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For many years, her only dream is for her children to eat their fill!

calendar February 2, 2021

One call saves life!

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“When they start chirping in six voices, like chicks asking for food, my heart bleeds. And I have only one dream – to give them food! That’s all … I dare not dream of something else … We just want to eat. ”
It is difficult to write about hungry children on holidays, when housewives in all houses cook, set tables, and there is a lot of food… Maybe not everything will be eaten, a lot of food will be thrown away … And at the same time, you are writing about a family where six children are malnourished, wear rags, and their biggest dream is to eat full. “Wouldn’t we have to starve tomorrow if we eat an extra piece of bread today?” – this is their main problem.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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One-year-old Khanuma, 2-year-old Ekaterina and 4-year-old Alik still do not understand that there is not enough food for everyone, they do not understand that the older children – 6-year-old Maya, 7-year-old Mariam and 8-year-old Giorgi – share their portion with them and endure hunger. They don’t pay attention if their tummy growls.

Nelly: I distract them from our problems. We dance to keep warm and we sing to forget about hunger! And when they gather around me like chicks and say that they want “yum-yum”, I want to die! Did these angels come to earth for such suffering?!

– Nelly, have you always lived so poorly?

Nelly: My husband and I have never been rich. We are both from poor families with many children. I have five brothers and sisters, same as my husban. When we met, we had so much in common that we didn’t think long and decided to start a family.

– Where did you meet?

Nelly: We both worked in the city cleaning service, and there we met. We thought we both are hard workers, let’s start a family, it will be easier. And it used to be so. My husband worked hard from morning to evening, got a job as a dispatcher at the station, earning a little, but still money – 5 or 10 lari per day. It was a great help. But due to the pandemic, he lost his job. It is difficult to keep children with the allowance only. It seems like a lot of money, but it is not enough for anything.

– What is your income?

Nelly: 800 GEL for 8 of us. A little more than 3 GEL per person per day. Groceries from kindergarten help us a little, thanks for that.

– Is this apartment yours?

Nelly: No, it belongs to my husband’s brother. He allowed us to live here, but we do not know when he will ask us to leave. It is damp and cold here, there are not even basic amenities. Children sleep in twos on these crumbling beds! They barely fit there, so that they can’t straighten up in the morning.

– What do your children usually eat? 

Nelly: I try to invent some dishes. I can stretch a kilogram of chicken meat for two days! When there is meat and dairy products at home – it’s a holiday! But most often I have to make water-based soups.

– You said that you and your husband have many brothers. Does anybody help you?

Nelly: As I said, we are both from poor families. We help each other as much as we can. But now everyone tries to survive himself.

– What do you believe in? In what do you see the salvation?

  Nelly: I always tell my children that their strength is in their Faith … They must believe in God and in each other! That their future depends only on them. I believe that they will glorify Georgia! They are wonderful!

– Do you children go to school and kindergarten? Tell me about your them, please.

  Nelly: They are the smartest for me! They study well, or rather, they used to study while the school was open. And now we have no computer, no Internet, sometimes even no electricity. We cannot always pay utility bills. And if you miss lessons in elementary school, you’ll be unable to restore this knowledge!

– Can I talk to your children? With whom to start?

Giorgi (8-year-old): With me, of course! I’m the oldest! I love to study. And when I grow up, I want to become a superman! Do you know how cool he is?!

– What would you do?

Giorgi: I would save the world! And give everyone yummies!

– Do you help your mom, Superman?

Giorgi: Yes! Sometimes it happens that I disobey her, but I’m a good boy! And I play with the little ones.

  Mariam (7-year-old): Yes, Georgy is a good brother! He is strong and can protect us. And I want to become a princess!

  – Do you like to study? Or princesses don’t study?

  Mariam: Well, not really! They love to be “pretty” and wear pretty dresses. And I don’t have them.

– Do you dream of beautiful dresses?

  Mariam: Yes. And about a stroller with a doll and a toy egg.

  – And what is it? This is the first time I’ve heard about this.

  Maya (6-year-old): How funny you are! You don’t know what a toy egg is? This is chocolate egg, and you can eat it, and there is also a toy inside! We ate it once. And we want more. But not one for all of us! A lot!

  – And what would you like to have besides that?

Maya: Meat and cake and a soft bed! That’s all!

Alik (4-year old): I play hide-and-seek with Gio.

– Nelly, what wonderful children you have. Thy are just a treasure! What is your biggest dream?

  Nelly: I dream that someday my children will have their own house, at least small, but warm and cozy … That they will have new clothes and they will not have to wear each other’s ones… I dream that one day we will be able to buy toys and not worry that there will be nothing to eat tomorrow.

-What do you think, you need most in your home?

  Nelly: First of all, and secondly, and, probably, thirdly, we need food and baby food. Children are constantly malnourished. I dream of a refrigerator and a gas stove. The one which we use now, my neighbor threw to the rubbish, and I asked for it and brought it home. Children dream of a normal TV. This one shows very badly.

Look in what condition our home is! The windows are covered with blankets to keep out of the air. Something is constantly falling from the ceiling. We cannot cope, we cannot create basic conditions for our children, so we had to bother you. You are doing a Godly deed, the Lord will bless you and all the friends of your Fund!


  These wonderful people are in dire straits, they really need our support. Nelly brings up six angels, future supermen and princesses. The children are deprived of absolutely everything. They have no childhood and no opportunity to develop normally. It is in our power to bring them back joy and a smile, friends!

Nelly Chabukiani’s family is in dire need of any help: food, diapers, beds, a refrigerator, a gas stove and a TV. And children just need normal clothes and shoes.

You can visit this family yourself and provide them with all possible assistance. Address: Rustavi 76 Constitution Str.

Or call, cheer her up with your kind words and wish her happy holidays! Phone: 592 09 66 99, Nelly.

Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

  Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Nelly Chabukiani).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too, as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

Close your eyes, and no peeking!

“Give me your hand, close your eyes… I’ll show you something! I probably have never seen that so much in my life! No peeking, let’s go!” – Mariam pulls me to the kitchen. They have got a wonderful new thing – a fridge! And it is not empty!

“Look how many things are there! Here we’ve got delicious, sweet milk! It is so delicious and so sweet. Probably the cow has eaten sugar, that’s why milk is like that”.

When Mariam opened the fridge door, her brothers and sisters ran from all over the house to see that miracle.

It is hard to believe that a few months ago there was not a scrap of food in their house, it’s hard to imagine that the children used to see the foodstuffs only in the grocery store!

Thank you, friends, for this miracle! Thank you that you faithfully follow the covenant of God and open your hearts to our compatriots, who need that the most! Thank you so much!

– Nelly, how did your life change after we have published an article about you?

Nelly: It changed a lot, and we got many new friends. Thank you all for being a part of our life. Our phone keeps calling, people ask how they can help us. It is so wonderful – when you feel so much care and kindness, not to mention your help. I didn’t even believe that once I would see my children eat their fill and fell asleep happy. They walk around the fridge as if it were a Christmas tree. Their dream has come true – they have their own fridge, filled with yummies. Thank you and your readers, God bless you!

– Nelly, would you like to single out any one of your new friends?

Nelly: I’d like to thank all the people who did not stay indifferent after reading the article about our troubles. God bless you! In the beginning, my phone rang off the hook. Your readers still keep calling and helping us in every possible way. Many of them wanted to visit us, but it was quite complicated during a pandemic. They promised me to come to visit us as soon as the situation will return to normal. A charming woman named Nino called me. I was so touched by our warm conversation that after talking to her I felt confident that we will manage to overcome all the difficulties. Both the Fund and your readers became my family, I will never tire to pray for you! I want to thank everyone again!

– Was there any response to your problems from the local authorities? Did they somehow react to our post?

Nelly: Unfortunately, the local authorities were not paying attention to us for a long time, but after your publication, the town hall representatives came to us and brought us medical insurance and a voucher for free medications. Thank them a lot.

– What this support and help means to you?

Nelly: This help gave us a chance to survive. After you have brought us a fridge and filled it with food, your readers take care that it does not get empty. Food has ceased to be a dream for my children, they started dreaming each of their own, making plans for the future – and all this thanks to you. They also love it very much when I cook on our new stove – they surround me and even give me advice on how to cook. (Smiles.) You lent a helping hand to us at the most difficult moment in our life. May the Lord bless you and protect you, give you a lot of joy!

– Guys, what gifts did you like the most?

Giorgi (8-year-old): May I answer, I am the eldest!

– Sure.

– Giorgi: I like the fridge very much and I like that there is a lot of delicious food in it

Mariam (7-year-old): May I say now?

– Sure, I am listening to you.

Mariam: I like a lot of delicious meat and all the sweets.

– Which sweets did you like most?

Mariam: A chocolate butter!

– As far as I know, you want to become a princess.

Mariam: I used to want, but now I decided to become a cook.

– Why?

Mariam: To cook a lot of yummies and treat everyone.

– What else are you dreaming about?

Mariam: I want a Barbie and a stroller for her.

– I think your dream will certainly come true. 

– Nelly, maybe you have some more problems that our readers can help you to solve?

Nelly: After all that you have done for us, I am embarrassed to ask for more. The big problem we have – is the beds. The children are growing, and they don’t fit in their cribs anymore. As you know, they sleep by two in one bed… And also, toys – they dream about having their own toys. Why do I keep talking about problems? Thank you! Thank your readers! May God bless you! What you are doing is invaluable. Once again – I’d like to express huge gratitude to you from all of us.


Friend, thank s to everyone who helped the Chabukiani family. I hope that we will keep supporting this wonderful family because they still have many problems. We can improve their living conditions. The family need beds and toys for the children. They will be grateful for any help.

We manage to do a lot of good deeds together, but I still want to ask everyone once again: please, read our posts, tell your friends about them. Do not pass by other people’s grief, because there are only three really worthy things in this life, and these are not “plant a tree, build a house and raise a son.” The first one – is to help the one who needs help, the second is to protect the one who is defenseless, and most importantly, to give hope to the one who has lost it!

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Chabukiani family).

You can also transfer money from our website:

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with others!

Mar 01, 2021
household appliances
Mar 15, 2021
Apr 20, 2021
Apr 29, 2021
fund overhead
May 06, 2021

Total expenses:



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143 Donors

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143 Donors


They need your help urgently