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A tragedy! Four-year-old Anano hugs a photo of her late father and tearfully asks, “When will he come back?” Anano’s 24-year-old uncle is still fighting for his life. The tragedy of the Usupashvili family has shaken all of Georgia!

calendar October 25, 2024

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The greatest tragedy captured in a single photograph—this angelic little girl caresses her bedridden uncle and pleads for him to get better soon. In her other hand, she holds a picture of her deceased father. She doesn’t yet understand the meaning of the word “death”. Anano can’t comprehend why her father hasn’t come home or why he no longer showers her with affection. When the Fund’s correspondent visited their home, the happy child asked the “stranger auntie,” “Is Daddy coming home soon?” Oh God, how hard it is to hear those words from a child! Kind people, we cannot bring back the father of this 4-year-old girl, but we can save her uncle. He can become a father to Anano and, most importantly, he can still become a father himself. Only you, kind people, can turn the sound of mourning into the joyful ringing of a new family’s happiness—a family made up of a 21-year-old girl and a 24-year-old boy. The clock is ticking!  Every minute counts!

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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A tragedy! Four-year-old Anano hugs a photo of her late father and tearfully asks, “When will he come back?” Anano’s 24-year-old uncle is still fighting for his life. The tragedy of the Usupashvili family has shaken all of Georgia!


Four-year-old Anano hugs a picture of her deceased father and caresses her bedridden disabled uncle.

The greatest tragedy captured in a single photograph—this angelic little girl caresses her bedridden uncle and pleads for him to get better soon. In her other hand, she holds a picture of her deceased father. She doesn’t yet understand the meaning of the word “death”. Anano can’t comprehend why her father hasn’t come home or why he no longer showers her with affection. When the Fund’s correspondent visited their home, the happy child asked the “stranger auntie,” “Is Daddy coming home soon?” Oh God, how hard it is to hear those words from a child!

She prays for her father to return home.

This is Anano’s uncle—24-year-old Levan. Prepare your handkerchiefs! The story I’m about to tell will make you shed bitter tears. Levan had just gotten married and was over the moon with happiness. He couldn’t wait to have a child of his own, just like his niece, Anano. One day, Levan and his brother Revaz traveled from their village, Badiauri, to Tbilisi to celebrate a friend’s birthday.  Before leaving home, Revaz promised his little princess that he would return soon and gave her a big hug. Oh, who could have known that it would be the last time the poor child would embrace her father?

After that fateful day, all that was left of Revaz was a funeral photograph.

The birthday celebration ended in tragedy for the Usupashvili brothers. A car accident claimed the life of 29-year-old Revaz, Anano’s father. Levan, only 24, was in a coma for 21 days. He was operated on twice, but tragically, he is now completely paralyzed—not only unable to get out of bed but unable to move at all. The young man is paralyzed from the chest down and feels nothing below his torso. God, this is worse than hell!

Levan’s right leg is held together with metal plates.

This is Levan’s 21-year-old wife, Alena. They fell in love and got married. They dreamed of a child in their newly created family. Their newlywed happiness lit up the walls of their home, but soon, those walls were filled with the sound of mourning.  One brother was carried out in a coffin, while the other, lying in a coma, couldn’t even attend the funeral. And even after he woke up, the family kept the news of his brother’s death from him.

But one day, his niece asked him, “Uncle, when you come home from the hospital, will Daddy come back too?  Daddy hasn’t come home since that birthday party. He’s not even in the hospital like you,” Levan was horrified when he heard this.  He realized that his beloved brother had been killed in the same terrible accident that left him paralyzed. The reckless driver had doomed the Usupashvili family to eternal suffering.

Levan’s paralysis hasn’t lessened Alena’s deep love for him. This 21-year-old woman feeds her husband by hand.

She is by his side 24 hours a day, acting as his nurse, as they can’t afford to hire one. Do you think you’d even notice a hint of tiredness in Alena? Her love for her husband gives her the strength to do the impossible. But there’s one thing that weighs heavily on her heart —the dream of having a child remains unfulfilled. Levan is completely paralyzed, and you, dear reader, understand what that means… But Alena hasn’t given up hope. She believes that one day her husband will walk again. Doctors have told her it’s possible, but only if he gets the full rehabilitation treatment he needs in time. Unfortunately, the family is too poor to afford it. If they delay his treatment, Levan’s chances of ever walking again drop to just 1%. You understand what that means, don’t you?


Every day, 21-year-old Alena prays for her husband’s recovery.

Since the accident, Levan struggles to speak, but his mind is clear, and he pleads for help with his eyes.

Newlyweds Levan and Alena— God, how happy they were!

This is the greatest tragedy, captured in a single frame!

Look at this photo! It speaks volumes—how much sadness and pain it holds. A beautiful 21-year-old woman, with tears in her eyes, stands beside her paralyzed husband’s bed, staring at a photograph taken shortly before the terrible accident, back when they were shining with happiness. 

Alena (21 years old): “Every day, I dream of just one thing—to turn back time so that Levan and I can be as happy as we were in that photo. Why? Why did life do this to us? We wanted nothing but good for everyone. We never asked anything from life.  Even though we were poor, we were never ungrateful.  All we wanted was happiness in our new little nest, and we dreamed of having many children. What will happen now? Will we die without ever knowing the joy of raising our own children?”

The Usupashvili home doesn’t even have a window.

There’s no roof over their heads.

This elderly man is the father of the Usupashvili brothers.  The poor man suffered a head injury, and after seeing one son’s body and another son half-dead, his health deteriorated. He now clings to his beloved granddaughter, the only thing left from his deceased son. His only hope is this little angel, Anano.

Anano doesn’t sleep at night. She waits for her father to come home.

Kind people, we cannot bring back the father of this 4-year-old girl, but we can save her uncle. He can become a father to Anano and, most importantly, he can still become a father himself. Only you, kind people, can turn the sound of mourning into the joyful ringing of a new family’s happiness—a family made up of a 21-year-old girl and a 24-year-old boy. The clock is ticking!  Every minute counts!


If you are willing to visit the family and help them in person, here is their address: Sagarejo Municipality, village Badiauri.

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

Friends, we have one more request: if you know of a neighbor or friend facing misfortune, please show compassion and drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:

– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000

– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003

– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000

(Purpose: The Usupashvili family).

Сумму можно перечислить и с нашего сайта: «Банк Грузии» (e-commerce), «TБC Банк» (GeoPay), «Либерти Банк» (PayGe), PayPal.

You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal

It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable! No one knows what it holds in store.

You can save someone’s life and draw closer to God! Text 97100.

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life 0901200270! God bless you!

Corr: Nini


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Kind Heart
25.10.2024 16:21:43



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