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Friends, light a spark of hope in a mother’s heart!

calendar September 27, 2021

One call saves life!

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This unfortunate mother, with no money, not even the most basic living conditions, has four children. And her fifth child is her old blind mother.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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This unfortunate mother, with no money, not even the most basic living conditions, has four children. And her fifth child is her old blind mother.

But the greatest tragedy of a selfless mother is that she will never hear her dearest child – 5-year-old Leila – call her “mother” for the first time, she will never see her first steps.

It’s true that there are four children in the family, but today our main character will be 5-year-old Leila. She is the major member of the family. Everyone is busy looking after her, taking care of her. Even her 7-month-old brother Gabriel is more independent than Leila. She cannot do anything by herself. Gabro can scream when he is hungry or show what he wants. Poor Leila can only cry loudly – this means that something hurts her very much.

Epileptic attacks prevent her from normal life. Sometimes attacks happen during the day, sometimes at night, and sometimes several times a day.

Foaming at the mouth, seizures, convulsions…  It is not so easy to recover after the attack. Everyone experiences that, especially her older sisters – 12-year-old Lika and 7-year-old Samanda. Their only dream is for their sister to be healthy.

“Every attack is like a little death”

– Madonna, could you please tell us about your daughter’s disease?

  Madonna: Leila suffers a lot. The worst thing is that she realizes everything that happens to her. Despite the fact that she takes medications, her attacks are getting more severe. Sometimes they are so terrible that even I get scared. Her eyes roll back, her fingers twist, her lips turn out… God, how terrible is that.

“Please don’t scare us. Please, do not die”

  – How did it start? Did they tell you during your pregnancy, that your baby girl would have problems?

  Madonna: No. To be honest, I had no money either for tests or for an ultrasound. I already had two healthy daughters – I did not think about the bad. How could I imagine such a thing? It was hard to give birth, it was very hard… The doctors brought me the baby for a while, and then they took her back for a long time… They had been giving her shots all the time, and when I asked them questions their reply was -“it is necessary.”

– No one can deceive a mother’s heart …

  Madonna: I knew that something was wrong, and I was very worried. Leila was tiny, weak, lethargic, she ate poorly. She was seven months old when her first terrible attack happened. It was so scary! You can’t even imagine that! I wonder how I did not die from horror right away. My girl spent five days in an intensive care unit. And then they disclosed our verdict: Cerebral palsy, unspecified epilepsy, unspecified bronchitis. (Cries). My daughter is disabled.

“Don’t be afraid, you will not die. Mommy is here”

– Madonna, please do not cry, we are so sorry! What measures are you taking? Is it possible to help your daughter, to alleviate her condition somehow? What do the doctors say?

  Madonna: Leila is already five years old. These are years of continuous struggle, constant rehabilitation, thank God, it is financed by the state. You know, I don’t even dream of her talking. But there is a chance that my baby can walk! She needs to get a shot for that, and the shot costs 900 GEL. But unfortunately, they finance only 500 GEL. So, we will need to get another 400 GEL somewhere! This is an unrealistic amount for us. If one shot does not work within six months, she will need to get the second shot. According to the doctors, this will put Leila on her feet.

– Does she try to walk?

Madonna: She can crawl, but she does not have enough strength even for that. My girl, she understands everything! She is worried that she cannot talk, she is very afraid of her attacks. When she sees other children playing in the yard, she starts crying bitterly… Her sisters try not to leave her alone.

“When she has no seizures, she looks like a little angel.”

– How often do attacks occur?

Madonna: It differs – we live in constant fear. Sometimes an entire month can pass calmly, but sometimes it might happen two times a day. She may get bad at night, but she starts to call me, wake me up. All attacks are different: sometimes she beats and wriggles like a fish that has been thrown out of the water. Her face distorts, her eyes roll back and become completely white. Flakes of foam come from her nose and mouth. I would be happy to die right away, just not to see this horror… But my children need me, especially Leila. I have to live!

“We all would give a piece of our health to Leila”

  – You are strong!

Madonna: I have no other choice. I have to live for my daughter’s sake. She won’t be able to survive without me. Most of all, she is afraid of staying alone, even for a minute. I see everything. She is scared, she fully realizes the horror that is happening to her, and it seems to me that most of all she is afraid of getting bad when no one is around. But there is one more important thing: she looks into my eyes the way… I can’t even explain it to you. I cannot show her my fear and weakness, because when she sees that her mother is not afraid, it gives her strength!

– Can Leila pronounce at least a few words?

Madonna: No… Well, how to say? Sometimes, when she is passionate about the game, she can pronounce a word so clearly that it seems as if she is about to start talking. But no… She communicates with gestures. She can say: “Yes”. When she feels very bad, she indistinctly pronounces something like “ma-ah-ah” – she calls me that way. I would give everything, if only my girl could talk and walk. If only I could give her my feet, my ability to talk… (The young woman bursts into tears again.)

“Mom is not afraid, so I shouldn’t be afraid either”

– Children get worried when you are crying. Look how they look. Let’s talk about them.

Madonna: Yes, I have two older daughters – Lika is already 12 years old, quite an adult, Samanda is 7 years old. And my little son Gabriel, he is just 7 months old. He is very active! It seems like he is about to get up on his feet and start walking right away. Not even walking but running! But he is formula-fed. You probably know how expensive it is. We also need diapers for him and Leila. It is very hard for us financially: allowance and pension – that’s all our income. And the children need so many things.

– How do you manage to cope?

Madonna: “Cope” is a strong word – we just survive as best as we can. My husband cannot work, his mother got blind, and she almost does not get up from her bed for eight years now. She needs to be cared for like a baby. My Leila is in such a state, Gabriel is just a baby. I can’t do it alone. Malkhaz helps me a lot. If not for his support, I don’t know what would have happened. God sent me this man, probably as a reward for all my suffering.

As for our expanses, we can’t handle it. My husband and I are ready to just drink water and eat stale bread. But what about children? What about my old sick mother-in-law? What about diapers, medications? I just keep quiet about prices for food. The allowance flies away with speed of light, as if we did not get it all. I dream to renovate our apartment, especially the bathroom. It’s embarrassing to admit that we warm water for bathing in a kettle! The walls and ceiling are crumbling, and I am afraid that this garbage can get into the food when I cook. This apartment is very old, it is literally falling apart. It’s terrible! But we can do nothing with that.

– You speak of your husband with such a boundless love. How did you meet your knight in shining armor?

Madonna: The fact is that my first marriage ended sadly… Not everyone is able to bear such a cross. I was left completely alone. I don’t know how I managed to survive, fear for my daughter did not let me fall, and I fought. I knocked at all the doors to get a pension, allowance, financing for rehabilitation. I spent 24/7 standing by the doors of different authorities with my children in my arms. My mom accused me of breaking up with my husband and did not support me in any way.

And so, when I finally came to terms with the fact that I had to fight all alone, Malkhaz appeared in my life. We met while visiting my friend. He just came to have a cup of coffee. We immediately liked each other. (Madonna smiled for the first time during our conversation.) I was making coffee for him and thinking that if he liked me too, then that should be a destiny. We got married three months later.

His mother accepted me like I was her own child. Malkhaz adores my children, he never says “my son”, “your daughters”. He takes them to school, to kindergarten. He feeds Leila, gives her medications, changes her clothes, changes her diapers. Very often, he gets up in the morning before me for that, to let me sleep. The girls call him Dad, and they call my mother-in-law, Granny. He gives them so much love, attention, and warmth, that the own father cannot always give!

– Does anybody help you?

  Madonna: We get an allowance from the state, the state finances Leila’s rehabilitation, thanks to them for that. My parents have been divorced for a long time – our relationship is not very warm. I have a brother and sister, but they are socially disadvantaged. My sister has five children.

They already know us in the nearest pharmacy, they give us formula for Gabriel on credit. And that’s a big help too! Our neighbors are helping us, they are very sorry for my kids, they give them toys and clothes. I am immensely grateful to all of them! The Lord does not leave us and helps us with the hands of kind people! From an early age my girls got used to hardships, they don’t even ask for anything. Their sister’s disease is a severe trauma for them. Every time Leila has an attack, Lika and Samanda shake with horror. They are very smart; they help me with everything, and they only dream of Leila to get on her feet.

“Do not scare us, please”

  Lika (12-year-old): This is my biggest dream! And also, so that nothing hurts her!

  – Well, what do you want for yourself?

  Lika: Nothing, I only want for Leila to get well. Well, and I also dream about a tablet or a phone, I would study, and Leila could watch cartoons. She is very fond of cartoons.

  Samanda (7-year-old): And I want to have dolls with a stroller! One for me and one for Leila! I have one in the kindergarten, I love her very much, but you can’t take her home.

– Do you like going to kindergarten, Samanda?

  Samanda: Yes, very much! There are many toys and delicious food! And they give me stars, they say that I am a good girl! Because I learn poetry by heart.

– And when Leila gets bad, can you help her?

Samanda: I’m getting very scared… I can only cry. But Lika can.

  Lika: We can’t cope with my sister alone. What if we will be unable to help? Mom shouldn’t go far. When her eyes turn white, I can’t even breathe from fear.

– Madonna, we came to help you. What do you need the most?

Madonna: Food, diapers, and medications, especially a shot for Leila. I pray that it will help so that my baby can walk. This is the peak of my dreams!

– We really hope that your dream will come true as soon as possible. How else can we make your life easier?

Madonna: I am very embarrassed to ask, we will be really happy for any help. My husband and I are completely unable to cope, the allowance we get is enough for nothing. The biggest problem we have is the lack of hot water. Bathing children is a real challenge! And washing … I wash in cold water for seven people. I don’t want even to speak about that. Lika actually missed this academic year, there was no way for her to attend online lessons. Our problems are countless. But believe me, any support, even a kind word will give us strength, because it is so important to know that you are not alone!


  Five-year-old Leila Lukava urgently needs our support. She suffers from severe epileptic attacks and is unable to walk and talk. It is impossible to describe the baby’s suffering. Her poor mother struggles for her health and well-being with all her strength, but the amount of the allowance is so insignificant that it is not even enough for medications and diapers. Leila has two sisters – 12-year-old Lika and 7-year-old Samanda, and 7-month-old brother Gabriel. The children are deprived of absolutely everything: proper nutrition, the opportunity to learn, toys. But, despite this, they only dream of their sister to get on her feet.

  Lukava’s family will be immensely grateful for any help. There is a medication that can give Leila a chance to start walking, but her parents cannot afford it. They are in great need of food, medications, diapers, and a water heater. And Lika needs a laptop or tablet to study.

  You can visit and provide all possible help to the Lukava family. Their address is: Zugdidi, Porcelain district, st. 39 Chikovani Str, Apt 38.

  Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

  God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

  Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

  Our Fund’s accounts are:




  (purpose:Leila Lukava).

  You can also transfer money from our website.

  It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

  We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support the Lukava family too, let’s alleviate sufferings of little Leila as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram

and Telegram

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

You brought me back my father after 15 years!



Their smiles are sweeter than any sweets…

Little Gabro has the pacifier is in his mouth, so Madonna can speak now.

– You will go crazy now, what news do I have, – she says. – You found my dad! I swear, your Fund is my lucky chance! I’m ready to believe in any miracle. Maybe it is you who will put my Leila on her feet!

 Dear reader, do you remember the large Lukava family, and the little girl Leila, who has cerebral palsy and epilepsy, and suffers a lot? Her entire family wants her to take her first step. They really needed our support. We told their story in September 2021:

You have made the children truly happy. Chocolate rims around their mouth, and their sweet palms – they got so many yummies! You dressed them in clean clothes – now a washing machine washes the clothes for 7 people. You gave mom free time to spend it being around her kids.

 What could be better than to contribute to someone’s happiness, to make someone’s smile your goal? Give joy, give hope for tomorrow.

Four happy hearts- Madonna, our Fund is so happy that your dad appeared in your life, I’m sure our readers will be happy too to hear this news. Share your emotions with us and tell us how your life has changed since our post was published.

Madonna: You gave me determination and energy. Now my kids see me like that. And the story about my dad, Lord … We did not communicate for 15 years! When he saw your video and found out about my situation, he contacted me. I cannot convey to you the feelings that I experienced when I heard his voice after so many years! Even now it is difficult for me to talk about it, I have not yet completely cooled off the emotions. 

 Since childhood, I loved my father very much, when my parents broke up, I was 10 years old. I always wanted to stay with my father. I often visited my aunt in Abkhazia and spent some time there to be closer to him. But time and the divorce of my parents took their toll and separated me from my father. 

 My childhood passed in great need, I was actually left completely alone. I had a bad relationship with my mother, I had to cope with all the problems myself and take all the blows. I missed my father a lot. What could be more important in this life than having a father you can rely on in trouble? You can rely on him. He will support you. When you get tired of this daily routine, you can simply go to him and say a few words, and even this gives you strength. 

 Your Fund gave me a father! Well, 15 years have passed since we’ve been living apart, but they say: “better late than never”. I am now that little child who needs a father and this is the most priceless thing I could ever get in my life! I understand this now because the years passed meaninglessly without him. If only your Fund existed 15 years ago! 

 Also, I was lucky with my stepmother, or better say my “named mother”, she really replaced my mother. All this makes me very happy! 

 I am grateful that with your help, I have free time, which I can now spend on being around my kids. I used to wash everything with hands, and it took a lot of time. Besides that, my injured hand hurt badly after washing in cold water. Now there is a washing machine where I wash clothes for 7 people. 

 The most important thing is that after your Fund appeared in our life, I no longer feel lonely. I have hope for tomorrow! It’s like I was reborn!  I am eternally grateful to your Fund! I don’t know how to convey to you the joy you gave me.C:\Users\Gio\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\IMG_5671JPG.JPG

“This machine can wash for an hour and even more without a break. And mommy is not a machine, she was getting tired.

– Madonna, one can feel, that you are overwhelmed with emotions! Have you made new friends? Could you single out anyone?

Madonna: To be honest, I could not even imagine that complete strangers would let me feel so much kindness and attention! Because never in my life I was lucky to have such beautiful people by me! Such attention was unexpected and surprising for me. It is impossible to put into words how important it is when even one person appears to support you when you are in trouble.  Each of you is special to me! 

I want to single out Tamuna Antia, she works in the Parliament. Just when my Leyla became ill and had breathing problems, Tamuna brought us an oxygen machine. It was a lifesaving moment! I calmed down. I also remember Natia, who brought us a large supply of hygiene products, the Kardava brothers from Abkhazia. 

 I want to thank volunteers, they also did everything they could – they brought us groceries.

 I want to thank everyone, with no exception, for help – acquaintances and strangers. You are extraordinary!C:\Users\Gio\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\IMG_5703JPG.JPGMadonna: The word “Thanks!” is too small to express my gratitude for the joy of my children

– I want to ask you about the health of little Leila. How is her state now, are there any changes?

Madonna:How I want to tell you something new and good, but it will be a lie. Her state has not changed. As I told you in our previous conversation – we keep fighting. Leila is still in constant need of rehabilitation. She needs expensive injections so that she can walk in the future. Before the doctor prescribes injections, Leila must pass special tests to make sure that her body will accept this substance.  All this, of course, is associated with the significant expenses. My heart hurts that I can do nothing to help my child. Will I live to see my daughter walk? If you only knew how I feel about being unable to help her! My hands and feet are tied, and again I hope only for your support. I am full of hope that with the help of so many kind people, we will certainly become able to change something. Leila is 5 years old, but it is never too late for the first step. I believe in that.- Did the local authorities respond to our post?

Madonna: Gogi Revia came to visit us from the mayor’s office and brought us groceries. He brought us a lot of things. We are grateful to him for this. Besides that, he told us to prepare all the necessary documents and promised that he would help us in every possible way to get an electric wheelchair for Leila and he also promised to bring us firewood. We wrote a statement – we addressed the local authorities for help. After that, we were supposed to receive assistance in the amount of 100 lari, but three months have passed, and we still have not received the money, and there is no hearing from them.

– What do the help and support of the friends of the Fund mean to you personally? 

Madonna: This help means more to our family than anyone can imagine. I believed that your charity would reach me too. You have already helped so many families, I knew you would not leave me without attention. I want to once again thank all the members of your Fund who called me and made me feel love. Even the thought that someone cares about you, takes your pain to heart makes you feel good. At this moment, you become stronger, you believe that you will never give up, and will continue to live, smile more often, and at least for a while you will forget about your problems. Realizing that gave me a lot of positive emotions.C:\Users\Gio\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\IMG_5733JPG.JPGThat smile of hers warms the entire house… Madonna, now I want to ask your children some questions:

What gift did you like the most?

Samanda (7-year-old):  Most of all, I was glad that my little brother has a new bottle and pacifier. When he cries and does not obey us, I give him a pacifier. I put it in his mouth, and he calms down. I also really like this toy that spins and goes like this: “vroom”. My sister Lika (12 years old) really liked chocolates. Oh, and one more thing… We let my brother Gabriel taste the porridge that you brought. When mom cooked it, we blew on it to let it cool down… And Gabriel ate it. By the way, he ate it all…C:\Users\Gio\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\IMG_5641JPG.JPG

“Okay, I’ll stay quiet for a while”

”Here is my delicious porridge, I want more!”

– Lika, do you want more chocolate? 

(Suddenly, Lika began to cry and could not speak to me. And then Madonna told me that when she gave the children the last chocolate bar, and said that the sweets were over, they started to cry …

– Mom, we will never have chocolate again?)Madonna: If only you could see their happy eyes when they started eating sweets after you left. And chocolate rims around their mouth! (smiles). Samanda said: “Mom, I will eat chocolate slowly in order to keep this taste in my mouth for a long time” (gets sad).

I promised the children to bring them a lot of delicious chocolates and reassured them a little.

– We know that you still have unresolved problems. How else can our readers help you?Madonna: The main problem of our family is the health of little Leila. My husband and I try to go through everyday problems together. But I will not deceive you and say that we manage to cope with financial difficulties. We are 7 people in the family, and it is very difficult for us to provide for ourselves and take care of a sick child in such conditions.  At the moment we need a normal bed. There is only one bed in our house – the children sleep on it. And we, adults, sleep on folding sofas, which are unbearable to lie on. A sick child lies on my chest all night long, and so we sleep. Every time I’m afraid that our sofa will collapse, and Leila and I will fall to the floor. If you can help us with this, we will be even more grateful to you. We always bless you for the good you have done.C:\Users\Gio\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\IMG_5758JPG.JPGBaby Leila hasn’t taken her first step yet. Our love and care can work this miracle!


 Friends, each of our stories is special, but the common thing for all of them is grief, and, unfortunately, there is too much grief in our country. At the very least, we can give warmth and attention to the Lukava family, talk to them, and take their pain to heart, because this is also a kind of cure for grief. Together we must build the future of Georgia, where little Lika, Samanda, Leila and Gabriel must live happily. Let’s each of us contribute to the happiness of this family in whatever way we can.

Look carefully into the eyes of each of them and remember them, because you will see the reflection of Georgia there. We really want Georgia to shine. This family is Georgia in miniature. Together, we must help the Lukava family, put little Leyla on her feet.

Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

 Our Fund’s accounts are:




 (purpose: Leila Lukava)

 You can also transfer money from our website

 It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support the Lukava family too, let’s alleviate the suffering of little Leila! As no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help?

 We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: Https:// Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you! 

Oct 19, 2021
Oct 29, 2021
washing machine
Nov 30, 2021
fund overhead
Jan 03, 2022
baby food
Jan 31, 2022
Apr 29, 2022
May 10, 2022
baby food
May 10, 2022

Total expenses:



Kind Heart
17.04.2022 10:31:37
პატარაია თათია
12.04.2022 20:00:00
ნესტანი ჯუმუშაძე
11.04.2022 20:00:00
ზურაბ შაიშმელაშვილი
11.04.2022 20:00:00
გვანცა ჭყოიძე
10.04.2022 20:00:00
ლორჩოშვილი იოსები
10.04.2022 20:00:00
ქებურია კახაბერ
10.04.2022 20:00:00
ხარაბაძე მერაბ
10.04.2022 20:00:00
სალამაძე ილია
09.04.2022 20:00:00
ნიკოლოზი ხიდეშელი
09.04.2022 20:00:00
ირაკლი გაბაიძე
08.04.2022 20:00:00
მჟავანაძე ზაზა
07.04.2022 20:00:00
ქებურია კახაბერ
07.04.2022 20:00:00
ნიკოლოზი ხიდეშელი
07.04.2022 20:00:00
შოთა გალდავა
06.04.2022 20:00:00
ირაკლი გაბაიძე
06.04.2022 20:00:00
ნათია ბერაია
05.04.2022 20:00:00
ხუციშვილი გიორგი
05.04.2022 20:00:00
ამბროლაძე მაგდა
04.04.2022 20:00:00
ავქოფაშვილი გურანდა
03.04.2022 20:00:00



182 Donors

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182 Donors


They need your help urgently