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Santa Claus gave four little children four potatoes for the New Year.

calendar August 2, 2019

One call saves life!

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How quickly ordinary people are imprisoned in our country – fathers with many children and “how long officials”.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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 How quickly we put ordinary people in
prison – fathers with many children.
    “I only had four potatoes for this New Year! I didn’t eat
them. I only swallowed the lump in my throat, – says 35-year-old Nestan
Tupuria, a mother of four children. 
Since last October she, poor thing, suffers all alone. There is nobody to help.
Her father was put in jail for 2 years because he stood up for his son in front
of the neighbors. 
The poor woman does not know how to feed the children, where to get firewood,
how to prepare the kids for school. Problems a numerous, and there is no

“Here, I begin to cook some porridge, and 10-month-old Emilia held by the
eldest son Diego, cries; I take her in my arms, I lull her and suddenly I hear
9-year-old Manuchar whining: “Mom, I want to eat”; I go back to the
stove, holding the baby in one hand, and cooking soup with the other. Next
moment 7-year-old Taco starts having tummy ache, probably because of hunger. So
I am rushing, shaking, crying, and I still need to do laundry, clean the room
at least a little, sew my son’s pants for the tenth time…”, – says
Nestan Topuria. 

I had a very good husband. He was good father, – says Nestan. He could not stay
idle when the child was insulted for some prank. He was a very honest man, he
worked, he helped me to take care of the children, at least we didn’t starve.
Teymuraz is a loving and kind father. The children are very worried that he is
not with us. But my husband, as far as they told me, will be released on parole
for good behavior. Children can’t wait! However this will be in
October-November, and we need to live till that time somehow. After all, we can
die of hunger and not survive till autumn…”
        Grandfather and grandmother have a stone instead of
a heart. They didn’t want me as a daughter-in-law, but the children, they are
not guilty! Once an angry grandmother, who lives on the first floor, threw a
kitchen rolling pin at an 8-year-old child and broke his hand. Then there were
trials and, according to Nestan, the grandmother was first arrested, but then
released on bail in the amount of 2000 lari in favor of the state.
        This is a nightmare in this house!
 God help them!
      These children are not only hungry and cold, but it is
simply dangerous to stay there. No one knows what is on the mind of the evil
grandmother, and the grandfather is no good either. The defender is only one –
an old yard dog, which was picked up in the street by the children.  
      In the house where these people live there is no water,
bathroom, gas or refrigerator; the children sleep in the same bed; the
furniture is old and decrepit, and the veranda is all shaking, about to
– Nestan, tell me, what do you live on? 
Nestan: Social allowance is our only source of income. It suffices only to eat
for one week, then we actually starve.
–Does anyone help? 
Nestan (crying): Who needs us? My parents cannot help because they live in the
occupied territory of Abkhazia. They’re not allowed in here and we’re not
allowed in there. I applied to the Ministry of Refugees with a request for
public housing; I’m a refugee, but I was refused.

What are you dreaming about? 
Nestan.: I dream to escape from this hell, to live quietly and raise my
children. I am pregnant now, I am expecting my fifth child, but whether I will
give birth to him healthy is a big question. I am in constant stress, constant
tension and concerns. 
Friends, how could we call it? It is not normal! It’s just awful and the worst
thing are the children who grow up as “Mowgli” among the impenetrable
jungle of human hearts!
 We asked the children what they dreamed
of. And they said in unison: “That dad came back!”. This is the case
when children’s sadness spills out and takes over the soul!   
God grant that they have everything in this life well, that they are healthy,
cheerful, well-fed and happy. But nothing will happen if we, the public, do not
reach out to them, do not pull them out of the web of poverty and
Our help will facilitate their hard existence, and most importantly, it will
give an incentive to live on! The young mother has no financial possibility to
cure her children, buy nutritious food and good clothing, firewood, household
items and toys.
      You can personally visit them and provide assistance. They
need much help. Perhaps you have friends, children’s clothes or toys. Call them
and find out how you could help. And God will help you. And be sure to repost
our publication. Let all your friends know about the grief of these children!
It is very important.
Address: Adigeni Municipality, Abastumani village, tel.: 574  086
And  here is our Fund account
GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Tupuria Family). You
can as well transfer money through our website and terminals NovaTechnology,
TBCpay and ExpressPay.
 Find our Fund in “Charity”
section. (You can learn about the ways of payment by following the link
     Remember, you will always have everything you want in your
life if you help other people get what they want!

Sep 12, 2019
Sep 18, 2019
Sep 18, 2019
baby food
Nov 08, 2019
Nov 08, 2019
Fund overhead

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently