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The kid is struggling to crack open a crust of bread! Trying so hard … Hunger damned!

calendar December 9, 2019

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his bunker room is located in the vicinity of the garbage dump and everywhere there are greasy green flies.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Mother Maya: I never thought that my children would dream of bread … Look, the kid doesn’t let the crust of bread out of his hands … he can’t crack it, but for him it’s a treat! – With these words, the hostess met the employees of the Fund. And she continued, “There are people on earth whom God sends for torment!” My husband and I are in this category. And apparently our children were also born to suffer …
   Imagine a picture, friends …! Something like a small garage. 2 to 3. No windows. This and the whole “house” for a family of 4 people: mom, dad and two kids!
    These unfortunate people live in beds! Eat, wash … And that’s half the trouble! This bunker room is located in the vicinity of the garbage dump and everywhere there are greasy green flies. As if they want to gobble up the kids! They are sitting on children! Children are small: Valere – 2 years Sabe – 10 months. The kids were so weakened from hunger that they were barely fending off these green monsters! Here is such a picture before us!
   You will learn how they got here, how they live, what they hope for and much more from an interview with Maya, who told us the story of their existence!
“How did you end up here in these ruins?” It’s dangerous here!
Maya: My husband and I have nothing of their own. Parents died, relatives themselves are unhappy people. Nobody cares about us! We ourselves wanted to create a family nest. My husband has no education, he is a worker! How many tons of cargo per day on his shoulders passes only God knows. Does what it can! I also thought I would give the children to kindergarten, I myself will also start working, clean up the apartments, or sweep the streets … but God gave us a sick child. It is impossible to leave him. So I sit all day with them.
“Does this room belong to you?”
Maya: Nope. One good guy gave us this room. He is now in the village of his grandmother. But when he arrives, we must free the room. Nearby we found one room, there are walls, we thought to somehow save up money and at least put up a window or fill the floor, but how can you save up … with a sick child. All the money goes to him for medicine.
Can anyone have an abandoned house friends? Take pity on the kids! Or let’s collect the money and buy them at least something decent, but not to live in a garbage dump. Horror! These flies are not simple. They carry terrible diseases!
– And what happened to him?
Maya: He was born with Down Syndrome. He has a heart disease … suffocating all the time. He needs medicine, the second food … but how? Who will teach us that 300 lari per month is enough for everything?
– And how did you imagine your life?
Maya: I had no idea. There are people on earth whom God sends for torment! My husband and I are in this category. And apparently our children were also born to suffer … but I never thought that my children would dream of bread … look, the baby doesn’t let the crust of bread out of his hands … he can’t crack it, but for him it’s a treat!
– And whoever helps you? People? Maybe someone from the local authorities?
Maya: Are you laughing? Have you noticed something like this, that someone is helping us? No, we are ghosts! We are not! we do not exist!
– Maya, we will talk about your problems throughout Georgia! we have a lot of subscribers and everyone will find out about you. You can turn to them!
Maya: although I do not believe that someone can hear my call for help, but I ask for one thing! Help me repair one room! Help!!! I’ll sleep on the floor, just to get out of this hole! I will eat the earth so that my children are warm and they are not “eaten” by flies! (Maya burst into tears and could no longer continue the conversation)
– What do you think can happen when we write about your family and people learn about your problems?
Maya: I don’t know … they will read, they won’t believe, or they will believe and say that it’s a lie, that people cannot live like that … I don’t know.
————————————————– ——————————-
Friends, if we don’t respond right away, these children may die, they will not be able to survive the winter! And it will be on our conscience.
 Therefore, the Chernovetsky Charitable Foundation begins a charitable campaign to raise funds for the Ambokidze family. And we do not intend to stop on one-time help. These beautiful children must live as it should be for the children of the most proud nation on earth – Georgians!
In order to survive, the family urgently needs repair materials, food, hygiene products, medicines for children, furniture, warm blankets and underwear!
Help them survive, help children not feel superfluous. Consider these to be your own children. Look at the photos and do what your good heart tells you! And also – call Maya, from her lips learn about urgent needs, cheer up this family! You can also personally provide them with all possible assistance, and God bless you! And be sure to do the RE-POST of our post. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It is very important!
In the person of this family, God gives us the opportunity to take care of people who are not able to do it themselves. Not all people are the same. And not everyone is kind, as we are with you.
Do not pass by someone else’s misfortune! Unhappy people are given to usso that we can prove our faith to the Almighty not in words but in deeds!
Friends, there is another request, if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or acquaintance, do a charitable deed, write to us by e-mail:
Here is their contact phone number: 597 36 37 26 (Maya) Address: Rustavkoe highway.
   Our fund account is GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000, GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: AMBOKIDZE family). You can also transfer money from our site.
You can transfer money from the terminals Nova Technology, TBCpay, ExpressPay. Find our foundation in the charity section. (Additional rights and obligations of the Fund can be found at

You saved us from death! All of us!

“I never thought that my children would dream of bread … Look, the kid doesn’t let the crust of bread out of his hands … cannot bite it, but for him it’s a treat! There are people on earth whom God sends for torment! My husband and I are in this category. And apparently our children were also born to suffer ”- that’s how the story began about the Ambokadze family, who lived in inhuman conditions and a bunker without windows, dreamed about bread and about covering the cracks so that rats would not crawl into the room! And that was a few months ago. And now they can’t even be recognized! Thanks to all of us, friends – past poverty and hunger! And the kids and their parents will no longer have to sleep on the same bed and ask their neighbors to lend them food and water! Now they have everything! And for the health of children will not have to worry! There are so many medicines that they are afraid of nothing! And the room is renovated, and the water tank is installed!
– Maya, tell us what changed after we wrote a story about you?
Maya: the fact that we are alive, the fact that my children do not howl at night from hunger, is only your merit and those kind people who did not leave us in difficult times. Strangers came to us, brought food, diapers, clothes! You just can’t imagine what it was!
– Maya, how else have you been helped, what do you remember most?
Maya: they gave us cabinets, beautiful shelves, toys for children! How can you forget someone? I don’t know who they are, but some young people paid off my debts for electricity.
– Maya, you can contact our readers, maybe you have some other dreams?
Maya: People in need always need help, but you gave us the opportunity to survive! You gave us a breath of fresh air. Now we will somehow manage ourselves! We have everything that we would not have dreamed of. A washing machine, a refrigerator, groceries, medicines, beds, furniture … and my husband is not sitting idle! He’s a hard worker with us, so now we’ll somehow manage it ourselves. And if we need help, we already know who to contact.
Dear friends, our rule is to report for each tetri sent and spent! Of course, we greatly appreciate your trust, but it is very important for us that a person is convinced firsthand that the money donated to him has reached the addressee!
If it’s hard for you, friends, because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, get distracted for a second and look at our posts in the FB. Your own problems are nothing compared to thousands of unhappy …! Here it is – real grief! It is in front of your eyes! And thank the Lord for what you have.
Always remember – you are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.
Friends, thank you all again! And we would like very much that all kind people who did not remain indifferent to this family respond. What are your names? You are our heroes!
Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Ambokadze family) You can also transfer money from our website.
You can transfer money from the terminals Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. In the charity section, find our Fund.
(Additional rights and obligations of the Fund can be found at
Let us think that helping others, we take care of our soul and approach the Lord precisely through the suffering that we experience for others!

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