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Did you know that if you do not eat for a very long time, then your tummy starts to rumble? Sometimes it rumbles so loud that even the neighbors can hear it. Did you know that to stop rumbling, you need to lie on your stomach and hug a teddy bear? Try it! Mariam, 8, and Anano, 7, say it helps. That is how they lay, trying to pacify the “rumbling tummy”.
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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0901200270If you lie on your tummy, you want to eat less!
“Mom says that if you lie on your stomach, you feel less hungry”
Did you know that if you do not eat for a very long time, then your tummy starts to rumble? Sometimes it rumbles so loud that even the neighbors can hear it. Did you know that to stop rumbling, you need to lie on your stomach and hug a teddy bear? Try it! Mariam, 8, and Anano, 7, say it helps. That is how they lay, trying to pacify the “rumbling tummy”.
What else to do? Allowance is not enough for single mom even to buy food. It simply cannot be enough. Because out of 380 GEL, she has to pay for rent, and utilities, and also buy the cheapest foodstuffs. These foodstuffs can only be stretched for 2-3 weeks. And then their only hope are good people, who will hear the hungry rumbling of little tummies… That’s the way they live.
“Stop crying, it’s embarrassing!”
As soon as the girls feed their “rumbling tummy”, they break into smiles
– Ekaterina, you are so pale! Are you okay?
Ekaterina: Yes, this is my usual state, sometimes I even lose consciousness for a moment because of hunger. But do not pay attention, half of Georgia lives in such a state.
– You don’t manage to buy foodstuffs?
Ekaterina: Calculate yourself: I have 380 GEL – social allowance. I pay 200 GEL for this room. Plus utility bills, plus phone bills. What is left? 150 GEL. What can I buy with this money so that there were enough for the children for an entire month? You are smart people, you will know! Let your readers write to me… How, how can I distribute this amount to have enough for everything? For food, for soap, for shampoo, and for washing powder… How? 150 GEL will not be enough for food per month even for two kittens, and these are children. I didn’t pick up them in the trash… But, apparently, not everyone is lucky. Not everyone succeeds in being born under a lucky star…
– What about their father?
Ekaterina: I ran away from him. Consider that he does not exist. We haven’t seen him for almost four years. And may God forbid us to see him someday… I’d prefer not to talk about it. You probably know what I mean.
Mariam (8-year-old): Oh, mommy doesn’t like to talk about it, don’t upset her… Mom, don’t cry!
Anano (7-year-old): Come on, smile quickly! Look at us and smile! Mama!
“I will not let anyone offend my mother! She is the most “huggable” and good in our country”
Ekaterina: Sometimes I tell them: “It would be good if you had another mother who would buy you sweets and beautiful dresses…” They start crying and say: “We don’t want anything – we just want mom.” And you know, they never even said a word that they wanted anything. Never. My dear ones, what I can do to make their life somehow better, so that they feel what childhood is? What should I do?
“Thank you, God, that this woman is our mother!”
– Ekaterina, did you address the local authorities for help?
Ekaterina: Yes. But what’s the point? Have you ever addressed them? Do they respond to you? And you have the power! Millions read your posts! And who am I? Who are we? We are nothing! We buzz like mosquitoes – they just brush us off, and that’s it!
– Does anybody help you? It is impossible to survive with 150 GEL.
Ekaterina: Just kind strangers. Neighbors… My parents are old, they live in need too. I cannot work, because there is no one to leave the girls with. I’ll start when they grow up. I will do everything to somehow improve their lives!
– In your opinion, how can the Fund and kind people who learn about your problems help you?
Ekaterina: I always find it so difficult to talk about it. I need at least some food to make supplies for the winter. I really need clothes for children. Warm shoes. They won’t be able to go to school soon. We also really need a washing machine and a refrigerator; gas heater and water heater… beds, warm blankets… Oh, sorry, I have to stop. The list will become endless otherwise.
Anano: Can we have a TV? Or phone? Or tablet? Not only for me! My sister and I will watch together.
“My sister and I do everything together, that’s why they think that we are twins.”
Mariam: Wow it would be cool! Imagine, Anano, we have telephones, like all our classmates! Yes, we will be together! Everything we have is one for two – even mom. You know, when it’s cold, we warm ourselves by snuggling up to her! Come on, mom, let’s show them! Mommy calls us kittens.
“When we are cold, we warm ourselves like kittens, snuggling up to mom”
Despite the fact that they have to huddle in this terrible shack, this worries them least of all. When there is nothing to eat and all that remains is to beg for food from caring people, you don’t pay attention to the shabby ceiling and cracks in the walls
Friends! This family has no one else to ask for help. We are their last hope. I would like to ask all caring people to help this family. They do not even have the most common home appliances. Lord, help these poor and suffering people!
This kind Georgian family needs any help: food, hygiene products, a washing machine, a water heater, and a stove. It would also be great if we could buy them beds, bedding, a tablet, clothes, and warm shoes. With our joint efforts we can help this unfortunate family, as we managed to help thousands of families in Georgia, who had been hanging between life and death.
You can visit them and provide them all possible help. Their address is: Tbilisi, Kairo Settlement, Street 3, Apartment 5.
Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
Let’s show our mercy and make the children believe that miracles happen! They believe in us. Do not let our compatriots down. Show them what generous people live in Georgia
We are sure that all together we will manage to change their life.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(purpose: Ekaterina Dekanoidze).
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help. Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!
Love is called a refrigerator…
“Here we can store food for a long time”
Do you remember these two identical girls? Everyone thought they were twins. And in fact, they are separated from this by 1 year. The small and beautiful Dekanoidze family, single mother Ekaterine, who sacrificed herself for the sake of her children live in love with each other. We want to remind you of their story: house was almost empty, but thanks to your good will, they now have a refrigerator, a washing machine, a heater, and a boiler. What could be better than a warm home, hot shower, and safe food that is stored safely in their new refrigerator. All this is your merit, it is your kind hearts that are the reason for their smile and joy.- Ekaterina, first of all, I’d like to know how you are and how your life has changed since we published a post about you?
Ekaterine: I will be happy to answer this question. Now I can already say that our present life is really different from the life before your appeared. Do you remember how empty our house was? The only thing that filled it was presence of my children and me. Now, with the help of the friends of your Fund and their good will, our house got filled with various things and we started having basic living conditions. Now we have a refrigerator, a washing machine, a heater, and a water boiler – thanks to it we have hot water now. Can you imagine? How did I live with my two children without that? Probably, many of you will not even be able to imagine and will start thinking where they stored food if they did not have a refrigerator, how did they survive in the winter without heater, etc. That’s how it was… Somehow, we warmed each other and survived by love. I hope our minds will soon get rid of these bad memories and, thanks to you, we will think about new, better days.
“It’s so cool! Mom’s hands will no longer get tired” What else will you please us with, maybe you have made new friends?
– I’m sure all members of our Fund will be very happy to hear these words. What other good news do you have for us, maybe you have made new friends?
Ekaterine: There were many nice and kind people who took part for the well-being of my family, some people came to visit us, brought us clothes, shoes, a bag, linen, hygiene products, sweets, and food. Huge and boundless thanks to them for this. Sometimes even friends can’t be so supportive and at times, it’s more than friendship. I do not want to offend anyone and be specific by listing names. Thank you to heaven to each of you for this sea of emotions and love. God bless you!!!
“We are not hungry anymore, now you can eat too”
I like oranges and I like apples…
– Was there any feedback from the local authorities to our post? Did they react in any manner?
Ekaterine: I cannot answer this question with the same good emotions as the previous question, because I am very angry with our authorities. I never asked for anything extra, I only asked for what my family was supposed to get. In short, in the pre-New Year period, I learned that people having the status of socially disadvantaged were given gift baskets, which included a few New Year’s gifts. I wrote an application for our family to get such a basket, but we were left empty-handed for the New Year. Of course, both my children and me got very upset. Our hopes did not come true.
“Let’s treat you with milk…”
“Here is our right hand”
– What does this support and help mean to you?
Ekaterine: This help is everything for us, we needed it like air, starting with attention and ending with household items. It was a leap, from extreme need to tolerable need. What else should make mother happier than her children giggling with joy and getting filled with childish carelessness. I do not know what to answer, so that it corresponds to the feelings that you brought to our house.
Finally, our refrigerator got filled too. Hooray!!
– Girls, what gift did you like the most?
Anano (8-year-old): I liked the fridge the most because I know that food will last there for a while. When I get home, the first thing I do is go to the fridge and open it like in the movies, but the movies have a lot of food, and our fridge doesn’t have much. Sometimes, I really wish that I had a superpower like superheroes, so that I would close the refrigerator, open it, and there would be a lot of food and sweets, and then give food to everyone who has growl in their stomach, like us.- What about you, Mariam? What did you like?
Mariam (9-year-old): I liked everything! Most of all I am happy that my mother and sister are happy. If there is an opportunity in the future, my sister and I will most of all be happy with the play kitchen. We would have fun, invite friends and play together, but it’s okay, I understand that not everything always turns out the way we want.It seems that Santa Claus exists in the summer
– Mariam, don’t worry. Wishes come true in our Fund, because many kind people read all this and one of them could possibly make your wish come true.
– Ekaterine, do you have any other problem that friends of our Fund can help you to solve?
Ekaterine: You know… I don’t want to look ungrateful – I’m embarrassed to ask for anything else, you have already done so much for us.
– Do not be shy! Our Fund exists right to keep problems to a minimum, so feel free to tell us.
Ekaterine: My main request, of course, is the treatment of my children. I can’t handle the cost of treating girls on my own. Mariam has joint problems and develops beyond her age, while Anano needs an orthopedist and a specific massage, as she has problems with her spine and legs. I can’t even take my kids to the dentist for check. You know that medical services are very expensive all around Georgia. These are health-related problems.
We also have financial problems, we have no TV, the children don’t have a proper bed, and we have an old, old broken computer that can no longer be repaired, and the children really need it for classes. This is a list of the problems that we have to solve. If there will be someone who lends us a helping hand – God bless him; even if there will be no one – God bless you for the good that you have already done for my family.I will always share my food with you Mariam, don’t be sad, okay?
Dear readers, this is the today’s reality: hearts filled with joy and a small family that got basic living conditions. There are still unresolved problems at their home, which I hope we will gradually solve with our joint efforts. I believe that you will give this sweet little family as much as you can to help them move forward to bear the absence of their father and not let them feel the loss they are feeling right now. Your support and help of any kind are very important to them.
If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you opened your kind heart and helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.
Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.
Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!
Friends, thanks again to all!
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(purpose: The Dekanoidze family)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270!
God bless you!
Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!
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