Список поддержавших проект Take your monster and get away from my home! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Take your monster and get away from my home!

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September 16, 2020
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Seizures twist his arms and legs so that they can break and the mother embraces her son and holds him tightly not to let that happen. They can sit for hours like this. Mom shakes him and tries to stop her son's groans and crying with her songs, but this does not always help. Mom also starts to cry, she feels how her son suffers, she feels his pain, but can do nothing to help him. Imagine how it is to watch your flesh and blood, the love of your life is dying in terrible throes!
Charity number:
$ 6,546.27
( 1,311 Donors )
Project completed!
ი/მ ნანა ოქროაშვილი
year ago
$ 11.15
კაკაჩია მანანა
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$ 0.74
გოგილაშვილი სალომე
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$ 18.58
გოგილაშვილი სალომე
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$ 37.16
თინათინ კალასონია
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$ 37.16
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$ 0.37

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