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We’re all about to die!!! We are fighting with all our strength! But if it still happens this way, please take care of our children! Remember them in your prayers, inquire about where they are and how their lives are going! We would do the same without a doubt!

calendar August 28, 2023

One call saves life!

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Could it be that these adorable children, just like their once healthy and loving father Gela and his brother Ramin, have inherited this terrible genetic disease from their late grandfather? Are they too destined for a slow and agonizing death? UPDATE!!! The Chernovetskyi Fund has already contributed 26,000 lari from their side, and we’re almost there, friends! With your support, we believe we can save the family from death!

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


Update!!! The Chernovetskyi Fund has already contributed 26,000 lari from their side, and we’re almost there, friends! With your support, we believe we can save the family from death!

We’re all about to die!!! We are fighting with all our strength! But if it still happens this way, please take care of our children!
Remember them in your prayers, inquire about where they are and how their lives are going! We would do the same without a doubt!


Could it be that these adorable children, just like their once healthy and loving father Gela and his brother Ramin, have inherited this terrible genetic disease from their late grandfather? Are they too destined for a slow and agonizing death?

“31-year-old Gela can hardly stand on his feet.  His brother Ramin assists him and knows that the same will happen to him soon… What a nightmare!”

“We’re all about to die!!!” cries and laments the mother of the children and wife of Gela, Tamara. “The fate of Gela and Ramin rests solely on a missing $25,000 – a sum we don’t possess! We’ve sold every valuable thing we had, reached out to all our acquaintances, borrowed as much as we could. Our family’s life is still in jeopardy!” This is not a cry for help, it’s a plea from a desperate mom and wife!

If we don’t collect the remaining $25,000 by September 14th (by which time the Georgian Ministry of Health contributes a small portion of money – $14,000) – and we have nothing left to sell, and our friends have already given us all they can – my beloved husband, the father of our little ones, and his younger brother will die in excruciating pain. This pain cannot be eased by pills or injections. Each moment that slips by brings them a step closer to certain death. If we don’t act now, it might be too late. Whose conscience will bear the weight of their unbearable suffering? Who will be held accountable for their torment and their deaths filled with convulsions? We cannot remain blind to this sorrow… these innocent children stand in line for doom after their father and uncle!

In just a few years, their home, where guests always gathered, where love and harmony reigned, has turned into a house of horror, death, and unending suffering.  All the men in this family are afflicted by a dreadful genetic disease that has already claimed the lives of their father and elder brother, and now, it seeks to take Gela and Ramin.  Huntington’s chorea – the very name of the disease is terrifying.  To help you fully grasp what this is – it’s torture, and not just for the afflicted, but for their loved ones as well.  The disease literally devours the brain of an entirely healthy person – they become irritable, angry, unable to find calm, constantly jerking and waving their limbs… And their face – their face changes beyond recognition – only name and surname remain from once sweet and kind person. And the most horrifying aspect is that it is impossible to break this vicious circle. 

That’s how quickly Gela’s expression changes. He can sit calmly, and then suddenly jump up and start destroying everything… And yet, he can’t take a step without assistance

– Tamara, looking at all this horror, I can’t imagine what to ask you, I can’t find the words… 

Tamara: My husband and his brother are simply fading away before our eyes!  The countdown is not in days, but in minutes!  With every passing second, cells of their brain are dying! Without surgery, both of them will die – just as their father and older brother did not long ago…

– Could you provide us with more details about the disease you’re talking about?

Tamara: It’s a genetic disease – Huntington’s chorea, you probably haven’t heard of it!  Four years ago, my husband started behaving strangely, experiencing insomnia. When he did manage to fall asleep, he would thrash his legs and arms, which could have seriously harmed me or our little son.  Upon waking up, he wouldn’t remember anything. Then he started making repetitive, incomprehensible movements with his hands and feet, almost like dancing. His gait became strange. I sounded the alarm, and we spent a long time going from doctor to doctor. I won’t go into the details of how many offices we visited, but we finally found out that my husband has a genetic disease that is “eating away” his brain. Disability awaits him tomorrow, and death is not far off in the near future!

“And the children remember his love, care and the warmth of his hands and still cling to him”

– Is there really no way out?

Tamara: The only way out is surgery, or more precisely deep brain stimulation. This procedure won’t cure him completely, but it will slow down the destructive process and prolong his life. For me, this means everything, as we have two little ones who need their father! And you know, what I fear the most is that this disease could affect my children too!  When I realize that, I feel like I want to die.

“I’m not afraid of you, Dad”

Is there any way to prevent this?

Tamara: The doctors who diagnosed my husband and his brother said that children need to be tested and undergo analyses.  The first genetic test should be taken at age 6, then at 15, 19 and 25. And only after all of this, if the disease isn’t detected, I can breathe a sigh of relief. And now every movement of my children alarms me. Even when they’re asleep, I watch over them. “Why did he move his leg, why is she breathing unevenly…?”  I know it’s turning into paranoia, but what to do? What can I do? If my children also received this “gift”, I already know the scenario of how their life will develop… but that’s not what matters right now.  I still have a few months to get the tests done for my son. He just turned 6 on August 15th. And my daughter is only 4 years old. 

Daddy, will you become a good boy soon and buy us gifts again?

– Daddy, will you become a good boy soon and buy us gifts again?

Demetre (6 years old): This year, Daddy didn’t even give me a cake. He used to be nice and always brought us lots of gifts. But now he’s lying down and waving his hands. Sometimes I’m so scared of him that I cry.

Dea (4-year-old): And I’m not scared, I cuddle him.  Like this!  “Good Daddy, Daddy’s a good boy.”

Gela lies down most of the time, and there should always be someone with him. I can imagine how it feels for his brother; he understands that he’ll become helpless soon too

– Does he not get up from the bed at all?

Tamara: Every movement is a tremendous struggle for my husband. He can’t eat on his own, and – I’m sorry to say that – we help him in the bathroom together with my mother-in-law, supporting him. Breathing is difficult for him; he might choke and struggle to breathe at any moment. Not only is he as helpless as a child, but he also has no control over himself. He becomes aggressive, lost, and he constantly curses. In those moments, he gathers some sort of strength from somewhere and smashes everything around him. Oh, I don’t even know how to describe all of this to you… His mother, Nazi, a saintly woman, sits by his side all the time and cries. She says it somehow makes her feel better. Can you imagine what she’s going through? She buried her husband, then her son, and now she’s watching death approaching for Gela and Ramin!”

Gela before the disease and Gela now – they are two different persons!

– What was he like before he got ill?

Tamara: You know, it’s so frightening to see a person who was such a caring and loving father, husband, son, someone who worked tirelessly just yesterday. He took care of me, he supported me so much and cared for me. I’m a sick person myself; after giving birth to our son, they had to remove my gallbladder, and there were complications, six surgeries. I couldn’t walk, and in the midst of stress, I developed epilepsy.  But he… He didn’t leave my side for a moment. There was so much warmth and love; he carried me in his arms.  I had a year and a half of being the happiest woman… and now, he can go days without saying a word, or he’ll say something that feels like a dagger in my heart.  But I know, it’s not him, it’s his disease.  Sometimes, I imagine that some sort of demon has taken over his mind and is controlling him.  There’s really nothing left of the old Gela…” 

“I was the happiest woman… well, so what if this happiness lasted only a year and a half?”

– What could have triggered this terrible disease?

Tamar: This disease is very rare – it’s transmitted genetically through the male line.  Because of this, my father-in-law died young, but at that time, no one understood the cause. They thought heavy labor killed him. And when the same symptoms – insomnia, involuntary movements – appeared in my husband’s older brother, we went to a doctor. They diagnosed him with psychological problems, and no one tried to dig deeper for the truth.  Two years later, he fell ill, and two years after that, he was gone. All those years, my mother-in-law cared for him like a baby.  Just look at her – she’s devastated!

A genetic disease claimed the lives of Gela and Ramin’s father and older brother

– Did you know anything about this disease before marriage?  How did you meet your husband?

Tamar: We were introduced in a traditional way – our parents arranged it. We were engaged, dated for six months, visited each other’s homes, and then had a beautiful, wonderful wedding… And you know, I’m grateful to God for this choice. My Gela is an amazing person, a wonderful husband and father.  His younger brother is not in such a severe condition yet, but for two years now, he hasn’t been able to sleep. He has the same involuntary movements, he’s withdrawn and irritable.  And he knows, he realizes what will happen to him in a few months. 

A grief-stricken mother can’t utter a word, she only weeps

– Have you addressed anyone for help? 

Tamar: The state partially financed us, with the help of relatives, friends, neighbors, we collected some more money, but still, we managed to collect only half of the required amount. And now all hope is on you and on kind strangers – the friends of your Fund. I know that we can’t completely cure my husband, but his life will become significantly better.  His sleep will normalize, aggression will subside, involuntary movements, breathing problems will go away – essentially, he will start living again. I understand that neither my husband nor his brother will be able to work, and I’ll continue to carry the burden, but believe me, it’s worth it! I don’t need wealth; the only thing I want is for my children to have a father, for him to be alive… and for our family to finally find peace and tranquility. I will do everything in my power, and I’m ready to take care of him until the end of my days.  And don’t think that it’s only the children keeping me here; I remember well how he supported me when I needed help, and I will never forget that.” 

Gela can’t even drink water by himself

Friends, today we’re talking about saving an entire family. Just imagine what it’s like when a person who was smiling at you just yesterday, who was the closest person in the world to you, transforms before your eyes into a monster and succumbs to a slow death.  When you can’t recognize the traits you love in him, living in memories and trying with all your might to save him? A terrible tragedy has befallen the Kharabadze family. A dreadful disease is taking away one after another the people who not long ago were living full lives, loving, working, and making plans for the future.  But it’s in our power to change their terrible fate, and with our joint efforts, we can defeat this dreadful fate.

For the young people, Ramin and Gela Kharabadze, there is a chance for salvation, but the amount required is beyond reach for a kind, humble Georgian family.  It’s hard for everyone right now, but when we imagine that tomorrow, two little ones could be left without a father, all of our hardships recede for a moment. Each one of us can contribute to saving this family.

If you are willing to visit this family and help them in person, here is their address: Ozurgeti District, Village Naruja.

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:

  – In Bank of Georgia #GE42LB0115113036665000

  – In TBC Bank #GE15TB7194336080100003;

  – In Liberty Bank #GE42LB0115113036665000;

  (Purpose: The Kharabadze family)

You can also transfer money from our website: TБC Bank (GeoPay), Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Thank you, my whole Georgia! You saved my family from a deadly disaster!


Due to Huntington’s chorea, a rare genetic disease, Gela, the father of the family, became a helpless invalid. A neurostimulator partially restored his ability to function.

“My dad plays blocks with me, he often says ‘I love you’ and hugs me tightly – boasts 5-year-old Dea. And before, I was the only one who said ‘love you’ to him, and he didn’t respond.”

Just recently, Gela’s condition was grave, and his family was in grief and tears. The rare genetic disease, Huntington’s chorea, killed two men from the Kharabadze family – Gela’s father and brother. Next in line were Gela and his brother Ramin. Gela was losing his memory, speech. His hands and feet made uncontrollable movements, he forgot how to take care of himself, eat, walk, sleep…

Gela’s face was constantly contorted in grimaces.

All together, we rewrote the terrible end of this story. The Chernovetskyi Fund and its readers collected $20,000 for the surgery of the Kharabadze brothers and saved two lives and a whole family. “I feel like the happiest person in the world,” says Ramin. “I was born again!”

– Tamar, how do you rate the surgery? How much has Gela and Ramin’s condition changed?

Tamara: These surgeries are the real salvation of our family! Today, no one in Georgia has $50,000 in case a loved one suddenly needs that amount of money.  But I would never forgive myself if Gela and Ramin died; I would suffer to the end of my days!  I cried for joy when you funded these surgeries! May you and your loved ones never need such sums or surgeries! All of you, dear to my heart, should be healthy and very happy!  And may the Lord protect all of you, my dear people!

Both Kharabadze brothers had surgery in Turkey. Their condition is significantly better now!

In the Samsun clinic (Turkey), Gela and Ramin were implanted with neurostimulators, which will be responsible for the correct operation of certain areas of the brain.   Both Gela’s and Ramin’s surgeries lasted for 5 hours, and in the next 10 days, they felt back to normal.

The neurostimulator (battery) itself is placed in the chest cavity. It is rectangular, and it can be visually seen under the skin of both my husband and my brother-in-law. Electrodes are implanted in the brain. And signals go from the battery to them…

Before the surgery, my husband was already incapacitated and very capricious. He complained that everything inside him itched and couldn’t bear to have clothes on his body. He demanded to be shaved every day. During meals, he constantly choked and couldn’t swallow. Grains caused him suffocation. The worst thing was that he didn’t know a moment of peace, couldn’t sit quietly on the couch, his hands and legs twitched, and his eyes spun madly…

And now… Oh my God, thank you so much! Gela eats on his own, watches TV, goes to the bathroom, speaks much more clearly, and involuntary movements and twitching have significantly decreased! Your social worker came, saw all this, and opened his mouth in surprise (smiles).   He has something to compare it to. He was very happy.

Gela is eating on his own now! 

Tamara: Oh Lord, thank you for this miracle! Gela no longer needs a nanny. Thank you to all of Georgia! You saved my family from disaster!

Nikoloz (5-year-old): Daddy also speaks clearly. Before, only mommy could understand him. And he doesn’t get angry anymore, and he doesn’t break things at home. And he doesn’t make scary eyes. And he didn’t forget my birthday, he called me and kissed me. And Uncle Ramin bought me a cake. That’s how I like it: grandma smiles, mom smiles, dad plays with me. It’s good that you fixed them. Thank you!

Demetre (6-year-old): “Daddy remembered how to communicate. That’s what I’m most happy about.”

– One more important thing Tamara, did you also have the children examined to see if they inherited the disease or not? What was the doctors’ answer?

Tamara: We’re over the moon; it’s like a weight off our shoulders! Neither my son nor daughter showed any signs of the disease. Well, no doctor will give a 100% guarantee for a lifetime. But at the moment everything is great, and the children have excellent tests. I’ll have them checked again when they’re 16. Thank you so much to the Fund for paying for these examinations and putting my heart at ease!

– Can we say that the old Gela, the one you knew before he got sick, is back?

Tamara: Oh, that won’t happen anytime soon.  Will it even happen at all? (Sadly.) But now we are rid of extremes, of a catastrophic situation. My husband no longer needs someone dedicated to looking after him, no more need for a nanny. I’ve found time for some extra work. There’s a blueberry plantation nearby, they pay 40 lari a day, from 9 to 18. They call me to work five times a month, and that money is crucial for my family.

– Have you met anyone from our readers?

Tamara: There was a really touching moment with a football club. One evening, not long before the surgery, we suddenly heard car horns and noise in our yard.  I went out to see, and the local football team was there, the whole squad! They came in, hugged Gela and Ramin, and lifted their spirits: “Guys, everything will be fine, you’ll manage, we believe in you!” The young men, Gela and Ramin’s peers, gave them a boost. They donated their winnings to help treat my husband and brother-in-law. It was really moving, I was in tears…

– Ramin, you probably want to share your story, right? How has your life changed? How are you feeling?

Ramin: The Chernovetskyi Fund and its readers, know that you have made me the happiest person on Earth! You have liberated me from confinement and prolonged, deep depression. I want you to know that!

I am 27 years old now. For three years, I didn’t go anywhere because of my illness, and couldn’t meet with friends. I suffered from insomnia and bouts of aggression, and I also developed tics, like my brother. I thought that neither Gela nor I could be helped.

Now it’s peaceful and quiet at home.   The kids have recovered from the stress. I go out to town, see my friends. And I still dream of starting my own family. I started to live like a normal, ordinary person! This is more than just assistance from your side. You have given me life itself!

Ramin: After three years of being locked up, I began to go out into the city, to socialize with friends. I started to live like a normal, ordinary person!

It’s peaceful and quiet at home. The children have been able to rest from the stress. Thank you for saving this beautiful Georgian family!

Nazy (mother of Ramin and Gela): Thank you for my sons, for saving our family. My prayer for you is very strong. This is the prayer of a mother whose dying children were brought back to life. With care and love, I ask the Lord for all good things for you.

– What else do you need our help and support in? 

Tamara: Whatever life challenges arise – they will all be insignificant compared to the enormous problem you helped solve. Thank you for going through so many challenges with us!

You give your warmth and hope to people with the gravest diagnoses. Thank you very much for peace, calmness, and joy in the Kharabadze family! Gela needs to be checked by a doctor every six months, Ramin – once a year. You are always the first people we tell our news to. Follow the story of this family.

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are nothing if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy!

Friends, thanks again to each of you!

Our Fund’s accounts are:

– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000

– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003

– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000

(Purpose: The Kharabadze family).

You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal

It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life. It might save someone’s life:  0901200270!  God bless you!

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them! 

Sep 05, 2023
Operation, Gela Kharabadze
Sep 05, 2023
Operation, Ramini Kharabadze
Oct 31, 2023
fund overhead
Nov 30, 2023
fund overhead
Dec 05, 2023
Medical services
Dec 05, 2023
Medical services
Dec 31, 2023
fund overhead
Feb 29, 2024
fund overhead

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently