Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I will watch football and thank you every time!

I will watch football and thank you every time!

$ 189.84
(Donors: 21)

I can't trade honor for money

Iuza: It is so funny: I have the Order of Honor - the most valuable thing in my life, but at 85, I live in such a need that sometimes I do not even have bread at home. Well, "home" is a very strong word.I live in a small room, and even then, it is not mine - my friend let me live here. I have nothing left - except for the Order of Honor, the passport of the master of sports in football and photographs of my wife - that's my entire wealth. I went through all the steps in my life: I experienced breathtaking fame, wealth, they honored me, respected me.And then I lost everything. But my biggest loss is the loss of my beloved wife. She died 22 years ago.I was faithful to her both during her lifetime and after her death.

– But you are alive, and, probably, there are things that you do not just need but are vital for you.

Iuza: I need groceries and a small fridge to store them.I also dream of a small TV to watch football and information about what is happening in the world. I don't need anything else.