Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

The kindest Georgians gave me my dream!

The kindest Georgians gave me my dream!

Birthday: 20.01.2015
$ 163.39
(Donors: 32)
On January 20, the kind and caring boy Dachi, turned 8 years old! Congratulate him like your son! The child should not be poor. It is not his fault, right? He does not deserve poverty! That’s why, we opened an account for him in the Bank of Georgia until the age of majority.

All the money that you transfer to this child on his birthday will go to his account in the Bank of Georgia and will be inviolable until the age of majority! You can always track your transaction. It will be done for the first time in Georgia!

We believe that this is important, since this wonderful child who today lives in such a dire poverty will get a significant amount of money by the age of majority!  

Who knows, perhaps your money will allow him in 10 years to start his life not in poverty. He will become a completely independent person, and he will remember you as his savior!