Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I didn't even have a tattered ball and now I have a brand-new bike!

I didn't even have a tattered ball and now I have a brand-new bike!

Birthday: 19.03.2012
$ 186.39
(Donors: 48)

I have been looking for a good bike for a long time, but I could not find at the garbage dump…

Dato:  Where did you get that? - points to my phone. I have never found such things at a garbage dump. I found a monkey, a horse, a flag, and a gun there... You can also find bread near the trash dumpster. I go there when we run out of bread.

- Please don't go there again. Now we will buy everything for you in the store. Can you just tell me what you really want?


- I want a bike. Will it have a handlebar, wheels, and a bell? 

- Sure. Bikes always have handlebars, wheels, and bells. You will have a very beautiful bike. 

Dato (doubtful):

- I don’t know, I only saw a bike without wheels in the trash. Does this shop of yours have a purple bike for my sister Ana? She also wants a bike, but she thinks slowly. I help her think. We both want bikes. Make a note - two bikes - with wheels, handlebars, and bells.

- This store will have everything you can think of. Tell me what is there that you have wanted for a very long time.

Dato (cautiously happy):

- In this store of yours, can you get a live blue parrot and its house? Although I do not understand the lessons, I will teach him to talk, I can do it. And although I think slowly and do not remember anything, I draw well. Can I have felt-tip pens, paints, and brushes from the store? Will anybody get angry?

- No one will get angry, for sure! But they will ask, why are there so few wishes!


- I want to ask you for something. I don’t want to go to bed at 7 o’clock. If you give our mom food, she will not put us to bed.