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“Auntie, last winter I went to school in summer clothes, and I was freezing. Winter is coming again soon. I’m really scared. I can’t bear this cold anymore. The cold and hunger will kill me. Auntie, I don’t want to die! I want to live!” In the Khutsidze family, little children are doomed to starve.  Kind people, these little angels are counting on you!

calendar October 17, 2024

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Dear readers, can you imagine how much goodness and love for God this little girl’s heart holds? Even though she doesn’t even have dry bread, she’s still grateful to the Lord, and her small heart is filled with His love. How many people are there in this world who have everything, but whose hearts are empty, devoid of goodness and God’s love? Kind people, for the little Khutsidze children, you are the image of God on earth. Don’t let them lose this view of you. Let’s turn the small spark of hope in their hearts into a big flame. Let’s see at least a tiny star shine in the fading eyes of these little angels.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“Auntie, last winter I went to school in summer clothes, and I was freezing. Winter is coming again soon. I’m really scared. I can’t bear this cold anymore. The cold and hunger will kill me. Auntie, I don’t want to die! I want to live!” In the Khutsidze family, little children are doomed to starve.  Kind people, these little angels are counting on you!


The only “warm” clothing Barbara has is this old jacket.

This is 12-year-old Barbara. Look at the child, wearing an old coat that’s two sizes too big for her. Someone threw it in the trash, but for Barbara, this coat is the only “warm” clothing she’ll have to wear this winter.

The crying child hides her tears from the reporter.

When Barbara began telling her story to the Fund’s correspondent, her voice trembled, and by the end, she burst into tears. “Why am I so unfortunate?” That’s the question Barbara asked the Fund’s reporter, and immediately answered herself: “I was born into a poor family.  That’s my only ‘crime.’” If you had seen the look in this girl’s eyes when she said these words, you would have cried bitterly too.

The Khutsidze family lives in a basement, in these dark walls where there’s no flooring, and the walls are rotting from dampness. This hovel is the only shelter for these poor children. The walls in the room are so wet that the poor children go outside to warm up.

This is 5-year-old Zuka. A bright-eyed child, full of life, but their grim circumstances try to crush all his joy and rob him of his childhood. 

If you asked people of all nationalities and religions in the world which years of a person’s life are the best, they would all say without hesitation: childhood. How many Georgian children have been robbed of their childhood by this cursed poverty? This wretched helplessness has caused many young girls to age before their time. This cursed hunger has dried up the milk in the breasts of many mothers, leaving them unable to feed their babies. How does the earth bear the tears of so many children and continue to spin on its axis? 

Look at these “windows.” The single mother has covered them with plastic bags to protect her children from the cold. What is this poor mother to do? What can a single mother do when she has no home, no food, no clothing, no medicine, and, worst of all, when she knows that out of eight billion people in the world, not one will feel sorry for her and her children? A 12-year-old girl looks out from behind the iron bars and cellophane “window,” pleading with her eyes for help from passersby. But, unfortunately, no one understands the girl’s pain.

In the eyes of these angels, there’s so much sadness and pain.

The 5-year-old child has grown weak from hunger and cold.

Zuka (5-year-old): “Today I saw a mom buy khachapuri for a boy my age at the bakery. I thought, how much I’d love for my mom to buy me hot khachapuri from a bakery too. I dream of even dry bread. Sometimes, I walk near bakeries. You know why, Auntie? Because I like the delicious smells coming from there. And in those moments, I imagine I’m eating hot khachapuri or lobiani. I’ve only had meat once, in someone else’s home, and I still remember its taste. I’ve never eaten it again since then. Only in my dreams do I eat meat dishes and hot soup.”

On this rusty iron “bed” the children sleep.

The irony is that even in sleep, the children suffer. Sleep is free, right? You don’t have to buy sleep, right? Actually, It is not always true. It turns out that even sweet sleep ia something you must buy. At the end of the day, weakened by cold and hunger, the children try to fall asleep quickly, so they don’t feel hunger anymore. But this cruel life doesn’t even give these angels a proper rest. This rusty iron “bed” is the only place the children can sleep. And this mattress is so old and filthy that even a stray dog wouldn’t lay on it.  But what are the children to do? Should they sleep right on the floor? They would, but their home doesn’t even have proper flooring.

The girl goes to school with an old, torn bag.

Barbare (12-year-old): “Sometimes the other kids laugh at me. But I tell them that one day, I’ll have a new bag and new clothes too. Though deep down, I know they’re just empty words. I know my mom will never be able to buy me a school bag. Last winter, I wore summer clothes the whole time. I turned blue from the cold and fainted. Water got into my shoes. So, I would take an extra pair of socks from home and change my wet ones in the school bathroom.”

A poor mother has to divide 200 grams of pasta among her children.

This is 11-year-old Vano. Today, he’s very happy because for the first time in 11 years, he isn’t wearing an old shirt. A kind person gave him this warm sweater. Vano will face the winter in this sweater—but without a jacket.

The children will spend the winter in this dark and freezing room. Look, the walls are crumbling from the damp!

The poor girl is searching through these old clothes for a warm sweater for winter. Sadly, she didn’t find anything.

Look into the mother’s eyes! They say it all. God, how much pain is reflected in those eyes. This poor woman is completely alone in this world. Who knows what fire burns in her heart right now.

She stands by the window, but doesn’t look out, because she knows no one will come. She isn’t expecting anyone… She knows she’s completely alone in this world.

Does this green-eyed angel deserve a life like this?

The children, abandoned by their father, lean sadly against the crumbling wall. Their father should be their support, but only this wall supports them now. There is no creature on earth crueler than a human being. Even a snake won’t abandon its children. And you, human, made in God’s image—why are you so heartless, why?!

 “The Church is my home and God’s home”—those are the words written on this picture. It’s a drawing by 12-year-old Barbara. She wrote those words herself. 


Dear readers, can you imagine how much goodness and love for God this little girl’s heart holds? Even though she doesn’t even have dry bread, she’s still grateful to the Lord, and her small heart is filled with His love. How many people are there in this world who have everything, but whose hearts are empty, devoid of goodness and God’s love? Kind people, for the little Khutsidze children, you are the image of God on earth. Don’t let them lose this view of you. Let’s turn the small spark of hope in their hearts into a big flame. Let’s see at least a tiny star shine in the fading eyes of these little angels.

If you are willing to visit the family and help them in person, here is their address: Akhmeta Municipality, village Kvemo Alvani.

Our Fund’s accounts are:

– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000

– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003

– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000

(Purpose: The Khutsidze family).

You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal

It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

Let’s believe that by helping others and sharing their pain, we care for our own souls and draw closer to the Lord!

You can save someone’s life and draw closer to God! Text 97100.

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

Corr: Nini 


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Kind Heart
17.10.2024 18:57:28
Kind Heart
17.10.2024 17:53:43



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