Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I am now embracing the love of my life!

I am now embracing the love of my life!

$ 46.52
(Donors: 14)
I will sleep hugging my scooter!
- What strange desires you have, Gigi! Are you going to put the scooter in your bed?
Gigi: Yes! What if someone steals it? Now, even if I have a scooter, I won’t be able to put it in bed, because there is my grandmother, and my sister, and I - there is no room for a scooter. Someone puts his foot or hand on me. And if I have my own bed, then we will fit there with a scooter. Bring it, and I'll show you how to do it!
- And what if we give you and your sister a bunk bed?
Gigi: Only if she sleeps upstairs. Or which one is better? What do you think? Where will she bother me the least? Well, we'll figure it out when you bring it!