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When Reziko cries the entire family cries too. His tears are so bitter, his cries are so pitiful… Lord, help!

calendar November 20, 2022

“Be quiet, don’t talk too much, don’t make noise! I barely calmed Reziko – he cried all day! I think he has a sore throat. Or maybe his stomach hurts. He is so big, he is older than me, but he behaves like a baby,” – a serious girl Lizi meets me at the door and explains how to behave so as not to hurt Reziko, how to speak so that her brother does not burst into tears.

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When Reziko cries the entire family cries too. His tears are so bitter, his cries are so pitiful… Lord, help!

“Just don’t cry, don’t cry we will speak in whispers all day, and we will make others speak quietly”
“Be quiet, don’t talk too much, don’t make noise! I barely calmed Reziko – he cried all day! I think he has a sore throat. Or maybe his stomach hurts. He is so big, he is older than me, but he behaves like a baby,” – a serious girl Lizi meets me at the door and explains how to behave so as not to hurt Reziko, how to speak so that her brother does not burst into tears. 

“Most of all, Rezi loves when his sister sings songs to him”

When Reziko cries the entire family cries too. His tears are so bitter, his cries are so pitiful… he cannot explain what hurts him, what bothers him, so his mother and grandmother should guess. “Now his back hurts, he needs to roll over, now he is thirsty, and now he wants us to leave him alone, he wants peace and silence…”
– Lizi, will you tell me about your brother? 
Lizi (7 years old):  Let Grandma tell you. My mother and I always cry when we talk about Reziko. I only can say that he is the best and that something hurts him all the time.
Mzevinari: Let me tell you. My heart has been bleeding for 10 years now. Rezi is my first grandson. We were waiting for him, it was such a happiness for us. A perfectly healthy boy was born! When he was 8 months old, he already said the word “mom” and sang along with us. Everyone who saw him said he was a genius! 

“I asked the Lord to pass my grandson’s illnesses to me – I developed diabetes and epilepsy”

– What happened to him then?
Mzevinari: When he was 8 months old, he fell ill. His ears hurt very much, he could not even sleep, he cried all the time. We took him to the hospital, they gave him some infusions, transfusions, injections, and he passed out! We lost him for 3 days – he was in a coma. Then he came to his senses, but it was as if someone had erased his memory – he did not recognize us, did not understand what we were saying to him. That’s how they made a disabled person out of my grandson! Then they told us he had cerebral palsy, that it could not be treated, and that we should take care of him all his life as in the first days of his life … 
– It’s hard to even imagine what you’ve been through.
Mzevinar: Don’t even try to imagine that… it’s a nightmare! Then he started having seizures, and hospitals, doctors, operations, debts, loans, and rehabilitation courses began. The boy seems to be on the mend – and then he gets a fever again, and all the results disappear as if he had never been treated. We start all over again and walk in a vicious circle. We don’t have enough means to pay off our debts and have money left for food. 
– Does anyone help you?
Mzevinar: my parents died three years ago – both of cancer. They were sick for a long time, and then died together. My brothers have large families, and they live in poverty as well. My husband’s family also has its own problems.
– It’s so noisy here…
Mzevinar: It is a former automatic telephone exchange building- it is a social housing now. We are eighty families living here. They let us live here – I don’t know for how many years. They can kick us out at any moment. Where to go then? Neither my husband, nor I have home of our own. I am afraid that we will find ourselves in the street. 
Gigi (5-year-old): What do you mean – in the street? Will we sleep in the yard? You are so strange! We are not dogs!
Mzevinar: Some dogs live better than us, unfortunately. 
– Gigi, do you like how you live?
Gigi: No! I sleep in one bed with Grandma and Lizi, they kick me and kick them in sleep. And I don’t like, that Rezi does not obey me. I tell him: my dear, stand up, let’s play ball, but he keeps lying. 
Mzevinar: “Will my brother talk? Will he play with me?” These questions break my heart, because all of us, except for Gigi, have already come to terms with the fact that Reziko will never stand on his feet and talk, will never be able to play with his little brother.

“No mother deserves her children to suffer. And if this cannot be avoided, then may God grant strength to these mothers”

– What about current condition of Rezi?
Mzevinar: You can see yourself.  He lies, cries and we not always can understand what bothers him. We not always manage to calm him down. He mainly cries when he is thirsty, or when something hurts him, or when he needs silence. He becomes restless when it is noisy at home. He can start having seizures.

“When he gets all cramped, then it’s very hard to get his muscles to relax”

Lizi: Or he cries when he wants to play with me.
– Do you often play with him?
Lizi: I play with him when he does not quarrel with me. When I come home from school, I immediately go up to him. If I need to learn a verse, I also sit next to him and read aloud. But quietly, so that he does not feel bad. 
Gigi: Maybe we need to buy a toy for him? So that he hugs it and sleeps calmly?
– Do you give him your toys?
Gigi: No! Not because I’m greedy, I just have none. 
– So, you need toys. What else you dream about besides toys?
Gigi: About many things. I will go to school soon, so I dream of school stuff. I dream of a scooter and a tablet. I dream of Rezi not getting sick and not twitching.

“I dream my brother to be healthy. And I dream about a scooter… I don’t need anything else.”

Lizi: Our biggest dream is for Resi to be healthy or at least suffer less. Do you know how bad he is? Sometimes I imagine that I have such arms and legs that I cannot get out of bed by myself, I can’t eat on my own – and I start crying. It is so scary.
– Lizi, what else you dream about besides Rezi to get well? Lizi, girls of your age have beautiful dreams.
Lizi: I don’t even know. If I had a lot of money, I would buy phones for myself and my brother. Do you know how hard it is to live without phone?  Everyone can do homework, look for interesting information – but I can’t. 
– Mzevinar, what can we do for you?
Mzevinar: We live only on allowance and pension. The money that my husband and son earn goes to pay off our debts. As I said before, we took lots of loans for Reziko’s treatment.  And we need so many things. Loo k- we need diapers – 7-8 pieces a day, we need expensive medications. Thank God, Rezi is not picky, and he even likes food from a social canteen. 
– Maybe you need anything else, besides diapers and medications for Reziko?
Mzevinar: I need a washing machine. I don’t have the strength to wash bed linen for Reziko every day. We also need a gas stove and a heater. And one more thing: maybe someone has old comfortable clothes to put on Rezi? He has nothing, I almost forgot about that! We really need beds for children. Rezi sleeps with his mom now and I sleep with Lizi and Gigi. It is very uncomfortable. 

“Rezi needs your help. He is a child of God!”

Gigi: Yes, because Lizi kicks a lot in her sleep and snores!
Lizi: Who snores? Don’t trust him – I don’t snore! It’s Rezi breathing hard. 
– Mzevinar, we will certainly write about your needs. I think Lizi and Gigi need a bunk bed, toys, a tablet, and new clothes.
Mzevinar: I don’t even dare to ask for it. And it turns out so that I only think about my sick grandson, and Lizi and Gigi seem to not exist. It hurts my heart! I am sure your readers know better what can make my unfortunate grandchildren happier. I completely trust them.

“Smile, my sweetheart, they will certainly help us”

Here is another son of God, here is another sick boy who will not be able to say “thank you” to us and will not even realize that we helped him. By helping such children, we open our hearts to God! Because we don’t do good for thanks but only for saving our souls.
Rezi, Lizi and Gigi are waiting for our help, they simply cannot survive without us. This family cannot cope alone, and they have no one to help them besides us!
You are their only hope! We should save the children! Look how good they are! 
They need diapers, medications, food, a washing machine, a gas heater, and a stove to make their existence easier.
 Children need clothes, shoes, toys, and a tablet. And also – a bunk bed! Can we help them? Sure, we can!
If anyone is willing to visit and help them in person, here is her address: Kutaisi, 40 Nikea Street.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: The Mikadze family).
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on 
Even if you dial once this special number 
it might save someone’s life!
 God bless you! 

God will reward all of you, dear friends of the Fund!


“I began to believe in miracles at the age of 51. Isn’t what’s happening to us a miracle? God, thank you for sending us so many kind people in our most hard time. My little ones, frozen to the bone from the cold, were in the hospital with a high fever, and suddenly you called. You sent us lots of food, medications, and this gas heater. I don’t know how to thank you! ” Grandma Mzevinari tells us and strokes Reziko’s skinny, weak arms. “Look how helpless he is, he can’t thank you or express his joy, but the Lord will thank you instead! It is the Lord who has brought you to us! “

Our readers know little Resiko well. He is 10. Reziko suffers from cerebral palsy. He was eight months old when his disease manifested. His family sold everything they could to help the child, but … Now they huddle in an old telephone exchange building. Besides Reziko, there are two other young children in the family: 7-Year-old Lizi and 5-year-old Gigi. The children dreamed of food and toys…  Follow the link and read the heartbreaking story of the Mikaze family.

– Mzevinari, I see the kids are very happy, did they like our presents?

Mzevinari: How could such precious gifts not make us happy? When your staff brought us “Karma” (Translator’s note – “Karma” is a brand of gas heaters) and two beds, Liziko began to sing for joy, and the first thing she asked me was: “Granny, will we get warm now and fall asleep peacefully?”

Gigi (5-year-old): When we’re warm, we won’t get sick anymore. I will go to kindergarten. I’ll eat soup there and my stomach won’t hurt anymore. 

  • Gigi, Lizi, did you like the bed? 

Lizi (7-year-old): Sure! I used to sleep with my grandmother and we barely fit. Now I go upstairs and lie there, and Gigi lies downstairs. Sometimes I invite him upstairs and we play together. It’s so much fun – like everyone has their own house. 

Gigi’s “house” is downstairs and Lizi’s “house” – upstairs – it’s so much fun …

Mzevinari: Your Fund helped us with food, medications, and diapers. You can’t imagine how much you helped us. It was when we asked the neighbors for some diapers and didn’t know what to do next… You probably know that Resiko is always in diapers. His condition is very hard. I don’t even have a washing machine or the strength to wash so much laundry… I am the second group disabled. I was operated on six times. I have epileptic seizures on a nervous basis. I wonder how I survive such suffering, and how I manage to fight for my grandchildren’s future! It must be good people like you that give me strength.

Lizi: Don’t you want to know the most important thing? Would you like me to show you the main gift?

  • What is that gift?

(Lizi leaves us, and literally two minutes later she is whizzing down the social housing corridor on her bicycle, and Gigi is riding a little scooter. Children’s laughter sounds. They’re having a lot of fun).

“We’re going so fast – you can’t catch up with us!”

Lizi: You have no idea how long I’ve wanted a bicycle. This is exactly what I wanted!

Gigi: And I’ve been dreaming about a scooter like this.

Mzevinari: Your staff called and asked the children what would make them most happy. They were still in the hospital at the time. You should have seen my babies’ eyes when their dream came true. I had never seen them so mischievous and happy. Thank you for every smile of my Liziko and Gigi.

He couldn’t wait to open the box, we barely had time to take a picture

“I’m going to take the side wheels off soon and ride like this! I’m a big girl! “

– Have you made any new friends, maybe someone else helped you?

Mzevinari: After you published our story on the website, we got a lot of help. One virtuous woman came to visit us. She brought us a food voucher, sweets, and stationery.I would like to thank her. I would also like to thank Mr. Akaki, our social worker, who supports us in any way he can. He gave us a voucher for food and medicine for the New Year. I would also like to thank the rehabilitation center “Nayo” and its head Mr. Zaza for this multifunctional wheelchair, where Resiko can sit and lie down.  The wheelchair also has a massage function.

“We couldn’t afford to buy a wheelchair like that for our boy”

If Reziko could talk, he would tell everyone, “I love you!”

– Mzevinari, let me ask you about Reziko. Besides medication he needs exercise and massage, doesn’t he?

Mzevinari: Reziko’s health is the most important thing to us, but we don’t get to take him to massages. It costs at least 10-15 GEL every day to pay for a taxi. And we can’t afford it. If a man of God shows up and can help us with this issue … I don’t know… I think I’ll be praying for him all my life…

  • What else do you need?

Mzevinari: The list of necessities never ends – any help is a blessing to us. We don’t have our own washing machine, refrigerator or stove. A relative lent them to us, but he will take them back within a month. What will happen to us then? 

Gigi: What’s a “necessity”?

  • It’s what you really need, baby!

Gigi: Then I have one very big necessity! I want a refrigerator with lots of food in it and toy blocks to build a house.

Lizi: And I want to go to the dance, but you have to pay 60 GEL there, and we don’t have much money. I can’t even collect that in change… 

These little angels still need our help !!!


Friends, thank you for everything you have done for these children. Together we managed to make the sad hearts of this little ones happy. Nevertheless, there are still problems. Reziko needs a massage course. The children dream of delicious food. So, if we can help this family with groceries on a regular basis, it will really be the biggest victory! 

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need!

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Keep on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord! 

Friends, we have one more request for you – if you find out that your friend or neighbor needs help, please show your caring attitude and drop us an email at: 

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything.

Friends! Thanks again to everyone!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: The Mikadze family)

 You can also transfer money from our website: «TБC Bank» (GeoPay), «Bank of Georgia» (e-commerce), «Liberty Bank» (PayGe), PayPal.

 It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and  PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section   (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the

 We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on


 And Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life:  0901200270 Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

Dec 08, 2022
Dec 08, 2022
Dec 14, 2022
Gas heater
Jan 05, 2023
Jan 29, 2023
Jan 31, 2023
fund overhead
Mar 31, 2023
fund overhead
Apr 24, 2023

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently