რეგულარული გადახდების ფუნქცია ხელმისაწვდომია

There is nothing better in life than helping your neighbor!

“Lord, help us live the next day! Save my children from hunger! ”- Nana Nanawa says this laconic prayer every evening, and repeats hundreds of times until he falls asleep in tears of fatigue.
Hunger is the most terrible and wild thing that can happen to a person in a civilized, democratic country in the 21st century! But this is a reality that not even dozens but hundreds of citizens of our beautiful Georgia are facing!
The Dzeria family, a mother, father, four children and a grandmother with a grandfather, live on the verge of despair. Adults are almost always undernourished, everything that they manage to buy for a meager pension and social benefit, or, with which kind people will treat, they try to give to children completely. They don’t even have to dream about other benefits of civilization – a warm, strong and durable home, suitable for all seasons clothing. The roof has long been worn out and leaks, and indeed covers only part of the house.
Dzeria’s family was in this position when we first met them, shortly before the New Year. Immediately, we announced a charity campaign to raise funds to help the family. And today, we are happy to inform you that dozens of people have responded on the mountain of our beneficiaries! More than a thousand GEL has been collected! First of all, we purchased all sorts of food for a starving family. Together with the most necessary products, they brought many sweets to children. Animation and happy laughter were our reward for the joy brought to the children.
“Maryam, you are the oldest, and you can say a few words for the younger ones.” Did you like the gifts from our benefactors?
– I liked it very much. Today, probably for the first time in a long time, the whole family will fill us from the belly!
Mariam was silent, turned to the younger sisters and brother: “Zaal, Barbara, Elena, do not eat so much sweet! You will feel bad! ”, And, as if apologizing to us, added,“ They haven’t tried sweets for a long time … ”
For a lively scene of distribution of gifts with tears in his eyes, watched the mother of the children Nana Nanawa.
Nana Nanawa: “Thank you to everyone who so generously responded to our request for help! People are very kind, I was once again convinced that there are thousands of merciful people in our country! Thanks to the Chernovetsky Foundation for the care, for being imbued with our tragedy, supported in the most terrible period! ”
The Chernovetsky Fund purchased not only food, but also a refrigerator with collected donations. The family does not have the most basic household appliances. Summer is coming and now, the family will be able to store food safely.
Christian St. John of Damascus said: “Truly, there is nothing in life better than helping a friend and mutual joy.”
Let us and we will remember this and give each other joy!
If you have the opportunity to provide financial assistance to such unhappy people as the Dzeria family, you can transfer money to the account of the Fund GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (appointment: Home care) or donate directly from our website https://chernovetskyifund.ge/ge/ projects / 270-ishvile /
You can transfer money from the terminals NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. In the “charity” section, find our Foundation.