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Attention, the next stop is death!

calendar September 22, 2020

One call saves life!

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The story we are going to tell you now sounds like a fairy tale, very scary fairy tale, which would never have happened in reality.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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The story we are going to tell you now sounds like a fairy tale, very scary fairy tale, which would never have happened in reality. 

This tale is about Tamara, mother of Natia and Saba, who have been alive yet, but soon may be gone! They may perish not because of a dragon or a wicked witch, but because of hunger. Or maybe due to the lack of medications or just falling into despair.

They are alone but nobody cares. A year ago they ran away from their fiend father, and now they are trying to survive in the “jungles of today’s world” without water, food and money.

Tatia (14-year-old): Before we enter our home let me show you the place where we take shower. 

– I will talk to your mother first and then see your bathroom.

Tatia (14-year-old): What room? We have no water, we don’t even have a toilet, let’s go, I’ll show you! It’s nearby…

We walked in silence and then Tatia and Saba showed me a water pond with ice-cold water pouring under pressure from a pipe.

Saba (12-year-old): We wash here, it’s okay when it’s hot, but when it’s cold all our bones ache. Tatia is ill now, but we have no medications. Now let’s go to mom, we can’t leave her alone for a long time …

It was our first shock! The children wash in a water pond! Like Mowgli, as if they live in Africa

On our way back the children kept talking… They told me about their problems: “When it rains, it rains in the house too, when a wind is, it is blowing in the house too… They have no food, they don’t remember when they ate for the last time, but when there is some food they give it to Saba first, “He has diabetes” – Tatia says and hugs her brother, “if he does not eat he will have a coma! You know how scary it is, it seems like he is dying! You have to give him some sugar or something sweet! We’ve got some sugar, but when we don’t have it, I just run around the neighbors asking to give me some. And mommy is ill too.”

– What does your mother suffer from?

Tatia (14-year-old): She had a stroke, and she can also just collapse losing consciousness. Sugar does not help her… 

Saba (12-year-old): She’s had it twice! Do you remember, Tat, when she had it for the second time, I thought she was dead, I cried so much, that I got unconscious too, and you cried as well. Well, too many tears for one story. Saba was joking, but it hurt. 

It took a long for me to concentrate and to start the conversation. What to ask about? What to talk about? How to cheer them up? To tell them, that there are many kind people in Georgia and they will come to help as soon as they know about them? Tell them that we’ve helped a lot of people and that they can count on the Fund? How to talk to hungry children who don’t have even a slightest sparkle of hope in their eyes? What to ask their mom about, knowing that her children will not endure another day without food. 

– Tamara, on our way your children told me you have no water, no food, no medications. Tell me, what your major problem is.

Tamara: We escaped from home violence – my husband used to beat us. A relative of mine sheltered us, or rather she gave us a room in an abandoned house. The old hose is about to collapse, we’ve just covered the windows with cellophane. There is nothing here: no toilet, no bathroom. 

 -The children showed me the place where they wash. 

Tamara: My God, like primitive people. When it gets dark they rush to the pond so that nobody can see them (cries). I won’t tell you how we go to the toilet, it’s too awkward. The neighbors offer us to have a bath at their place, but we can’t bother them all the time. If not for our neighbors, people who are neither our family, nor relatives, we would have died of hunger … our 280 GEL allowance is not enough for food, not even for bread and pasta. 

 – Your story makes my skin crawl. I can’t imagine all the troubles that have fallen on your head!

 Tamara: You are right! I haven’t had even a single happy day, neither have my children… all that they have seen since birth is my husband beating me, and now they know what hunger, cold, humiliation are. But they bear with it saying: “It’s better to die of hunger than be killed by dad.” Saba has suffered from diabetes caused by fear, since 2. He used to have insulin shots, but thank God, two years ago he started taking pills instead. The poor boy had his stomach completely black of injections. 

Now our main problem is that we have no food, and he may fall into a coma.There should be at least a piece of bread at home, but today we do not have even that. Tatia has a fever, and I … What kind of mother I am, I can’t buy her pills, usual antipyretic pills… because tomorrow we won’t be able to buy bread for Saba! Tatia says: “Never mind, it will pass by itself”. Maybe it will pass, but how many times? How long should we suffer? There is no end to it!

 – Please, calm down, maybe we’d better talk about good things? I see many icons here, probably you believe that God will help you?

Tamara: I will always thank God that he gives me strength. Isn’t it a miracle that we are still alive? Now I pray asking Him not let my children collapse of hunger. The main thing now is to find some means in order to buy food. Not to die of hunger!

 Tamara started crying and was unable to continue the conversation. “Save us from hunger, save us from hunger, save us from hunger, – she wailed, covering her face with hands and crying.

– Tatia, Saba, let us talk and let your mom have a break.

Saba (12-year-old): I always tell mother: “Don’t worry, have a break, Tatia and me will do everything. Wait a little bit, I will grow up and build a house for us, and we will have a lot of food! It’s so bad, that people need to eat every day, why should they?” 

– What do you like doing? 

Tatia (14-year-old): My brother and me like to read. Rather we started to like it. We have no computer, no TV, no toys. And there are no children nearby we could play with. So we read, and when we have nothing to read – we have very few books – we start reading school books. I like detective stories mast of all. It is interesting when the intrigue persists to the last, and while reading I try to find a solution myself. This is very exciting.


I love going to school. I like geography: it is incredible how huge the world is with so many exciting things around. There are so many new things in the world, and we don’t have even water.

Saba (12-year-old): I like football.There is nobody to play it with, and I haven’t played football for a long time. I even have no ball, otherwise I would teach Tatia goalkeeping and scoring. I have nobody except her. Actually, I like going to school. I am good at solving math problems. Do you think school will start soon? What do they say? 

– I think it will start in October, do you have anything to put on to school? 

Saba (12-year-old): Ups, I haven’t thought about that. Probably we have some clothes, but we have no footwear for sure. If I wash these trainers, do you think I could wear them at school. They are not torn, I think, well there is a hole, it can’t be seen. Hope the weather will not be rainy and cold.

What are you dreaming about? 

Saba (12-year-old): I dream about building a house for us. You’ve reminded me that I dream about footwear too. For Tatia as well! She has to go to school as well. And for mommy too! She does not have to go to school, but she needs shoes too. Mom, show the footwear that you have to put on! 

Saba (12-year-old): I also dream about a bicycle. Here is nobody to play with. I think if I had a bike, I would have much more interesting time. Sometimes mom asks me to go to the shop, but it is two kilometers far. As I walk, I think how cool it would be pedaling … 

– So when you go shopping you dream about having a bicycle, and what are you dreaming about right now?

Saba (12-year-old): Right now I want to have a big plate of fried potatoes! I love it! Tatia has planted potatoes for me in the yard, but unfortunately nothing grew, it’s a pity. We should try to plant them again, maybe they’ll grow.

– Tamara, I understand now what gives you the force to live! You have wonderful children! Have you addressed anybody for help? The local government, for instance? 

Tamara: Yes, I went to the administration, explained that we were about to stay in the street, asked for help. They offered us to move to the former school building, but nothing there is suitable for life: there are only walls, and an earth floor with no furniture. And I have nothing of mine own… Only the things we ran away with, that’s all. 

The neighbors give us clothes, but as for footwear, the situations is catastrophic.

– Tamara, the people of whole Georgia will read your story! What would you tell them? 

Tamara: There is only one thing I want to say – don’t let my children die of hunger! We shout! We scream! We cry for help! We are here! We hope for you! Please help! Because tomorrow they may die!

– How did you decide to address the Fund?

Tamara: My neighbors told me about you, and I knew that thanks to the Fund and good people real miracles happen. They say the Fund lights a candle over people! Those people are not visible, they are not heard, and then everyone will know about them. Light a candle over us! Please! I’ve nothing else to ask for. 

Our story ends. There is no point just to listen to it. One should ask theirselves the main question. “Will it be my fault, if something happens to those children tomorrow? If the child does not defeat the fever without pills, will I be guilty?” 

Answer those questions and do what your heart tells you to do. 

The family urgently needs food, medications, hygiene products, beds, home appliances. The children need new clothes and footwear for school! They also need a computer and books. Can you imagine how happy will Saba be if he gets a bicycle?

We really hope for your help and we know that Georgians never leave their people in need! Call and visit them! Address: Akhmeta District, village Kvareltskali Tamara’s phone: 558 58 16 76

Please repost our publication. Let you friends know about Tamara Kurashidze’s family! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about the people who are unable to take care of themselves. Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

 Our Fund’s accounts are: 




(purpose: Tamara Kurashidze). 

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section. (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link )

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support Tamara and her wonderful children! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One call saves life – 0901 200 270

Saba’s bike saved his mom from stroke

“Every boy should have a bicycle,” says Saba (12-year-old) and rings the bell. – “This is mine – no more need for asking or borrowing. I dreamed about it for so long! But I never thought that my dream would come true. We’ve always had bad luck.”

“And I always knew that one should hope for the best and believe in good people,” his sister Tatia (14-year-old), joins our conversation. – “We missed many months of online study, but now we can attend the lessons. They gave us a laptop. I want to thank everyone who helps us. We love you!”

Not long ago we wrote a post about the extremely difficult situation the Kurashidze family faced:

They don’t have their own home. Tamara, mother of two children had two strokes, Saba has diabetes. And let’s be realistic: such problems cannot be solved with a wave of a magic wand. But you, our dear readers, with your attention and love gave this family hope, you gave them that straw, which they can clutch at in the whirlpool of troubles and misfortunes. We spoke with Tamara and her kids to find out how things are going after our publication.

“Thanks to you, we have survived to this day,” says Tamara. “We have nothing of our own. Our only hope is that good people will not leave us at the mercy of fate. There were so many responses to our story, that I could not hold back my tears, and I am not embarrassed about these tears. Because we have become disaccustomed to joy and all the good things as if we do not deserve it, as if we are destined to be unhappy. God forgive me my despondency … There are so many good people! They helped me with money, food, medications.”

– Which of our readers did you meet and talk to personally?

Tamara: The kindest woman Inna came from Tbilisi. She brought my son a bicycle, and a lot of clothes for both of my children – everything was brand-new. Sweatpants, sweaters, and socks for Sabuna; jumpers and shirts for Tatia. She gave me 200 GEL and brought us foodstuffs too: flour, vegetable oil, potatoes, etc. I have no words to express my gratitude!

One day an emigrant from Greece called me, introduced herself as Maka, and offered me to chat via the messenger. She immediately felt my depressed state and tried to calm and reassure me – she said a lot of warm, right words to me. Maka sent trainers and a jacket to Tatia. The jacket is a little bit big, but it’s beautiful, of good quality. We saved it for the future. Besides that, Maka sent us 100 GEL and sweets.

Tatia (14-year-old): Inna gave me her phone number, saying that we can call her at any time. She is wonderful! I also want to thank Maka for the gifts and moral support.

– Saba, have you already tested your bike? How many kilometers can you drive at a time?

Saba (12-year-old): I rode for two months before the weather got cold. I do not go far so that my mother doesn’t worry – I ride nearby, and it turns out about three kilometers. As soon as it gets warmer, I’ll go outside with my bike again. It’s so great when you ride it, you feel freedom! Can you ride?

– Yes, since childhood. Bike is the whole world. I understand what you feel when you ride a bicycle.

Saba: I don’t think about sad things, and it seems to me that everything will be fine. Mom often says that the holidays do not exist for us, that we don’t have time for that. Even for the New Year we only had fried potatoes. But they brought us so many delicious things and sweets, that I don’t want to think so.

– Do you know how it happens? Sometimes a weekday can become a holiday. And sometimes the holiday is an ordinary day. May you always have hope for the better future!

Tamara: I pray for everyone who took care of us. May they never know hardship and suffering, may God protect them from such experiences as we have. I wish all kind people prosperity, happiness, health!

– Do the local authorities do anything to help you with solving your housing problem?

Tamara: Absolutely nothing. They just present the appearance of getting involved in our situation and trying to help us. In fact, the options they offer are unrealistic – they’re just trying to get rid of us. Gamgeoba (“administration” in Georgian) of the Akhmeta district offered us a former school building with an earth floor and without window frames. We are supposed to make the flooring and insert the windows by ourselves. It is true – he that is warm thinks all so. Lord, we have nothing to live on! Don’t these people understand that? We had to move to Rustavi for the winter so as not to freeze to death. We had no firewood, so we could not light the stove. Our friends brought us here from the village two months ago. But we are eternal wanderers. We will have to pay the rent soon – 370 lari, but we almost have no money. We have 100 GEL bill for gas and 84 GEL for electricity. We’ll have to leave this apartment soon, and we will literally find ourselves in the street. (Cries) Returning back to the village is a big problem as well. Since intercity transport does not work, private drivers charge 350 GEL for the trip.

– The goal of our posts it to really help people. You have already had the opportunity to be convinced of this. If you tell us what problems you have now, our readers will not pass by.

Tamara: God bless you all! As if we had few diseases… My daughter Tatia was diagnosed with a capillary disease. (Cries) The child felt sick, so they took her to the Iashvili clinic for five days. Doctors said there was internal bleeding. Now Tatia is at home keeping a strict diet, but I’m crazy because it can repeat again. How could I help her? This is the result of our abnormal life.

– How do you feel yourself, dear?

Tatia: Sometimes I have stomach aches. When nothing hurts, I attend online lessons. I keep a diet. I should eat liquid food, soups. I shouldn’t have any food after eight in the evening, not even water. I don’t take any medications because we cannot afford them.

Tamara: It is only thanks to your Fund that I had chance to take stroke medications for some time. It’s all over now …And  I can’t buy anything for my poor girl either.

Tatia: Mommy, calm down, please. Everything’s gonna be alright. God sent us good people. I believe that with your support, we will manage to resolve all our problems. I believe that we will get out of this hard situation. Readers who help us – are God’s messengers for us, I can’t call them otherwise. You keep our hope alive.


Friends, the Kurashidze family urgently needs help! Most of our problems will seem insignificant after such revelations. One can be terrified of why fate sends them so many trials. But it is better to act than to reflect. If you can change or improve anything, if you can suggest a solution – don’t hesitate to call us. Thank you for your mobility, for always being the first!

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Kurashidze family).

You can also transfer money from our website:

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

We have good news for you: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and


One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with others!

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Nov 30, 2020
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Dec 01, 2020
Dec 09, 2020
Dec 16, 2020
Dec 21, 2020
Dec 28, 2020
Aug 04, 2021
Aug 24, 2021
Sep 16, 2021
Nov 01, 2021

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They need your help urgently