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According to statistics, approximately 75% of the global population encounters this issue, and Georgia is no exception. In fact, every second citizen has experienced herpes at least once in their lifetime. Colloquially, herpes is often referred to as a “cold sore” because it is associated with the onset of cold-related illnesses. The virus resides in nearly everyone’s body and activates under unfavorable conditions, such as hypothermia.
While herpes is not life-threatening, it can cause significant discomfort and is considered a cosmetic concern.


The onset of symptoms usually takes about two days. Often, individuals feel a burning sensation signaling the development of herpes. Without treatment, the outbreak can persist on the lips for 10–12 days. Treatment can reduce this duration by nearly half. Key symptoms include:


When the immune system is under significant stress or weakened due to other conditions, it cannot fully suppress the virus. This can happen for several reasons:

Herpes outbreaks are most common during the winter and spring, when the body suffers from a lack of vitamins and the risk of catching a cold or flu increases. The causes of herpes on the lips can also be linked to how the virus is contracted:


Outbreaks caused by viral, allergic, or mechanical factors require different treatment approaches. It’s crucial to use a comprehensive treatment plan, as addressing only the external symptoms of the condition is insufficient.  The underlying causes of herpes must also be treated. A typical treatment plan includes:

To speed up recovery, lifestyle adjustments are recommended: Temporarily avoid acidic and salty foods, alcohol, and smoking; Prevent hypothermia, overwork, sleep deprivation, and stress. During treatment, maintaining strict oral hygiene is especially important, as accumulated bacteria can trigger a recurrence.