Project reports Each of us would dream of such filial love: she gave her personal life to look after her mother. And now, in her 54, she is very sick and lonesome! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Each of us would dream of such filial love: she gave her personal life to look after her mother. And now, in her 54, she is very sick and lonesome!

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September 8, 2022
The only bright memory in the life of 54-year-old Gohar is how her grandmother bought her candy 50 years ago! That's it! Her heart is a graveyard of unfulfilled dreams and shattered hopes. She was two years old when her father left the family. He never saw his daughter again. But Gohar saw from afar how he hugged and kissed his other children.
Charity number:
$ 316.29
( 92 Donors )
Project completed!
#Ill adults

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