Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Give me 'just mine' car!

Give me 'just mine' car!

Birthday: 09.05.2019
$ 21.64
(Donors: 3)
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Give me 'just mine' car!

Petre: I'm a good boy. I want a car. And I won't lend it to anyone. I'll play with it alone. They bully me. I will give it only to my mom. She's the best. You know, there's this car, it's 'self-driving.'  You just need to place it on the floor, and it will go by itself.  It's like you're inside!  And I also want candies – lots of them!  So that everything is mine and nobody – nobody eats them!

(Purpose: Petre Javakhishvili)