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I’m not a piece of meat – I’m a human being

calendar April 4, 2022

One call saves life!

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For 13 years she has been chained to the bed, which has become her whole world. There is no way back from this world, it is impossible to get out from there! She is 59 now. Album with her photographs is the only thing that reminds her that she is alive and that she once lived. “Can anyone believe that just a few years ago I walked all over Georgia with a backpack? That I was beautiful too and enjoyed every day? No one can! Even I can hardly believe that.”

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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I’m not a piece of meat – I’m a human being


For 13 years she has been chained to the bed, which has become her whole world. There is no way back from this world, it is impossible to get out from there! She is 59 now. Album with her photographs is the only thing that reminds her that she is alive and that she once lived. “Can anyone believe that just a few years ago I walked all over Georgia with a backpack? That I was beautiful too and enjoyed every day? No one can! Even I can hardly believe that.”

“When I wake up, I take an album, I look at the photos and I say to myself: “Oh, Maya, Maya, how well we lived, how happy we were!”

Her left hand does not work at all, and she has long forgotten about her legs. Doctors sometimes scold her for being so neglectful of herself. But what can a single woman with no means do? Her disease – multiple sclerosis – is a sentence. It can’t be cured, but you can easily improve the quality of life. Maya got used to the idea that she could not be a full-fledged person, although she so wanted to.

 Sometimes, to drown out the sepulchral silence and feel alive, she starts to speak loudly to herself: “Come on, Maya, we need to live one more day … You can, you are still alive!”

 – Maya, it must be very painful, but can you recall how it all started?

Maya: I felt the first signs of a looming problem when I was 19 years old. My fingers started to numb. I didn’t pay attention to that, I thought, I was overtired, it would pass. But it didn’t pass. I had very influential parents: my father worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and my mother was a professor. They took me to the medical bigwigs. I was still young then – I did not understand everything that was happening to me. What did this neuroinfection mean, that made my mother cry day and night. But later, when I realized that I had multiple sclerosis, that it was incurable… I realized that I was doomed. There is no way back from this disease. I knew that sooner or later I would become unable to walk, my limbs would stop moving, but I did not expect that to happen so quickly.

“At 19, even when they tell you that your disease is incurable, you take that differently”

– You were taken ill at the age of 19?

  Maya: No. I felt good, then bad. I either flew on the wings of happiness, or all my dreams crashed against my incomprehensible illness. I could go hiking for days, and then suddenly I could not get out of bed.

– When did this disease knock you down completely?

Maya: I didn’t give up for a long time! I stood up to the very end. In 2009 my mother died. While she was alive, she took care of me as best as she could. She held on and I tried to hold on too. When you are sick, it turns out that no one needs you, except for your mother. When I lost my mother in 2009, I got very weak from the experience. Then I had pneumonia, and that’s it! I got bedridden. Since then, I can’t even stand up. I haven’t been out for 14 years. I don’t leave this room.

“I’m lying like this: I eat here, I sleep here … This bed has become my world, I can’t get out from here”

“I have not always been so weak and lonely. My happy childhood smoothly turned into an unhappy adult life.”

– Maia, what do you live on now?

  Maya: My pension – 250 lari plus social allowance – 60 lari. Here is my entire income. This should be enough for everything! For food, medications. I learned to eat little, I can get by with two pieces of bread and tea a day. There are still a lot of kind people who bring me lunch, treat with fruit. Here, you can look at my table – this is my food. My medications are in the box. Every single day for ten years now, a nurse comes to me and cleans me up, brings me food, massages me, changes diapers…

“On this TV I look at the world, at the life that passes me by”

“The nurse is treating me so that there are no bedsores and I don’t rot alive”

“I haven’t turned on the refrigerator for a long time, it serves as a cabinet. And there’s nothing to store in it.”

“I have many icons, I pray for everyone, not only for myself”

– Do you have any dreams?

  Maya: Oh, it’s hard to call it a dream. The only thing I can dream of now is that there is no pain, and it is comfortable to lie down. I don’t even think about getting up or starting a new life. I really need a comfortable functional bed so that I can at least sit on it. And I really need a special mattress to prevent bedsores. Mine is old and about to burst. It is for this reason that I contacted you.

“I am not a piece of meat – I am a human being. I feel… And it hurts.”

– When you are left alone with your thoughts, do you think about the bad?

  Maya: No … When thoughts of death come into my head, I drive them away with prayers or begin to recall my student years, childhood, travels, hikes. How good I felt then. I recall my mom, dad! After graduating from school, I was going to enter the conservatory. I wanted to become a famous pianist. But then I started having problems with my fingers – they went numb. So, I entered the chemical faculty of the Polytechnic Institute. It was interesting. We had practical exercises in different cities and villages. Eh, I’ve been walking a lot.

“God, don’t leave me… Don’t let illness and pain kill the human being in me”

 – Maya, you have a lot of icons.

  Maya: They give me strength. I do not feel alone. They brighten up my loneliness. It may seem silly to someone, but I talk to them. God forbid anyone to experience loneliness and weakness. Trust me, the only thing worse than that is death. Or maybe vice versa? Who knows?

Look into Maya’s eyes and do what your kind heart tells you.


  Dear friends! To say that Maya is in need is to say nothing! Behind her cheerful voice and optimism, there is such pain that words can’t convey.
 That’s why she addressed us. She hopes that we will not leave her. The only thing she needs is a bed and a mattress to prevent bedsores. She asks for nothing more. Well, she doesn’t need anything more. She was left completely alone in this world with her incurable diseases and memories.

And you know, she will be very happy if you just call her and talk to her, if you just cheer her up with your kind word. And if you visit Maya, she will be just immensely happy! Here is her address: Tbilisi, Varketili, 39 Udzo street.

We should not remain indifferent to the troubles of this young woman, let’s show our mercy and care, let’s all together help her as much as we can, showing her all our love and mercy! Unfortunately, no one is immune to loneliness and sickness.

Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 

  Sure, that all together we will manage to save Maya from imminent death.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Maya Baramia)

  You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Apr 28, 2022
May 18, 2022
Jun 16, 2022
Jun 16, 2022
Jun 30, 2022
fund overhead
Jul 13, 2022
Jul 19, 2022
Oct 06, 2022
Oct 06, 2022

Total expenses:



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157 Donors

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157 Donors


They need your help urgently