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“Good aunts and uncles, save our mother from death!”

calendar July 24, 2019

One call saves life!

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1 call - ₾2 GEL

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You can save someone’s life and get closer to God! Send SMS with any content to the number 97100 to donate ₾3 GEL


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Thanatin Bazhadze, 38, suffers from the most terrible disease that the devil invented for people – Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


Every day two angels see how slowly their beloved mother dies: these children
should dream about toys, and they have to look at the inhuman suffering of
their mother… Should small Georgian children look at such a nightmare?! 
God, please, do not take our mother away, we really need her, we will never
hurt her and we will always obey her, we will never ask for toys, and we will
never ask for new clothes, we will never ask for sweets, if only mother lived!
– This is how the little brothers pray every day – 10 year-old Saba and 7
year-old Luka.
38-year-old Tinatin of Bazhadze has the worst of all diseases, which was
invented by the devil for people: oncologic Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She has already
undergone several operations, but her condition is deteriorating day by day.
Terrible pain in the neck, lack of air and persistent cough are shortening the
life of the unfortunate woman. 
The pain does not leave her even for a while… When it becomes unbearable, Tinatin
asks the children to have a walk and when she is left alone, she screams in
pain and sobs with face buried in the pillow…
At the moment, Tinatin needs only one thing: medical examination! But the
Ministry of Health finally have lost their ultimate decency, refusing to pay
the poor woman 1300 dollars of the next examination. These INHUMANS, these
monsters just do not know how to empathize! They have nothing sacred in their
We talked to Tinatin Bazhadze and asked her to share her concerns and problems
with us. 
    – Perhaps it hurts when they refuse to help where they
Tinatin Bazhadze: I appealed to the Ministry of Health twice, but they refused.
I’m not worried about myself! Death will be my salvation from terrible pain,
but…  What will I tell the children?
How will they live without me? You see, they do non leave me even for a while;
they run after me like chickens, looking into my eyes… They do not ask me
about anything, if only I had money for drugs… but you know what hurts me
most? If I am examined and operated in time, I can live! – told us Tinatin,
– We will write a letter to your majority Deputy in the hope that he will help
you and eliminate injustice. Now tell me, where does your family take money for
      Tinatin Bazhadze: I receive a pension and social
allowance, but it is too little. Most of the money is spent on medicines,
sometimes there is no money even for bread. My husband and I often starve and
give our “portion” to children…

– Here we look at your house… probably these terrible living conditions also
aggravate your situation.
Tinatin Bazhadze: Oh, you said it. This piece of junk in which we live shakes
when it is windy, and we have no furniture. The children need beds and linen…

Our conversation was interrupted by one of the children, who stayed beside his
mom all the time.
    Saba (10 years old): No, we don’t need anything! Our mother is
very kind and good. I dream that my mother was not sick and was always with us.
Let us have a bad house, sleep on the floor, wear old clothes… We need no
toys. We just want to have mom with us, and so that she would not cry… and
let other kids have toys…
Luka (7 years old): I also wish that our mummy wouldn’t cry… (Luka’s voice
trembled, and he hugged his mother and wept bitterly)… then he wiped his
tears and asked, “Good aunts and uncles, save our mother from death!”
    Friends, every second brings this young woman closer to a sad
outcome. To leave her without attention would be a crime! If we do not
help now, tomorrow may be too late, tomorrow may even never come! While the
authorities are silent, they cannot cope without your support! Help the woman
who has cancer; give her a chance to survive and enjoy life. She needs urgent examination,
as well as medication and food.
    You can visit them personally, help financially, give hope and
breathe a spark of hope. This is their address: Vani Municipality, Ukhuti
village, tel.: 598 90 81 13. If you have a willing to help, but do not
have time to visit them, you can transfer the money to our Fund account:
GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Tinatin Bazhadze).
You can as well transfer money through our website and terminals
and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in “Charity” section. (You can learn
about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link
     Friends, by helping a person who is in trouble we make this
world kinder and better. It is extremely important to know that there are good
people. It becomes less scary to live and a hope for a miracle!

Sep 13, 2019
Medical examination
Oct 02, 2019
medicine for home care program
Feb 12, 2020
Feb 12, 2020
products – Lezhava
Mar 13, 2020
fund overhead
Mar 13, 2020
Mar 13, 2020
Mar 17, 2020
products for Chaava
May 21, 2020

Total expenses:



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330 Donors

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330 Donors


They need your help urgently