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Mommy, it hurts… But I still want to live! Don’t let me die!

calendar April 19, 2021

“Mommy, help me! Mommy, I’m dying! – Eka whispers through her teeth – she is no longer even able to scream… – I’m already dead, mom, am I in hell? Oh God, why does it hurt so much?” The poor girl bites her lip to the blood, squeezes her mother’s hand tight, and her eyes rain tears.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“Mommy, help me! Mommy, I’m dying! – Eka whispers through her teeth – she is no longer even able to scream… – I’m already dead, mom, am I in hell? Oh God, why does it hurt so much?” The poor girl bites her lip to the blood, squeezes her mother’s hand tight, and her eyes rain tears.

Eka is 14 years old, she weighs only 25 kilograms! She was “lucky” to be born without a bladder. Her entire body is poisoned, and if we will not help her now, a very sad end will come soon… She does not remember anything throughout her childhood at all – just torments and unbearable pain.  The poor, little, weak girl has been operated on several times, she went through anesthesia. The hospital became her home.

“When Eka screams in pain, I close my ears and run away from home. I can’t stand seeing and hearing it. – 12-year-old Vaso looks at us with eyes full of horror, unable to describe in words how he feels when he sees his sister’s torment. – But I do my best to help! I collect scrap metal, save money, give it to my mom when she needs to buy medications… I just can’t watch her pain… I can’t!”

“I would have killed myself long ago, but who will look after my poor daughter then? – the unhappy mother sobs and wrings her hands. – We have exhausted all the resources we had during these years of torment, we sold everything we had! We took numerous bank loans! We have to be operated on once more, hopefully for the last time, and Eka will finally see what a normal life is… I believe the Lord will not leave us! “

– Nino, I see that it is very difficult for you to talk about your daughter’s illness, but let’s recall how did you get that Ekatherina needed help?

Nino: Eka used to be a weak child, she gained weight slowly. When she was six, she weighed only 15 kilograms! Local doctors told us that it was okay, they prescribed her vitamins. But I felt something was wrong. When my daughter turned six, I took her to Tbilisi. I thought the doctors in the capital would check Eka more thoroughly. And so it happened. It turned out that there was not only one problem – but there was also a whole bunch of diseases that had to be identified and treated. In a week, with Ekaterina in my arms, I went around almost all the hospitals in the city, visited dozens of doctors, took hundreds of tests…

– Oh my God! I can’t even imagine, what have you experienced during these days …

Nino: I didn’t know what to do… The doctors told me such things that I wanted to cry.  It turned out, that my child had no bladder since birth, her body was getting poisoned… She also had problems with her kidneys and intestines. Well, I don’t know how we managed to get through all this. I’m not saying anything about the finances – everyone helped us in those days. My mom took a loan from the bank, which we have not been able to pay off for eight years now… I don’t remember exactly, but over these years we have spent more than 50 thousand GEL! We were left without any means. We have no money even to buy food and medications.

– What do you live on, Nino? What are your income and your expenses?

Nino: Our only income is the social allowance – 280 GEL, and my daughter’s disability pension – 200 GEL. Her pension is barely enough for medications and diapers. Right now, I need to buy five antibiotic pills to relieve inflammation in her body. She has a fever – 40 degrees! And five more pills of Nexium for the stomach. Do you know how much it costs? 80 GEL!!! Can you imagine? If I buy them now, I will have no money left for diapers, food, or other medicines that Eka needs to take daily. And I have two more children: Vaso – a 12-year-old and Eteri – 16-year-old. My husband lost his job due to the pandemic. They closed the company where he worked. Our region is not rich, those who can – work at the mine, but Arsen can’t work there because of health issues. What should we do? How to live? Watch how one child dies of pain and others starve to death? (Cries)

Vaso (12-year-old): May I say too? Do not think that I am not helping my mother! I collect scrap metal and sell it. I have a piggy bank, and when my sister has no medications, I break it. Last time I earned as much as 20 GEL in a month for her! I know it’s not much, but it’s all for her!

– What would you like to buy for yourself? For what did you save money?

Vaso: I wanted to buy beds for my sisters. We do not have beds. I can sleep on the floor if only the girls feel good.

– You’re just a real gentleman!

Vaso: I do not think so. I am just an ordinary man. You would have done the same.

Nino: You see, everyone at home only thinks about Ekatherina. If only to ease her suffering. When she starts screaming, Vaso runs away from home – he cannot stand watching how Eka suffers.

– Nino, let’s tell our readers what surgeries she has get through and what you need most at the moment.

Nino: They performed three complex surgeries to restore her bladder. And spent two months in hospital after each one, recovery was hard. Eka was six when she was operated on for the first time. We were planning to enter school this year. After the surgery, my poor girl weighed less than her school bag…

Now we need one more surgery, I hope it will be the last one. The rehabilitation period will be quite long and difficult, she will need a lot of medications and she will also need to take a rehabilitation course. If we cannot raise money for all this, operation will lose its meaning. She can die from infection…

– Do you need anything besides medications and a rehabilitation course?

Nino: Yes, of course. You know, we can hardly make ends meet. We have no beds, no food… But the main thing is for Eka to be healthy.

– We will share all your pain with our readers! Their hearts are open to God and to goodness.

Nino: I believe that they will hear us! I believe that they will support us, despite that Ekatherina almost stopped believing. Look, she is still crying… I believe that you will manage to prove to her otherwise!


  Friends, Ekaterina Chubinidze and her family live in an endless nightmare. The pain does not subside, there is no full-fledged treatment, the family lives in dire need and asks for help! It is impossible to hear the words of the poor child and remain indifferent.

  You can visit them and provide all possible help to Ekatherina.Their address is: Chiatura, Mghvimebi village.

  Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Not all people are the same. Not all of them are as kind as we are. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

  Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Ekaterina Chubinidze).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support Ekaterina and her family too, as no one is immune to bad luck!And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

My daughter smiles again! I give her smile to all of you, my new friends. God bless you!
“I have thought about suicide so many times,” – says Nino, mother of Eka Chubinidze. But, when so many people take your pain and anxiety to heart, they are ready to support you, it gives you strength to live and fight. Now I feel ashamed of the thoughts I used to have. I lit up with your hope.
You know how hard my daughter Eka’s state was – she was born without a bladder. (Our Foundation told you this tragic story in April:
Back then we were on the verge of death. If we were even a week late with the operation, we would have lost Eka. It’s only thanks to you that my child is alive and smiling now! I am immensely grateful to you – I send my prayer and will bless you until the end of my days!
My daughter was operated on in one of the best clinics in Minsk. They looked after us at the highest level. It so happened that the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, paid a visit to Eka himself, giving us a great gift.” 
Friends, you know what a big happiness it is?! What a relief for a mother’s troubled heart! What a happiness and relief for all of us – Eka feels better! Our girl feels better!
And Vaso’s dream has also come true – his sisters will sleep on a beautiful bed; mom will not wash a bunch of things by hand and will cook dinner in a beautiful kitchen.

May there be no more suffering in your life, baby!
– Nino, there are a lot of news. We can’t wait to find out everything. First of all, of course, how is Eka’s health condition? How are things going now?
Nino: My God, there was a huge number of replies! It was pretty crazy! People called me, encouraged me, asked me not to despair, helped me through your Fund. The Fund itself has provided us with medications for Eka, with foodstuffs many times. I still feel excited when I tell you that. Because of joy that everything ended well.
Your post has attracted the attention of one wonderful person – Archil Mamatsashvili. He helped us prepare all the necessary documents and establish communication with the Ministry of Refugees, Labor, Health and Social Protection. When a person is troubled because of experiences, such help is very really vital. You need a hint too. Well, long story short, they financed Eka’s operation. The day we learned about it became a real holiday for us! You can’t imagine how happy all of us were! You can’t imagine, what was happening at our home! We jumped from joy, we wanted to hug everyone, kiss everyone! How can I convey my immense, boundless gratitude now? You saved my child!

“I can say without exaggeration that we have celebrated the second birth of Eka. And this is only thanks to you!”
 The doctors said that if we were only a week late, Eka would not have survived. Can you imagine that?! Lord, it’s scary to imagine what could have happened! (Nino covers her mouth with her hand, pauses.) The situation turned out to be worse than we imagined. Her body was poisoned. Of course, Eka is much better now. She’s much better! We now empty the catheter bag three times, not twelve. The pain was relieved too. Thanks God!
But we still will have to fight. The next operation is scheduled for January. We are determined, but we are sorely lacking in money. Eka needs medications, the entire allowance is spent on medications, and often nothing remains even for food. But I believe that together we can cope, my dear ones. Can’t we? I beg you. I am embarrassed to admit my insolvency – I simply have no other choice.
– Don’t worry, please. We all are her fans – we are worried about Eka’s health and understand how important it is to help. You know, we have the most loyal readers. 
Nino: I don’t know, what would I do without you. What? I didn’t tell you how everything went in Minsk. 
– Please tell us, it’s very interesting! How it happened so, that President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko met Eka?
Nino: Do you know what the point was? The clinic where Eka was operated on got 70 years old. Such a coincidence. President Lukashenko came on a visit in connection with this festive event. All this, of course, was a surprise to us. From the director of the clinic, he learned that they had a patient from Georgia. The President became interested in Eka’s medical history and ordered to make the maximum possible discount for the Georgian girl. Can you imagine how lucky we were? Such an attention! The first person of the state asks you about the condition of your child. And he made a huge gift to us. The final discount was $ 2,298. The local Belarusian doctors were also very attentive to us. They did everything they could, and even more. They took care of my girl, gave her gifts. We got a huge amount of sweets, board games. My Eka, my baby has ceased to be sad and scared; she has hope. We are so glad that we met so many kind people in a foreign country.

“Gifts from our Belarusian friends. Thanks to all of them for their support! “
– You have so many new friends! It is so nice to hear that!
Nino: It’s a real happiness! So many people donate at least a small amount, they worry about us, support us, and all this happens during a pandemic, when Georgia is in such a dire situation! We know how hard the life is now. All of you are a gift from God to us. Your Fund is our special friend. And Archil Mamatsashvili. Dear Archil, I will never forget you.
(Eka listens to our conversation and smiles sweetly. It is so nice to see the joy shining at this thin, exhausted face with huge eyes, and not pain and despair.  It’s time to talk to her too.)
– Ekuna, dear, how are you feeling? How are you?
Eka (14 years old): I’m much better, thank you. I am always in a good mood when it doesn’t hurt. And when it hurt, I didn’t want anything. And everyone at home was sad. I was very happy that money was found for my operation. And at first, I was scared that it would not be found.
There are very, very kind people in Georgia and Belarus. I am so happy that they took care of me. And thank you very much for the gifts!
Vaso (12-year-old): I calmed down a bit. Thank God my sister feels better. I no longer hear her desperate cry every second: “Mom, it hurts a lot! Mom!” And I do not run away from home, covering my ears. I was so worried about Eka. I don’t even want to remember. 

“Nothing is too much for my dear sister, she is my life and my joy”
(Eka looks at her brother with tenderness and smiles.)
– Come on, I’ll show you my sisters’ new bed! – Vaso leads us. – It was my dream that my sisters did not sleep on the floor. I wanted to buy it myself – I collected scrap metal and handed it over. But first of all, money was needed for medications. I had to break the piggy bank every time. But now my sisters sleep here. (Vaso’s face shines.)
– It’s so cool, guys! 
Eka: Now let’s go to our new kitchen. How do you like it? I like it so much – I don’t even leave here. 

“I think even potato soup cooked in such a kitchen will be delicious,” – says Eka. And we like Eka’s new mood, and we can’t get enough of her smile
Eto (16-year-old, Eka’s sister): We never had a washing machine. My favorite gift is the washing machine.
Eka: I also like it very much. Until you wrote about us, we had nothing at all. I am very grateful to everyone who helped us to live normally.

“We never had money for such things. At home, they always thought only of my illness and medications. Mom and Eto are already using the washing machine, and I will learn too”   
– Mrs. Eteri, I see that children have a special relationship, they care so much, support each other.
Eteri (grandmother): Yes dear. Children got so many things: board games, a puzzle toy, and sweets – chocolates, candies.
They do not argue, all this is inferior to each other, they are always ready to share, like this… They do not quarrel, they yield to each other, they are always ready to share, that’s it…
They help Eka do her homework. She often has to miss school. They have a good relationship, as befits brothers and sisters. They will grow up to be good people. The main thing is that they are healthy. (She dabs her eyes with a handkerchief.)
Nino: We will need one more trip to Minsk. The doctor made an appointment for January. The pus is still coming out, maybe she will need another operation. But I see that the situation has significantly improved. It cannot be compared with what it was. But we faced another problem – we do not have any funds for the trip! Not a single tetri… But if we don’t go, all efforts will be wasted. I hope for you again, our new friends. And I want to address you again: “Every tetri is important to us, please do not leave us in the middle of the road! The Lord will reward you a hundredfold for your kindness! What would we do without your help?”
Vaso also has a problem – asthma. He used to have attacks. But Eka’s illness made him forget about his own problems. And we really don’t know what to complain about. The pandemic has swept the whole world, and here we are with our problems. I don’t want to impose them on anyone, but I have no other way out     
Dear friends! Your support has really changed the life of this family. But the struggle for Eka’s health is not over yet: in January the girl urgently needs to visit a hospital in Minsk. And the Chubinidze family does not have the means for trip. Besides that, Nino needs translator. Let’s mobilize again, as we can, and help them as much as we can. Let’s not abandon them in the middle of the road! Every lari matters, there is very little time left until January…
If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.
Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.
Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!
Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!
Friends, thanks again to all!
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(purpose: The Chubinidze family).
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link 
       We have good news for you: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on 
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270!
Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!
Jun 30, 2021
fund overhead
Jul 15, 2021
Jul 31, 2021
fund overhead
Aug 04, 2021
household appliances
Aug 04, 2021
Aug 10, 2021
Aug 24, 2021
Kitchen furniture
Aug 24, 2021
Aug 31, 2021
Aug 31, 2021
Sep 09, 2021
Sep 30, 2021
Sep 30, 2021
Mar 28, 2022
Mar 28, 2022
Mar 31, 2022
fund overhead
Apr 20, 2022
Nov 13, 2023

Total expenses:



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04.05.2022 12:40:01
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19.04.2022 09:46:28
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12.04.2022 15:45:03
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10.04.2022 20:00:00
ადუაშვილი ლანა
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ადუაშვილი ლანა
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ბუბუტეიშვილი გიორგი
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