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A very sad story about a kind and caring Georgian single mother, Maka

calendar March 20, 2020

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The main problem that kills the mother every day is 10-year-old Petre, who suffers from Down Syndrome.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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  She is practically
alone in the whole World, in an unfinished house built by her deceased parents.
This close-knit family, a mother and her four children, lives in utter poverty,
God help them! 

  The eldest,
Vladimir, is already a student! He achieved it himself. Well done. Ketevan and
Georgiy (14 and 12 years old) help their mother as much as they can.

  The main problem that
kills the mother every day is 10-year-old Petre, who suffers from Down

Reporter. – Tell us, Maka, what is bothering you in the first place.

Maka: Can I list all my troubles?! But
that’s not the most important thing. Children… Our existence is terrible, we
don’t live, we exist!

Look around. All in ruins! It’s like
living in the open air: bitterly cold in winter and hot in summer. When it
rains the roof leaks. We live in bare concrete walls.

  4 years ago, after the
flood in Tbilisi, the rooms that were still possible to live in were flooded.
And today the five of us are in the same room.

 I am 43 years old, I am a
primary school teacher, and I can work in kindergarten. But I can’t leave Petra
alone for five minutes. And the worst thing is that there is nothing to feed
the children with. And they are growing.

 – What kind of assistance does
the state provide you, and who exactly?

Maka: Our only income now is a 100
lari allowance from the social services Agency for two minor
children:14-year-old Ketevan and 12-year-old Georgiy. 3-4 months ago I asked
the City Hall to help me and they gave me 100 lari. They said there was no more
money in the budget.

Reporter: Tell our readers about your
pride – the children.

Maka: I have four of them, – the
loving mother blossomed. My eldest son, 19-year-old Lado, is my pride. He is
already a student. He is studying to be a food production technologist with
government funding.  Ketevan is 14 years old and Georgiy is 12 years old.
They go to school.

 Our biggest pain is my youngest
child, 10-year-old Petre, who is seriously ill. He was born with Down’s
Syndrome, cleft palate, hydrocephalus, and many other severe diagnoses. He has
unbearable headaches and fluid in the skull that accumulates due to
hydrocephalus flows out of the ear… Now he is deaf in his left ear and needs
a hearing aid…. Petre needs special shoes – he has several toes amputated due
to the disease… He needs constant care and treatment. (She began to cry
bitterly, and we only heard the words: “Help, help me, Lord”!)

When after the birth it became clear
that the boy was not like everyone else, the doctors advised us to leave him at
the hospital, saying that he would anyway die, and I still have three more to
raise… I didn’t even hear the rest, – Maka suddenly outraged and almost screamed.
– How so!!! This is my child, my blood, nothing and no one will separate us!

You see, – She pressed him to her
breast and kissed him, – He survived, learned to walk, talk, draw, and sing. My
dear! I won’t give him to anyone…!

– What are in your opinion the things
you need in at home in the first place?

– Do you have a washing machine, TV,
computers for the children?

– Name the minimum and the maximum of
things and objects that you do not have enough to make you consider yourself

Maka: Petre needs a hearing aid, he
can barely hear in his left ear. Today, this is our main task. It is difficult
for me to talk about our needs, but we will be grateful for everything, for any
help… I even cannot cook food for children at home normally – there is no
gas, no stove, no refrigerator… I need to pay for gas, and choosing between
medicine for Petre and gas bills, I choose medicine… Lado brings food for us
brings from the charitable canteen…

– Do you believe in God?

Maka: Yes, I trust the Lord in everything!
And I pray a lot! There is no other way. Look at Petre…Isn’t he a
miracle of God!

– Does anyone from your neighbors or
friends help you?

Maka: Neighbors and relatives Help as
much as they can, but their own life is hard. My main assistants are my
children. My eldest son, 19-year-old Lado, is my pride – he is already a
student. He loves cooking and is studying to be a food production
technologist. Once his father ran away from home, Lado took the burden of
our existence on his shoulders and is responsible for us… But what can he do?
During the day, he studies, and after lectures, he hurries back home to help
me… Without him, I would not have coped and probably would have killed

– And the other children – Ketevan and

Maka: If you could see how they take
care of Petre! They help me bathe him, play with him… But they are still
children and need my care… And what can I do for them?

– How did your husband leave you? Did
he love you?

Maka: I don’t want to say anything bad
or good about my husband. I just can’t understand how a father can live,
knowing that his own children are starving and suffering. Are there more of
them? He didn’t run away from me. He ran away from difficulties. Let God
judge him!

He abandoned four children who are
hopeful every night,

 waiting for him in a cold and
damp house…

– I’d like to ask some questions to
the kids. Tell me them how you are doing and what you dream about.

Petre: I love mathematics and
Georgian. I also like to sing, draw and want to become a drawing teacher, – He
shared his plans. Mom, can I ask the aunt to buy me a tablet…?

Reporter: Of course we will, my dear!

Ketevan: My dream is for Petre to be
healthy, for my mother not to cry, and for me to have a small room for myself.
I want my friends to come to visit me, to my own room, so that I would not be
ashamed of my destroyed house…

Georgiy: I Dream that Petre is not ill
and does not suffer… that my father returns… And that I go to a football
match with him…

Reporter: – Do you like to play?

Georgiy: Yes! But I don’t have a
uniform, boots, or ball… Without them, the school team does not accept
anyone. And now we can’t buy it…

– Do you believe that strangers can be
good to you?

Maka: We all walk under God…! As He
decides, so it will be! Me and my children – believe!


Friends, as you can see, Khakhiashvili
large family is in extreme need. They need food, medicines, domestic
appliances, clothes, household equipment and furniture.

  Let’s support them, show
mercy, give the children a chance to develop normally and have a happy
childhood. You can personally visit this family and provide assistance. The
children and their parents will be merely happy! Call Maka, find out about her
needs, cheer her up, support her, tell her that she is not alone and that
nobody will leave them alone in their trouble! It is very important.

Here is their address: Tbilisi, Zemo
Vedzisi no. 101; tel.: 599 01 77 95

Dear friends, Chernovetskyi Fund
initiates a charitable action: to help the Khakhiashvili family. As you know,
the Fund does not stop at one-time assistance. Without children, the country
and people have no future. Take care of the younger generation! Help them
survive! “Write them down” as your relatives. And we are sure that
the Lord himself will bless you.

And be sure to repost our publication.
Let all your friends know about the grief of this family! It is very important.

God gives us the opportunity to take
care of people who are not able to do it themselves. Not all people are the
same. And not everyone is as kind as we are. Please, do not pass aside the
sorrow of others! Unhappy people are given to us from above so that we can
prove our faith to the Almighty not in words but in deeds!

Friends, there is one more request, if
you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend, do a Charitable deed,
write to us by e-mail:

Our Fund account
GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000
(purpose: Khakhiashvili family). You can also transfer money from our website.

You can as well transfer money from
the terminals of OPPA, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in
“Charity” section. (You can learn about the additional rights and
obligations of the Fund by following the link

You are our angels from Heaven!

These words are addressed to you, friends! Be happy!

We were threatened with starvation… – Maka begins to wail from the threshold. And You came and saved my children like in a fairy tale!

Friends, look at the photos, do you recognize the lonely and selfless mother-heroine of four children, a true Georgian, Maka? Don’t you think so? Her sick, younger son, Petre, has even cheered up! 

Now, the family that we found just three months ago in these ruins is upbeat and looking forward to the future with hope! And the children are full and smiling! And all this is thanks to your kind and responsive hearts! Thanks to the fact that the Georgian people are the noblest, they will never leave their compatriots in trouble! 

If it weren’t for you… – Tears of joy flow like a stream from Maka’s eyes… – Oh, if it weren’t for you and your mercy… I would have had to stand with my hand outstretched! That’s for sure! With a sick child that I have no one to leave with! Thank the Almighty for sending you to us so in time! God grant you strength and health, you work wonders! – Almost sobs the poor single mother and raises her hands to the sky… 

Your help came in handy. If it weren’t for you and the generous friends of your Fund, I don’t know that we would have eaten at all. The social allowance and Petre’s disability pension doesn’t last even for a month. My eldest son, Lado, lost the little money he could earn during the pandemic. He is still studying, and helps me around the house! After my husband left us, it was he who took on the burden that was too much for a 19-year-old boy, and took responsibility for our entire family… 

Now, I know for sure, we are not alone! You and our good compatriots gave us a helping hand and literally saved us! I will never get tired of praying for all of you!

 – Tell me, how has your life changed after we published an article about you?

Maka: Our life has not just changed, it has turned 180 degrees! My children, for the first time in many years, have had their fill! You came when I was finally tired of fighting for existence,and was almost ready to give up. When the quarantine was declared, even wealthy families faced financial difficulties! The Georgians are a holy nation! They are ready to take off and give their last shirt or last piece of bread to save their neighbor, even if they have to remain hungry! 

No one knew about our trouble until you published it. Thanks to you, people have learned how much we need help, and who knows, they may have torn the last penny from their hearts and given it to us. They divided the last piece of bread between their own and my children! 

You can’t imagine how grateful I am to everyone! I will pray day and night for everyone who gave me a shoulder in this difficult time for the entire population of Georgia!

– Maka, what do you remember the most? Do you remember the names of the people who helped you?

Maka: I’ve heard that your Fund really helps people… But to which extent? After your article, people called even just to support me, apologizing if they could not come and provide financial assistance… Can you imagine? They apologized!

Unfortunately, I didn’t remember the names… I was confused… Let everyone forgive me and know that I pray for them every single day! 

‎Kor Standard Bank has really helped us, they brought a huge mountain of products, and even paid our debt for gas and electricity… Otherwise my children would have to sit in the cold and the dark apartment… Thank you very much for your attention and care. I don’t know how to thank you…

A whole family came; they brought us food; another young man… I’m sorry, I don’t remember the names, but from now on, they will always be in my heart!

Recently, a woman called and credited us 80 lari, and then a very young girl gave 70 lari.

Separately, I want to say a huge thank you to your employee, Nino. I guess if I had a real sister, she wouldn’t have supported me so much… So many products, attention, support and warmth from her, this is a real miracle! May God bless her and all her family! I will never forget her kindness!

– Did the local authorities react to our post in any way? Did they help you in any way?

Maka: Unfortunately, no, even during the quarantine, no one, absolutely no one from the local authorities remembered us…

– Tell me about your emotions, Maka.

Maka: When your employees came and promised to help us, to be honest, I didn’t believe it… But it turns out that miracles happen! After so many disappointments and suffering, I once again believed that there is good on earth, and there are many people in the world who are ready to help others. You returned us our faith!

I will never forget the eyes of my children when you brought a huge amount of food. And not only you, but also complete strangers to us! In the eyes of the guys, there was everything: amazement, happiness, delight… Boundless happiness… From the fact that someone other than their own mother took care of them… They had never seen so much food… Except in a store. The kids just couldn’t believe it was all for us!

And the TV?! When your representatives brought it to us, we were ready to hug and kiss them! The children just dreamed of it… They wanted at least a small, old TV… They are cut off from the outside world… And here, such a big screen! The children were afraid to touch it, as if it might disappear like a mirage…

A washing machine, a blender… This was my dream!!! You know what it’s like to do laundry for five people, in winter, in icy water! My hands turn blue, red, and crack… I just can’t feel them… Now the washing machine does the job for me, and I’m just happy!

– What does this help and support mean to you personally?

Maka: You have significantly eased our situation, despite my son’s illness, I was able to take a deep breath for the first time in many years and felt that someone still needs me and my children! I again believed that all was not lost. And that our generous and noble compatriots, the Georgians, are close to me! 

– Petre, tell us, please, which of the gifts did you like the most? 

Petre (10 years old): The TV; I’ve been dreaming of it… We’ve all been dreaming of it! Me, my brothers, and my sister! Now we can watch cartoons and interesting programs about nature and animals! The TV is big, and they are there like real!

Ketevan (14 years old): And how much food was brought to us!

Georgiy (12 years old): Yes, Yes! So many sweets! Lots of them! We’ve never eaten so much! And some of them we have never tried!

Ketevan (14 years old): I’m glad you gave our mother a washing machine… She was washing everything with her hands, and she wouldn’t let me help her, and her hands were cracking until they bled!

– Guys, what else do you need for happiness?

Georgiy (12 years old): Katie, you tell…

Ketevan (14 years old): We want Petre to be healthy! We adore him, we want him to be like everyone else, and that nothing hurts him!

Georgiy (12 years old): Yes, to make our brother healthy… And also… Many, many more sweets! (laughs)

– Maka, tell me, do you have any other problems that our readers can help you solve? 

Maka: You saved us, how can I ask for anything more? I even have some more food left that you and the good people brought us… 

Just please don’t forget us… I can’t work, because of the child’s illness, he constantly needs care. And my eldest son, who is still quite a child himself, can’t cope with this heavy burden… In my soul, there is still a fear that not today or tomorrow my children will be hungry and cold again… Sooner or later, we will run out of food, and I have absolutely no one to rely on but you!

I thank everyone individually, and the Lord for the fact that there is so much good in the world, and for the fact that your joint forces did not let us perish! May God grant you all health and well-being!


And if you feel heavy at heart because of everyday problems, or unresolved issues, take a moment to look at our posts on FB. Better yet, dial the phone number of any of our beneficiaries. Call him and forget all your problems. Because they are “nothing” compared to those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of his life. 

Our problems are nothing compared to theirs! Here it is, a real grief! It is before your eyes! And thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, the problems of this and other families do not end, so from time to time view the stories of unhappy people on our site, talk to them. Every time you dial the phone of another unfortunate person, you will definitely feel God’s blessing on the back side! It is for sure! Keep on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

 Your kindness is a chance to be happy in everything!

Dear friends, thank you so much once again! 

Here is the account of our Fund: 




(purpose: Khakhiashvili family). 

You can also transfer money from our website:

You can as well transfer money from the terminals of OPPA, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in “Charity” section. (You can learn about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link

One call will save a life – 0901 200 270

Let’s think that by helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to the Lord through the very sufferings that we experience for others!

Apr 02, 2020
Apr 02, 2020
Apr 10, 2020
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020
household appliances
Jun 01, 2020
fund overhead
Jul 15, 2020
Jul 15, 2020
Jul 28, 2020

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently