jan 09, 2020
Jan 09, 2020
Jan 10, 2020
fund overhead

Total expenses:



Kind Heart
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344 Donors

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344 Donors


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