Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

One life for two

One life for two

Birthday: 02.06.2010
$ 436.83
(Donors: 40)

If not for his grandmother, Vaniko would not have been able to live. He would simply die after the first suffocation attack. No one would have known about him, and many people would not have been able to come closer to God through the suffering of a little boy. Once I read a phrase: “If you feel good, it means that someone else is suffering for you,” and it deeply impressed me. Think about this too. Maybe Vaniko is the boy through whom God helps you open your soul to Him?

And Vaniko doesn’t need much from us: diapers, medications, and food. And it is also very painful for him to bathe in the basin. Maybe we can somehow arrange a comfortable bathroom for the baby?