Project reports The Heart-Wrenching Story of 21-Year-Old Giorgi: A Real-Life Tale More Intense Than Any Horror Film! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

The Heart-Wrenching Story of 21-Year-Old Giorgi: A Real-Life Tale More Intense Than Any Horror Film!

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July 2, 2024
His psychopathic father forced his severely ill son to beg on the streets. With the money Giorgi collected, the father would get drunk and then beat his son with an iron rod. This is our new problem, friends! A very serious case! 21-year-old Giorgi was born with Down syndrome. He cannot walk or talk and has the mental capacity of a three-year-old child. Giorgi lives in a damp basement infested with rats. His bed is so uncomfortable that even a stray dog wouldn’t sleep on it. Rusty wires sticking out from the bed cause Giorgi pain, and when he sleeps, rainwater drips from the ceiling.
Charity number:
$ 1,980.23
( 320 Donors )
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#Ill adults

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