Список поддержавших проект I don’t want my mother to cry, so I try to crawl quietly when she doesn’t see it. But the world is so interesting! I can't be a prisoner in my wheelchair like a criminal behind bars! My mother and I have no fault! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I don’t want my mother to cry, so I try to crawl quietly when she doesn’t see it. But the world is so interesting! I can't be a prisoner in my wheelchair like a criminal behind bars! My mother and I have no fault!

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November 25, 2022
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Beso is 15 years old, and he has never stood on his feet. When it gets unbearably painful for him to sit in a wheelchair, he slides off it and crawls around the house. When he was a baby, he cried, but now he is a big boy and does not want to scare his mother.
Charity number:
$ 1,183.96
( 253 Donors )
Project completed!
a year ago
$ 1.86
ჩიქოვანი მარიამ
a year ago
$ 2.98
შარაშიძე ნიკა
a year ago
$ 0.37
ხაჭაპურიძე გიორგი
a year ago
$ 11.17
'მარიკა ჭოველიძე
a year ago
$ 0.37
ვარდოსანიძე ვალერიან
a year ago
$ 1.86

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