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Mom saves my life every night in winter!

calendar March 23, 2021

One call saves life!

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1 call - ₾2 GEL

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“It’s true, sir,” – sighs 12-year-old Salome – a real beauty – hiding her serious and sad eyes. – “I cover my head with a blanket and snuggle up to mommy, but we just can’t get warm!”
Visiting this family, we found ourselves in a tiny, wretched room where poor Tinatin huddles with her two lovely daughters – one-year-old Nini and 12-year-old Salome. “Don’t take off your jackets, it’s freezing here like outside. Children constantly get sick … I am embarrassed to admit that we don’t even have a bed, my eldest daughter and I sleep on the floor,” – the unfortunate mother says with tears in her eyes, while I furtively look around this creepy room with peeling walls and a collapsed ceiling. “How can children live here?” – this question does not get out of my head.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


“It’s true, sir,” – sighs 12-year-old Salome – a real beauty – hiding her serious and sad eyes. – “I cover my head with a blanket and snuggle up to mommy, but we just can’t get warm!”

 Visiting this family, we found ourselves in a tiny, wretched room where poor Tinatin huddles with her two lovely daughters – one-year-old Nini and 12-year-old Salome. “Don’t take off your jackets, it’s freezing here like outside. Children constantly get sick … I am embarrassed to admit that we don’t even have a bed, my eldest daughter and I sleep on the floor,” – the unfortunate mother says with tears in her eyes, while I furtively look around this creepy room with peeling walls and a collapsed ceiling. “How can children live here?” – this question does not get out of my head.

 “What can we do? I was left completely alone, no one can take care of me and my angels. My husband left us as soon as he learned that I was about to have our baby Nini. How could I take the life of my daughter? I’d rather die myself!” – the poor woman can no longer hold back her tears. – “My ultimate dream is a bed, so that my daughter does not have to sleep on the floor.”

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– Please, calm down, Tinatin. Tell me, please, what misfortune made you address us?

Tinatin: Despair and dire poverty. My children freeze and starve, and I can do nothing about that. I managed to earn at least some money before, but now… Just look how we live. We don’t have even beds! My baby Nini sleeps together with her grandmother on a broken bed that we brought from the dump, and I and my eldest daughter sleep right on the floor. How does it feel? Especially in winter? She is freezing, poor thing, she snuggles up to me, and we warm each other …

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– You live with your mom and daughters, right? Sorry for a rude question, but where is the girls’ father?

Tinatin: He left us, unfortunately – it happened so… Everything was like everyone else’s – we met while visiting my friend, fell in love and started to date… I was so young then. But soon after the birth of Salome, he left without explaining anything. I was left alone with my baby in my arms. He returned a few years later, asked me to forgive him, but when I got pregnant again – he said that if I had a second child, he would leave me forever. What could I do? Of course, I have chosen my daughter – how could I have done otherwise? Her heart was already beating next to mine, how could I take her life?! Furthermore, I have neither brothers nor sisters myself and I did not want my daughter to grow up alone as well.

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– Is it your house?

Tinatin: My mother and I used to live in Telavi, but we had to sell our house due to bank loans… We paid off, and with the remaining amount we managed to buy this kennel. I was a very sickly child, having lung problems, coughing all the time, having rashes and fever. In the third form, I became ill with tuberculosis, and treatment took almost two years. I was never able to return to school due to poor health, I can’t even read and write normally. Mom raised me alone, she sold khachapuri at the station to somehow provide me with medications and food … My father left us when I was about one year old – I don’t remember him … It was very hard for us … And my fate turned out to be almost the same as that of my mother… (Tinatin wipes away her tears.)

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– So, you have no relatives?

Tinatin: I have an uncle, my mom’s brother. But he himself can barely keep his own family … He rents a space in a basement – he lives there. How can he help us? This place is too small and it’s in a terrible condition – it seems that the ceiling is about to collapse on our heads, it is damp and cold. I am embarrassed to admit that I can’t even bathe my children here – we have no conditions for that. And they constantly catch colds…

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– Did you try to address the local authorities for help?

Tinatin: I have tried many times, but for how long can I write the applications which nobody reads? They give us a social allowance – thanks for that. We can’t count on more.

– Is it your only income? How do you manage to stretch it for one month? What do your children eat?

Tinatin: We get 300 GEL per month. I have no idea how we manage to cope… … It’s good that at least in the grocery store they feel sorry for us and give us foodstuffs on credit. Porridges, pasta, baby cookies… That’s all. I know that the girls are growing up and they need vitamins. It’s breaking my heart watching how Salome looks at yummies, but she’s almost adult – she understands that we have no money. But you can’t explain it to the baby. I never go shopping together with her because she starts crying when she sees candies. Lord, if you only knew how I want to find a job, but who needs me, an uneducated person? They don’t hire me even as a cleaner. If it weren’t for the kind people – parishioners of our church, I don’t even know what would happen to us …

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– Do you often go to church?

Tinatin: Every Saturday and Sunday! We go all together. Everything that you see, all our clothes are donated by kind parishioners, and sometimes they even give us foodstuffs. Lord, bless them all for pitying my girls and trying to help us in any way they can …

– How did you learn about our fund?

Tinatin: The kind people told me. They said that you help disadvantaged people like us. To be honest, I didn’t even expect that someone would be interested in our problems. I didn’t believe my ears when you called me and said that you would come. 

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– Tell me more about your children, please.

Tinatin: My Salome is already quite an adult. My poor one! I will never forget her hiding her eyes while we were bringing a bed home from the dump. But what else could we do? She is very worried about our situation, but she does not ask for anything, does not want to hurt me. She helps me with the baby very much, she babysits her all the time.

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– And what about studying?

Tinatin: We have neither computer, nor Internet. Her classmates raised money and bought her a mobile phone. But it went out of order and I am embarrassed to tell her teacher about that. Besides that, we have no money to pay for the Internet … But why am I telling you that, better ask her yourself, she is a very sociable girl.

– Salome, please tell me about yourself. Your mother says you like studying! What is your favorite subject?

Salome (12-year-old): English and Russian, I like to learn foreign languages.

– Have you already decided what do you want to become when you grow up?

Salome: Doctor…

– Why?

Salome: Well, they have nice white coats. I like it very much! I want to be beautiful too and to wear a white coat.

– Do you like reading books?

Salome: Yes. While school was open, I used to take books in the library. They will, probably, open schools soon but I have neither clothes, nor shoes to go out, everything is old and tattered … (The girl got sad.)

– Salome, what are you dreaming about?

Salome: I want to learn so that I have a good job and a lot of money. Then I would buy my sister, mom, and grandmother everything they want! And I would also buy nice clothes for myself…

– It’s in future. And what are you dreaming about right now?

Salome: About a bed…  It so cold to sleep on the floor. I cover my head with a blanket and snuggle up to mommy, but we just can’t get warm!

– Let’s ask your mom too. Tinatin, what are you dreaming about?

Tinatin: I only want my girls to be full and warm. I don’t need anything else. I would never have bothered you, if not for my children … I just can’t get out of this situation on my own, and my daughters suffer, especially the eldest – Salome. She wants so many things. She is embarrassed of her peers… Well … Sleeping not on the floor is our ultimate dream!

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– Tinatin what do you need most in your home?

Tinatin: Beds, of course beds. (The young woman responds with no hesitation) If only the child did not sleep on the floor. And a gas heater – it’s as cold here as outside. Ours went out of order long ago, my children even got poisoned … And the rest … You see yourself how we live – in cold and hunger … We will be grateful for any help. My daughter needs a computer to study, and I dream of a washing machine. You yourself understand how much laundry there is when there is a baby in the family.

 But I am already very grateful to you, for coming and listening to me, for expressing your empathy. When you realize that someone is not indifferent to your grief, it warms your soul!


 Friends, our compatriot Tinatin Shamoeva alone brings up two wonderful daughters – one-year-old Nini and 12-year-old Salome. It’s terribly cold in their apartment, they have no beds – a mother and her eldest daughter sleep on the floor! The children are deprived of absolutely anything – normal food, clothes, footwear, warmth, and coziness. The poor mom has no one to ask for help! We are her last hope!

 Tinatin Shamoeva and her daughters will be immensely grateful for any help: foodstuffs, diapers, baby clothes and shoes. But most of all they need beds, a heater, and washing machine. With our joint efforts we could make their life easier.

 You can visit them and provide all possible help to the Shamoev family.Their address is:Rustavi, 1 Javakhishvili Str, apartment 8

Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

 God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

Friends, there is one more request : if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: the Shamoev family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support the Shamoev family too, as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

My relatives left me, but the entire Georgia helped me!


“None of us sleep on the cold floor anymore! – says Tinatin Shamoeva. – Our family got rid of torment, that lasted for years!!! This is the end of this nightmare!

God knows, all these years my mother, my girls and I literally survive in these unbearable conditions, we have meals every other day. It would seem that there was no hope for salvation and help. Our relatives turned away from us. It was especially hard in winter because it was freezing in the house as outside. I had no one to address for help, I just wanted to howl in despair. And you became my last hope!

No one sleeps on the cold floor anymore – there are two new beds in the house!

The most important thing for me is that my children have food and beds, they don’t have to sleep on the floor anymore… On this cold and dirty floor.

How could I expect that the entire Georgia would hear my plea for help and raise money for my family? But that’s exactly what happened! Washing machine, refrigerator, beds, food, clothes – you gave me all this, my dear ones! I do not know what to say. I can only cry with relief! Just thank you and the Lord!”

Do you remember the story of the Shamoev family?

This family became a little bit happier.

I believe that when you call someone, ask what he needs, share you bread with him, lend a helping hand – this manifestation of care will warm even the most frozen heart, will give hope and the strength for life, as it happened in our case!

Tina: “My dear! As soon as I look at your gifts, I immediately feel the desire to bustle around the house and do the housework. We finally lived to see the day when we got a little comfort. “

– Tina, it hasn’t been long since the post about your family was published. We do not know about all the changes in your life, but we certainly managed to change your attitude! One can feel that!

Tina: It turned out that there are so many people with open souls around, so many God’s people! And you have shown your love for us not in words, but in deeds.

My words may surprise you. There are many things I regret: I lost my loved ones, I trusted, forgave, got burned… Finally, I was left alone with two children in my arms. It was painful and scary, I often cried. I thought that my children did not deserve such a childhood! They don’t deserve to be hungry and cold. But!!! These black days were worth a beautiful dawn in our life. Were worth it! To make you appear! (Tina no longer holds back tears, clutching her one-year-old daughter to her heart.)

We only suffered and approached our doom. Couldn’t do anything. What home appliances? Please! We can barely afford bread and pasta. My daughter saw a washing machine for the first time in her life! You didn’t just save us from starving! You have made our everyday life easier and brighter! You are our guardian angels, God bless you! You are our holiday!

– Tina, thank you for your warm words, all the friends of the Fund will hear them! What do you remember the most? Would you like to single out someone of your new friends?

Tinatin: I remember everything, I remember each call. When you are trying to find food for your children and realize that they had no meals for two days, will you ever forget those who saved them from death? You know, I’m a simple person, maybe I don’t know and don’t understand a lot, but life has still taught me something. So, there is nothing more important than love and pity for your neighbor!

Thanks to you I met one kind woman – her name is Tamuna. Imagine, she told her friends about us, and they raised money and bought us the beds, which I asked for. Now my children and I have a place to sleep. Our suffering came to end! Finally! Thank God! Lying on the cold floor was a real nightmare! Strangers, who have their own problems and concerns in this pandemic, took away from themselves, saved whatever they could for the sake of my children and me. I am very grateful to all of you, I say it from the bottom of my heart!

Children smile and shine – now everything is in its place

– Tina, did the local authorities somehow react to our post and your request for help?

Tinatin: Before the elections, they brought food and school supplies for my daughter. Eh, if only there were elections every month! (Laughs.) We are trying to survive on social allowance, but this scanty money is not even enough for food and hygiene products.


“There are no tasty treats yet, I will look later again”

  – Tina, unfortunately, your problem is familiar to a lot of people! But every day the Fund gets more and more friends who eager to participate in charity. You have already experienced this.

  Tinatin: You already know my story. When I decided to contact you, my nerves had begun to fray. There was no strength left for anything… In the morning I didn’t even want to wake up. What was the new day going to bring me? My neighbors sometimes bring soup or porridge for my girls, sometimes they give clothes that have become small for their children. I often borrow products from our store. Sometimes I asked to borrow money to buy medications. You see, there is always someone by me who helps me whenever possible. Sometimes just a little bit, but we would not have survived without this help. There are many soulful people in Georgia. And you bring them all together.

  I had great hopes for the Fund. I believed that the story of my family would touch the hearts of our people. But how could I know that so many people would help us?! I was shocked. I was just happy, like a child, to get such attention and care. I don’t even remember the last time I was so happy. And when else I’ll be… 

“See how the kids have changed. When they feel good, my soul is calm”

  Tina, I would like to talk to your daughter Salome. Sali, I know your birthday is coming up very soon. What would you like to get as a gift?

  Salome (12-year-old): Yes, I will soon turn 13. You know, because of the coronavirus, we switched to distance learning, and I often miss online lessons. My mother’s phone does not work well, and it is not always possible to attend lessons online. Mom gets very upset about this. She says that I must be literate and smart, otherwise I will be lost. I really want to study, like all my friends do. Could I please ask only for phone for studying? I don’t want sweets and any other gifts. This would be the best gift for my mother and me!

  – Honey, I am sure that our kind readers will try very hard to make you feel happy on your birthday! But maybe you also want to have some other gifts?

  Salome: Can I ask for more? Well, I want some beautiful clothes, of course… I was even glad that we don’t go to school, because all my clothes were unfashionable and old. I would be embarrassed, and I would not want my classmates to see me like this. I would like to have cool jeans and footwear, well, or just jeans, if it doesn’t work out both.

  – I believe that having jeans and footwear is a dream that can be easily realized! Now let’s continue our conversation with your mom. Tina, are there any problems left we could help you to solve?

  Tinatin: I am so embarrassed to ask for anything else …It’s so awkward. (After small pause, Tina continues.) But I would very much like to join my daughter in her request. All the hope is for the children that they will finish their studies and we will someday get out of this poverty.
 I worry what will happen to my child if she stops learning now. You can see how poorly we live. Unfortunately, our problems have not gone away. We are freezing because there is no heater at home, it blows from the windows. We have the eternal problem – the lack of food – children are constantly malnourished… Yes, we don’t even have winter clothes, that’s why my daughters get sick so often… Well, what can I say? We really need the most basic things. Well, they are basic for someone, but it is almost a dream for us. But you are the ones who made our dreams come true. You already know everything about us, my dear ones. I pray for you all the time.


  Dear friends! Not long ago, we managed to unite for the sake of Tina and her children, providing them with help that made their life easier. For several days the children went to bed full. But their problems did not go away: the children again need food, clothes, the house has no heater and basic conditions… And it’s also very sad that Salome doesn’t attend online lessons, because she doesn’t have a laptop or a smartphone, even the most ordinary one… We once demonstrated to this family, who almost lost all hope, the power of unity. Let’s do it one more time! If each of us makes a small contribution to helping our neighbors, one more child will eat his fill in our country … We have taken on a very difficult, but great task and cannot leave it halfway.

  If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.

  Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

  Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Shamoevi family).

  You can also transfer money from our website:

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

  We have good news for you: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on

Instagram: and 


Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share.

Apr 20, 2021
May 14, 2021
washing machine
May 31, 2021
fund overhead
Jul 08, 2021
Jul 27, 2021
Aug 04, 2021
Jan 21, 2022
Jan 21, 2022

Total expenses:



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152 Donors

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152 Donors


They need your help urgently