Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Nika has a new tablet and bike

Nika has a new tablet and bike

Birthday: 13.05.2018
$ 228.95
(Donors: 71)
I’m really a good boy, I help my mother take care of my sick brother! He is older than me, but he is like a baby, and he really needs help

Mom always says that Luka is the most important in our family. She says that first of all we need to buy all sorts of things for him, and the time has not yet come for my dreams. It didn't even come on Christmas!

  • What is your biggest dream?

Nika: Like all boys I want to have a bike, and I also want to have my own tablet. Luka does not let our mother's phone out of his hands - he watches it all the time or turns on music. His mother lets him watch but does not let me. I know Luka is sick, that’s why. And that's why I want my tablet, so that sometimes, while Luka does not see it, I can watch the cartoons I like or play races on it!