Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Now no one will laugh at me!

Now no one will laugh at me!

Birthday: 06.07.2014
$ 172.35
(Donors: 55)

Now no one will laugh at me!

Let's smile, my friends! It's because of all of you that little Nika is filled with happiness! His smile is meant just for you!

Nika: You won't believe what happened! I got such an incredible gift! I got a cell phone! My very own phone that I have been dreaming of! I'm so happy, I can't even put it into words! Now no one will make fun of me for not having a phone. Now we'll have one phone for everyone in the family! Oh, my God! I just can't believe I have a phone now! I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who made me so happy with this gift. You are awesome!