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At the tomb of his parents he cries, howls and calls them. All the village knows when he is there.

calendar July 31, 2019

One call saves life!

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Timur is 40 years old, but he still cannot live without mom and dad. After all, he did not live without them and the day after birth

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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When heartbreaking howls and crying are heard from the cemetery, the whole
village knows that Timur was brought to the grave of his parents! Timur is 40 years
old, but he still cannot live without mom and dad. After all, he never lived
without them after his birth. He merely does not know how to live without
them… Because this poor man has the hardest form of cerebral palsy. 
The father and mother loved him while they were alive and did their best to
somehow improve the condition of Timur. For the parents he has always been a
nice little baby. And they also took care of him: bathed and fed with a spoon!
 He does not have a chewing reflex and he eats from a bottle as a baby.
And the hardest day has come in Timur’s life! My mother died, and after that,
and dad… he was left all alone in the world! Thank God he has a sister who,
because of her brother, moved to live in the village near Tbilisi along with her
husband and young children. 
Imagine tlhe love and sacrifice that made her leave Tbilisi and come to the
village to take care of the sick brother!
The elders say that everyone who suffers grief is a God’s chosen one and is
called a blessed one; they are sent on earth to carry their cross, even if they
are not capable of doing that. When helping such a person we share his sorrow
and eventually become accomplices to the person selected by God.
Meet the hero carrying God’s cross!
We talked to Mzevinar about the problems and needs of the family.
 – Mzevinar, how hard was it when your
parents died?
Mzevinar: It was a blow for me to lose my mom and dad in a year… but I have a
family, my children gave me the strength to endure the tragedy, and Timur…
he’s like a child, he did not live a day without them, he really missed our
parents. He was so attached to them that after their death, everyone thought he
was unlikely to survive. When I took him to my one-room apartment in Tbilisi,
he cried every day. We decided to move to live in the village, and I am
grateful to my husband for that; he supports me, helps me with Timur, and our
children love him very much. 
– Did he get better in the village?
Mzevinar: Yes, you should not think that cerebral palsy made him mentally
retarded! He understands everything well, he is used to this house, to this
yard. It is a whole world for him, and he’s left in this world completely
alone! Every day he asks me or my husband to take him to “mom and
dad”. He can pronounce only these two words… At the tomb of his parents
he cries, howls and calls them. All the village knows when he is there, –
Mzevinar said and started crying.
On the background of constant suffering, Timur’s health has deteriorated
dramatically. Last year, doctors diagnosed him with epilepsy, which meant
This family lives in extreme poverty. They are trying to survive with a pension
of Timur and a pittance earned by the husband of Mzevinar.
Mzevinar: I have two children, and of course, feeding them is our main task,
but Timur, is our principal child, he needs more attention and more warmth.
Imagine how hard it is now for him; he cannot even repel a wasp if it stings.
He even cannot change the position of his head…
At the moment our family is in a terrible state, it was a hard decision for us
to contact you for help. We hope that kind people will respond to our call
and give my brother their warmth. Our parents always lived with the hope that
we would cure him. But God gave him to us just such as he is, and he is an
angel with pure soul and we are responsible to God and must take care of him
Friends, any help and attention will be saving for Timur! God told us to take
care of this defenseless soul, and He will see what we do. After all, doing
good to each other, we do good to our Lord!
 Most of all Timur needs medicines, hygiene products and special food. It
is impossible to cure him, but it is possible to make it easier for his sister
to care for him. We can make joint efforts by joining including our charity
action. You can personally visit him and provide assistance. This is their
address: Chkhorotsqu Municipality, the village of Zumi, tel.: 579 18 03 40.
 Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000
(purpose: Timur Jolokhava). You can as well transfer money through our websiteand terminals
NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in “Charity”
section. (You can learn about the ways of payment by following the link
     Making good deeds, helping the weak, to making the world
better – all this is inherent in every person, and what is inherent must be
used! Let God help you.

Oct 02, 2019
medicine for home care program
Oct 11, 2019
washing machine
Jan 03, 2020
Aug 25, 2020
fund overhead

Total expenses:



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