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We did not eat for three days to buy an expensive drug for my son

“You know, I almost died, that’s what my mother says! – ten-year-old Mateo complains. – Mommy bought some expensive syrup for me. It was delicious! But the bad thing is that because of me we ate only bread for three days. Maybe she should not have spent so much money on me? What do you […]

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For many years, her only dream is for her children to eat their fill!

One-year-old Khanuma, 2-year-old Ekaterina and 4-year-old Alik still do not understand that there is not enough food for everyone, they do not understand that the older children – 6-year-old Maya, 7-year-old Mariam and 8-year-old Giorgi – share their portion with them and endure hunger. They don’t pay attention if their tummy growls. Nelly: I distract […]

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Ma’am, why does Nikoloz cry when I hug him?

       I love him so much! – the eyes of little Giorgi (8-year-old) are getting wet of tears. I have nothing to answer. I wish the ground would swallow me facing his pure and inquisitive childish gaze. Giorgi’s brother Nikoloz (10-year-old) is seriously ill, and it’s not likely that anybody can promise Giorgi […]

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