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When he was just a month and a half old, he had heart surgery. However, it wasn’t enough. The child’s condition is still critical, and according to doctors, he may need a second, more complex surgery, which requires further tests. The poor single mother doesn’t have the money to take them to the doctor. What I’m about to tell you, dear readers, is truly horrifying, and it is very hard for me to write these words, but you need to know this. The twin brothers have only one teat, and when they both cry at the same time, their mother has to take turns giving it to them. God, just the thought of this is enough to drive someone mad.
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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0901200270Look, what a tragedy! We need to save these 4-month-old twins from dying! Their father—no man could do this—left them before they were even born. When Lazare, at just a month and a half old, had heart surgery, he didn’t bother to show up at the hospital. Even animals have more compassion than this! The little angels don’t even have teats.
This is the drama captured in a single photo An abandoned mother and her abandoned twin sons.
This picture will likely stay with us for a long time. A single mother, with her four-month-old twins in her arms, prays to God to save her sick children. If you find yourself abandoned by everyone on this earth, with its 8 billion people—could there be a worse hell than that?
Four-month-old twins Lazare and Gabriel
They were born four months ago. These angels were sent by God from the heavens to this sinful earth. Because the world today lacks love the most. You might wonder why this twins are so different. Gabriel is big, and Lazare is so tiny. Unfortunately, Lazare was born with a congenital heart defect.
Lazare has a heart defect.
When he was just a month and a half old, he had heart surgery. However, it wasn’t enough. The child’s condition is still critical, and according to doctors, he may need a second, more complex surgery, which requires further tests. The poor single mother doesn’t have the money to take them to the doctor. What I’m about to tell you, dear readers, is truly horrifying, and it is very hard for me to write these words, but you need to know this. The twin brothers have only one teat, and when they both cry at the same time, their mother has to take turns giving it to them. God, just the thought of this is enough to drive someone mad.
The baby barely eats because the teat isn’t suitable for his age.
Even this teat was a gift. You can see in the photos that it’s far too big for a 4-month-old. This is how Lazare and Gabriel suffer. Do these angels really deserve this? They came into this world as angels. And what has the world given them? Only suffering.
Their poor mother has no one to lean on, no one to help her. When both babies cry at once, she’s forced to choose which one gets the teat, because she can’t afford to buy a second one. Yes, their mother has to make a choice between her own children—there’s so much tragedy in just this one sentence, reflecting the unimaginable hardship of this 36-year-old mother. Why? Why is this poor mother being punished so cruelly? Why are these angels being punished?
Who truly knows how much Lazare is hurting? There is no one to save him.
Gabriel also needs a medical checkup; something is bothering him, but the mother doesn’t even have money for transportation to take him to the doctor.
In the room where these angels are, it’s freezing cold. They have turned blue from the cold.
Now, get ready and grab your tissues, dear readers, because what I’m about to tell you will make you cry bitter tears. While these angels were still growing in their mother’s womb, their father already rejected them and left. He left without looking back. The pregnant mother was half-starved. In winter, she slept in a cold room because she had no firewood or a gas stove. The state placed the homeless woman in a dormitory in Kojori, where there isn’t even a toilet, and to this day, the poor woman uses a neighbor’s bathroom. Can you imagine that???? This is happening in the 21st century.
Look, the poor mother is crying bitter tears.
For the first time, she tells the Fund’s correspondent about the hell she went through with her children after their father left.
The heartbroken mother never told anyone about the hell she endured during her pregnancy and after the children were born. The Fund’s correspondent was the first to hear the details of her tragic story, and she gave permission to share this story with you, friends of the Fund. When the children were born and Lazare’s heart defect was discovered, during the surgery, the woman called the children’s father. Do you think she wanted financial help from him? – No. The woman just wanted the father to embrace their child before the surgery because children are very sensitive. If the father’s warmth had touched little Lazare’s heart, who knows, maybe a father’s love could have been a remedy for the child’s sick heart. Do you know what the father’s response was over the phone? “I don’t have the money for the transportation to the clinic.” Why didn’t the heavens open and lightning strike this inhuman creature the moment those words left his filthy mouth!
Gabriel also needs checkups. The child writhes in pain.
I must share with you another sad piece of news. Besides the heart defect, Lazare likely has another illness. According to the mother, he can’t be diagnosed in Georgia. Therefore, the child urgently needs to be examined abroad. His tiny heart mustn’t stop beating, no! But what can the poor mother do if she doesn’t even have the money to keep her child warm? As you know, it’s nearly winter-cold in Kojori now. The Fund’s correspondent saw these angels turning blue from the cold.
A “chandelier” without a lightbulb.
Look at the child’s hands. He wants to reach out to the icons. They are only 4 months old and can’t talk, but their hearts feel everything. The heart is the organ that begins beating during pregnancy, even when the fetus is still unformed and is just an embryo. This is truly a miracle of God. Who knows what this little heart is trying to say to the icons right now. Who knows, maybe they want to question God—why did He send them from heaven to earth, knowing that heartless people live here? Friends of the Fund, we must prove that there are more good people on earth than heartless beings like the father of these children. Yes, we must prove it to these angels, or else they will leave this earth forever and ascend back to heaven. Only their cold grave will remain here on earth. Will we ever forgive ourselves for this? When we prepare food for our own children, these twin brothers will appear before our eyes like a nightmare, and we will remember that they didn’t even have a pacifier. And do you know what will happen then? We won’t be able to walk into God’s house and light a candle in front of the icons with a clear conscience anymore.
If you are willing to visit the family, here is their address: Kojori, 38 Jukers Street.
Our Fund’s accounts are:
– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000
– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003
– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000
(Purpose: Tea Nozadze).
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You can save someone’s life and get closer to God! Send SMS to number 97100
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life. It might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!
Corr: Nini
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