Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

My brother's crying shatters all my dreams!

My brother's crying shatters all my dreams!

Birthday: 24.07.2014
$ 143.87
(Donors: 24)
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My brother's crying shatters all my dreams!

Anna (9-year-old): I don't dream too often. My dreams get scared away by my sick brother's tears. Look, he's feeling very unwell. But still, I have some dreams. Mom doesn't have money to make my wishes come true, so I'll tell you, Auntie!

I dream of having long hair like Rapunzel, beautiful dresses. I dream of having pretty pencils - I really love drawing. Also, I dream that someday, while I'm still little, I can have a proper birthday celebration! With a real cake and friends! And I would also like to have a bike! Oh, I think I've asked for a lot! Sorry! But since you asked, I've told you everything. And I don't think I want a tablet after all! 

But I have another grown-up dream!  I want, when I grow up, to have lots of money to help all the people who want food and joy! 

(Purpose: Anna Maraneli)