Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Now we can visit each other!

Now we can visit each other!

Birthday: 01.03.2020
$ 429.43
(Donors: 119)

Little crybabies Nanako (2 years old) and Lile (10 months old)

Their older sister Nanuka (8 years old) calls them so lovingly.

Lord, how beautiful they are! And their tears are diamonds! Isn't that right, friends? These babies need absolutely everything: cribs and strollers, diapers and baby food, toys, and clothes.

Do not deny yourself the joy of making babies happy, our dear benefactors! This is your chance to become the happiest person on earth right now! And we will be happy to send the photos of this beauties to everyone who's mail we have!