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“A medical probe devours the inside of the body of a little angel”

calendar June 1, 2020

Beauty Cecily will never see her mother again! For a long year and a half she has been lying unconscious, as if dead.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Lord, what a horror! A little baby can suffocate any second! A medical mask on her face over the years ADA has already eaten into her skin, like a native! And the pipe deep in the mouth became the line between life and death. Save her !!!
Beauty Cecily will never see her mother again! For a long year and a half she has been lying unconscious, as if dead. Previously, she at least had seizures, and she “came to life”, but now there is only hope … Hope for you!
In the meantime, mommy listens to every daughter’s breathing, and father is ready for any job, even to become a “killer,” just to get money for expensive medications and special meals for the baby. And officials already wished Cecily death, depriving a miserable allowance.
Mom because of this is constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but still holds on. How long will it last, only God knows …
The baby’s life hangs in the balance and only with God’s help she manages to fight death. Lord, do not leave this child in the nets of the devil and grant little Cecil life!
-What nonhumans deprived you of benefits (we asked our constantly crying mother)?
Nestan Bolkvadze: Officials said that we pay for utilities, which means there is money. Yes, we pay for electricity, but what to do, how to heat in the winter? We are 8 people: grandfather, grandmother, uncle with his family, who have no housing …
-And housing in what condition?
Nestan Bolkvadze: Oh, this is the old house of my husband’s parents, which is located on the outskirts of Batumi. It is so dilapidated that it is blown from all sides, there are terrible living conditions …
 -And what does the father of the child do?
Nestan Bolkvadze: He is a handyman. When he manages to find something seasonal or one-time, then this is a great happiness for our family. Any penny earned by him goes to the purchase of medicines and special nutrition for the child.
 – What is the condition of the girl at the moment?
Nestan Bolkvadze: Still no clearance. This continues a year and a half after a seizure of epilepsy of 1.5 years.
-And who pays for the hospital stay?
Nestan Bolkvadze: 80% is paid by the state, and 20% is paid by us. The girl’s disability pension in the amount of 200 GEL is completely spent on medicines and special nutrition. No more income. My husband and I are actually in a half-starved state. I am ready to endure everything, if only my daughter’s breathing would not stop.
-Do you turn to the authorities for help?
Nestan Bolkvadze: Yes, I contacted the local administration, but to no avail. I can’t forgive myself for making the wrong choice in the election and casting my vote to unworthy people. I want to appeal to people that during the elections they weigh the candidates in question well, do not blindly give in to propaganda and give their votes to worthy people, to those candidates who will not fill their pockets, but take care of poor people.
– Nestan, do you believe that your daughter can recover?
Nestan Bolkvadze: This is my only dream. I have no more dreams. Every mother can understand my condition – I’m practically not alive, I’ve been on the verge of a nervous breakdown for a year and a half, but I hold on. Sometimes they let me into the ward for the night. I am sitting near my daughter and quietly praying to the Lord to send her mercy, give relief and breathe life!
Fear … This is what fills the life of the parents of little Cecily. They are trying to help, jump over their capabilities … But alas, this does not always help … Where to look for money? What to do? One hope remains – to ask people and hope for their help.
       Friends, do not leave this post unattended and help little Cecily. She needs special nutrition, medicines and hygiene items.
To assist Cecilia, you can transfer money to our account GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (appointment: Cecily Bolkvadze). Well, we will certainly help and report to you for every tetri spent. You can also transfer money from our site.
You can transfer money from the terminals NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our foundation in the charity section.
(Additional rights and obligations of the Fund can be found at
Let’s make this world a little kinder. We give a chance to those who at this moment need us and our help. God bless you!
Friends, if you do not have the opportunity to help with money, do REPOST! This is also help and also very important!

Jul 14, 2020
Jul 20, 2020
Sep 01, 2020
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Sep 04, 2020
Sep 15, 2020
Sep 15, 2020

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They need your help urgently