Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Nikoloz is a boy with a bomb in his head!

Nikoloz is a boy with a bomb in his head!

Birthday: 31.07.2012
$ 75.62
(Donors: 22)
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Nikoloz is a boy with a bomb in his head!

11-year-old Nikoloz has a terrible disease - epilepsy.  His mood often changes. Just a couple of minutes ago, he was smiling sweetly, but now he can even get upset with his brothers. And there is no salvation for him. Several years ago, Nikoloz's mother, Melano, noticed that he was rolling his eyes. Several times he collapsed and then immediately got up, saying he was just joking.  But when these actions didn't stop, panic broke out in the family. Doctors said a terrible thing - Nikoloz has a growth of unknown origin in his head, which could render him incapacitated. Now he walks with difficulty, speaks unclearly. Sometimes he cries for no reason, gets nervous over trivial things. He takes a bunch of medications, which already make him nauseous...

Because of his seizures, Nikoloz can't go to school. Children are scared when his eyes turn white, and he collapses. And teachers can't take such responsibility." Nikoloz's father passed away because he couldn't bear to see his eldest son suffer - his heart gave out. 

Nikoloz needs our support. The boy may not know what he dreams of, but it's crucial to ensure he doesn't go hungry, that his home is warm, and that he has all the necessary medications! 

(Purpose: Nikoloz Nanuashvili)