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“My soul aches with despair”

calendar May 15, 2019

It has been 36 years since Sophia Kvirtia has been living “not in this world.”

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


has been 36 years since Sophia Kvirtia has been living “not in this
world.” No one knows how she perceives people, what she feels and what she
complains about. Born with a nervous system disease, Sophia was given the
status of disabled person of group I since early childhood, and as she grew up
her life began to turn into an uncertain existence. 

       While her
father was alive the parents somehow coped with caring of the sick little girl.
However, after the death of the head of the family, Manana, Sophia’s mother,
was left alone with her sick daughter, whose unpredictable behavior could turn
into a great tragedy at any moment.

can’t be left alone even for a second. She can burn down the house or hurt
herself, throw herself under a car, or hit her head against the wall. She needs
thorough watch or care! It happens that at night she suddenly jumps out of bed
and runs outdoors, and very often she moans in pain, but she is not able to
speak out loud about what is bothering her.   

      Mother and her
son are on the verge of life and death… Their house became dilapidated and
the furniture is unusable. An old refrigerator is almost always empty, because
the pension and social benefits are spent on medicines, without which Sophia
cannot survive. And what about the medicines for her mother, Manana, who has
varicose veins? There is no way to buy medicines for her! Mother can’t afford
such a “luxury”, and meanwhile she began to limp, and her left leg has
already turned all black. 

      We talked to
Manana and asked her to share her problems and concerns with us. 

    – How do you cope with
your sick daughter all alone?

     Manana: Only with
God’s help! When my husband was alive we distributed the responsibilities of
caring for our daughter. After the tragic event with her father all the family
duties lay upon me. Oh my God, I’m not complaining, I’ll take care of my girl
for the rest of my life, but we’re in such a miserable state right now that I’m
afraid of tomorrow. 

    – What do you mean?

Manana:  Sophia cannot talk, she
is unable to explain her anxiety; she is constantly rushing, trying to escape
to the street. All day I watch her not to hurt herself, and at night I am like
her guard. But my health is growing worse every day. I have varicose veins, one
leg is all blackened; it is very difficult to walk, and there is no money for
medicines. I am seized with fear as if I cannot move, then my daughter will
die. She can’t feed herself or get dressed, go to the toilet or take

       – Does
anyone help you? 

      Manana: People
are all poor in our village, but still there are good people are, and they try
as much as possible to help us; they bring us food and water…

     – What is the
matter with water? 

    Manana: In our village
the situation with water is very complicated. Our wells dry up in summer. There
is no running water. The villagers really suffer because of that. People bring
water from the regional center. I ask the neighbors, and they bring me a couple
of bottles of drinking water. I use rain water to do laundry…

     – And why didn’t
you address this issue to the Deputy of your constituency? Very often our
beneficiaries do not even think of addressing their “chosen one”. The
deputies are elected in order to resolve such urgent social issues of the
population. It is their duty! But from our experience we can say that very few
people “bother” deputies and this is a fundamentally wrong approach!
Be sure to report your problem to the Deputy of your district, and if he
refuses, we will write about it on our page, because we are read by more than
half a million people! 

      Manana: I kindly
ask you to address the Deputy on my behalf. Thank you for visiting us and
initiating the charitable action. 

       – And do
the local authorities help you? 

      Manana: The city
hall gives us money for medicines twice a year; the amount is insignificant,
but nevertheless, is important for us. When my daughter has an attack we call
the village doctor. It is a free service. In addition, every year the
municipality allocates 150 lari for wood. 

      – And what’s your

      Manana: A social
allowance in the amount of 100 lari and my daughter’s pension in the amount of
200 lari. A half of this amount is spent on diapers because, as I said, we do
not have water to use washable cloth napkins. We have about 100 lari for food,
which is enough for bread, beans and watery soup. 

     – Manana, I know
you are a believer? What do you ask God for? 

     Manana: I am 57
years old. All my life I pray to God. I ask him to give me strength to overcome
physical and mental pain. I pray God to send us some good people who will lend
us a helping hand! From now on, I will pray for your Fund which responds to the
needs of poor people.


– What is your dream?

Cerebral palsy, my daughter’s illness, is an incurable disease. My soul
hurts from despair. That’s why I don’t dream about Sofia’s recovery. My only
dream is that God gives me the strength to care for her as long as possible.
You know, when Sophia falls asleep at night and silence reigns in the room, I
light a candle, kneel before the icon and pray that God will have mercy on all
the children in the world who are sick and suffer… 

Dear friends, let us put ourselves in
these people’s shoes! Show mercy to this family with as much as you can, turn
their existence into a life! They do not have any financial ability to be
treated, and a neglected form of cerebral palsy can lead to the death of a sick
person. You have a chance to influence the fate of Sophia and her mother.
Do not postpone it! As it can be too late. Now is the very moment when you are
asked for help!

You can visit this poor family at the
place of their residence in person, to help and give hope. Her address:
Chkhorotsqu Municipality, the village of Kirtskhi, tel.: 568 014124.

If you have a willing to help, but do
not have time to visit them, this is our Fund account: GE15TB7194336080100003
or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Sophia Kvirtia). 

You can also transfer money from our

You can as well transfer money from
the terminals of Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in
“Charity” section. (You can learn about the ways of payment by
following the link 

Every charitable act is a step on the
ladder to Heaven!

Jul 31, 2019
Sep 02, 2019
bread for orphans
Sep 09, 2019
Oct 11, 2019
Nov 08, 2019
Apr 05, 2020

Total expenses:



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63 Donors

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63 Donors


They need your help urgently