Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Yellow is my favorite color!

Yellow is my favorite color!

Birthday: 21.10.2014
$ 606.92
(Donors: 145)

Yellow is my favorite color!

Let's smile, my friends! It's because of all of you that little Mariam is filled with happiness! Her smile is meant just for you!

Mariam: I have a golden bicycle! It shines so much – as if it's made of real gold!  Look! You're too big, or I would have taken you for a ride!  Do you know how well I ride? As soon as I finish my homework, I go out to ride! Soon, I'll become so good that I won't need training wheels anymore, and I'll be just like a grown-up! Oh, you've made me so happy! My God!  You even guessed the color!  Yellow is my favorite color. And my new bicycle isn't just yellow – it's golden! A big golden thank you to all of you!