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One call saves life!
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You can save someone’s life and get closer to God! Send SMS with any content to the number 97100 to donate ₾3 GEL
The child grows up in extreme poverty. But what torments the girl more than poverty is soul pain. After all, Lizi knows: if something happens to her mother, she will be left alone in this cruel world! Cruel, because she was rejected from birth by her closest people – her father and mother’s parents! Inhumans who did not want her to be born and forced her mother (can you imagine that, friends?) to kill the unborn child in the womb. And when Darejan refused to commit this terrible sin and did not commit murder, they left her without means, threw her out like a dog, with a small child in her arms, into the street! Animals! There is no excuse for them! Darejan (47 years old): “I can’t stand this hellish pain anymore. Sometimes I think about taking a rope and hanging myself, but I immediately remember my poor girl, who has no one in the world except me. I am very embarrassed to ask strangers, but I dare to do it as a desperate mother. I beg you, people: if I die, bring my girl a pair of warm shoes that your daughter no longer wears. I am an unfortunate mother in life and out of pity for my poor girl I won’t find rest even after death.”
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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0901200270Woe!!! Woe!!! A young single mother is on the verge of suicide, and her beloved daughter Lizi is about to become an orphan! Medicines do not stop the hellish pain! There is no limit to the suffering of the unfortunate woman!
Acute form of scoliosis. Medicines do not relieve pain
Lizi is 12 years old now
The child grows up in extreme poverty. But what torments the girl more than poverty is soul pain. After all, Lizi knows: if something happens to her mother, she will be left alone in this cruel world! Cruel, because she was rejected from birth by her closest people – her father and mother’s parents! Inhumans who did not want her to be born and forced her mother (can you imagine that, friends?) to kill the unborn child in the womb. And when Darejan refused to commit this terrible sin and did not commit murder, they left her without means, threw her out like a dog, with a small child in her arms, into the street! Animals! There is no excuse for them!
Woe!!! Woe!!! A young woman writhes from back pain and bangs her head against the walls. Darejan has congenital scoliosis, although in childhood the curvature was in a mild form. Because of the damned poverty, it was not possible to have an operation, and over the years a real hell began in her life. Yes, for many years now Darejan has been living in a real hell, and there is not a single person who could help her. And in the last few weeks the woman, unfortunately, is on the verge of death. Strong painkillers no longer help the poor woman, and she is thinking about suicide.
Desperate Darejan turned to our fund and asked us to tell her story to kind people. However, when we arrived at her home, we found a much more difficult picture than we expected. The woman also told us about her tragic fate. It turns out that while she was pregnant, her scoundrel husband left her.
Darejan’s parents were people with old-fashioned views and told their daughter that she should not give birth to a child without a father. They pushed a woman to the most terrible sin – to kill her own child in the womb! Darejan did not even want to hear it. And she was brutally rejected by her husband, parents and relatives!
Darejan’s limbs are becoming increasingly deformed as a result of her illness!
For the sake of a healthy childbirth, Darejan refused to have a caesarean section! And here she is – the love of the unfortunate mother’s life, whom she named Lizi! Just look at this child who saw the light of day thanks to her mother. Darejan lives for her sake, but… This proud woman really needs help.
Look how beautiful she is, how kind her eyes are!
This is Lizi, the rejected child. What did this angelic girl do wrong, who was rejected by her father, grandparents when she was still in her mother’s womb? And none of them wanted to see the baby after the birth. Not even an animal could do that! Yes, even the most predatory and ruthless animal will not abandon its child. God, why does it happen that over time animals acquire human qualities, and people become animals? Is the end of the world really at hand?
Lizi (12 years old): “My father first saw me when I was little. My mother took me to a relative’s funeral because she couldn’t leave me with anyone. My father came there too and saw me. After that, I stood by the window at home and waited for my father to return. I still can’t believe that he left me. Weeks, months, years passed waiting for my father. Now I am convinced that my father will never come to me. When I see fathers caressing other children, taking them for a walk, buying them things, my heart hurts. But not because I envy these children. No! On the contrary, I am glad to see them happy. I just wish my father would take care of me the same way. But I already know that my dream will never come true.”
When Lizi can no longer bear the sadness and pain, she retreats into seclusion. How much can her little heart bear?
When the heart of this angel can no longer contain the sadness and pain, tears flow involuntarily. However, the girl does not want her beloved mother to notice this, so Lizzie sometimes retires into seclusion. And God knows what pain her small and kind heart feels at this time. The child’s soul cries, and there is no one on earth to dry the girl’s tears.
The child wears such torn shoes! Horrible! She’s just a teenager!
People throw away much better shoes even in landfills. These are Lizi’s only shoes. All year long, winter and spring, the girl wore these shoes to school. And soon she will go to school again, unfortunately, in these shoes. And her father lives just a few blocks away from Lizi. He himself probably wears warm shoes in winter. Hasn’t his heart ever asked him on a frosty winter day: “Aren’t my girl’s feet cold?”
Lizi’s father is God
A desperate child comes to the house of God. The girl knows that her father is God, and it was God who gave her life. Lizi has vision problems, but when she comes to the temple, she first asks the Lord for her mother’s recovery. The girl knows that her beloved mother challenged the entire world so that Lizi could come into this world. The girl appreciates her mother’s kindness, and the child eagerly awaits adulthood so that she can start working and collecting money for her mother’s treatment.
Mother and daughter abandoned by everyone
The use of such a gas cylinder is prohibited in enclosed spaces, as it is life-threatening
The unfortunate mother and daughter, forgotten by the world, live in a rented apartment. Their only food is stale bread and fried potatoes. However, kind neighbors sometimes treat the child with hot lunch. Such a gas cylinder is prohibited from being used indoors because it is life-threatening. But what can the poor mother do?
Water is pouring from the ceiling
The room is covered with cardboard instead of flooring. There is a basement under the room, from which dampness comes
Will this cardboard board stop the dampness coming from the basement? You probably know how harmful dampness is to health. This dampness is making a seriously ill woman’s condition worse. Lizi has started having problems with her joints. But what can the unfortunate mother do? She can’t move to a better apartment with a higher rent because she doesn’t even know how to feed her child.
The girl told me, the correspondent, that she was no longer waiting for her father to return, but I noticed that her voice trembled when she said these words. She also told me that she would never forgive her father. But her kind eyes revealed the child in her, because deep down she doesn’t think so. Even now, the girl stands by the window exactly as she did when she was 5 years old and waiting for her father to return.
Darejan’s condition is getting worse
The poor woman cannot go to the doctor because of poverty. She cannot do massages either, but she needs them. Even strong painkillers do not save her from unbearable pain.
Darejan (47 years old): “I can’t stand this hellish pain anymore. Sometimes I think about taking a rope and hanging myself, but I immediately remember my poor girl, who has no one in the world except me. I am very embarrassed to ask strangers, but I dare to do it as a desperate mother. I beg you, people: if I die, bring my girl a pair of warm shoes that your daughter no longer wears. I am an unfortunate mother in life and out of pity for my poor girl I won’t find rest even after death.”
If you would like to visit the family and help them personally, here is the address: Tbilisi city, Varketili-3, 2nd microdistrict, building No. 17.
Any time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God is answering someone’s prayers through you!
Our fund accounts:
– in the Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000;
– in TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003;
– in Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000
(purpose: Aloyan family)
You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal:
It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
You can save someone’s life and draw closer to God! Text 97100.
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!
Corr.: Nini
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